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Minnie, composer, was born Nov. 16. lSo2, in New York City. She has sunji rt-peatedly in all Kuropean capitab and in America. In 1K81 she married Ernst von HesMe-W'artrjig. the inuMiciaii.



Her principal roles are Zerlina, Mignon, Hosine, Margaretha, Aida, Fille du Reyirnent, and t'arnien. Haugan, Helge Alexander, banker, linancier, was born (k-t. 26, 1S48, in Norway. In I87!> he establihhed the banking house of Ilaiigan and I.ingren; and in ISiU it was reorganized as the State bank of Chicago, of which he has always Wen presidi-nt. Haugen, Gilbert N., legislator, banker, congressman, was born April 21, 1S.'>!I, in Koi-k county. Wis. He was t'leeted to the Iowa state legislature, serving in the twenty-lifth and twenty-sixth g«'neral asxeiriblies. In ISIMj he was one of the organizers of the Northw»K>d banking company, now operating Itanking institutions in NortliwcmmI and Ken»ett. Iowa, of which he is president. In ISlMMlMo he was a represc-ntative from Iowa to the lifty-sixth. tiftyseventh, fifty-eighth, fifty -ninth, sixtietli, j»ixty-tir»t, sixty-second and sixty-third congn'.^fes as a republican. Haugen, Nils P., lawyer, congrcsHinan. traveler.

was born March

U, 1S41>. in

Norway. He was

a stenographic court reporter in 1S74-8I in Wisconsin: and was a nietnlx^r of the assembly in 1S7!»-K0. He was state railro;id commissioner in IHH2-H7; and in 18S7-1»."> he was a representative to the fiftieth, fiftyfirst, fifty-second and lifty-third congresses as a republican.

Haughery, Margaret, pliilanthr«>pist. w:is b«irn in Baltimore. .Md. In 1866 she op«-ii<-i| a bakery in the heart of New Orleans. Slie madi- money rapidly, but still drove about with her bread-cart, as she hail done with her milk wagon, and was known as .Margaret, the orphans' frien<l. All that she made was spent on the orphans. .After Iht death lier rjtatue was ereeted in New Orleans in 1884. She died in 1882 in .New OrleaiiH.


Haughey, Thomas, surgeon, congressman, was born in 1826 in Scotland. He s«'rvet| as a surgi'on in the army «if the l iiited .states in l862-6.»; and was suhse«|uently stalF surgeon


military hospital at Chattanooga. In I867-6!! he was a n-presentati ve from .Alabama to the fortieth congress. Haughton, Nathaniel, s Idier. was born in New ^iirk. In IS«'(1 he was (irst lieutenant in the twenty-fifth regiment Ohi«» infantry, and in 1S6"» was brevetted lirigaditT-general of volunteers. He died Jan. .'{1, 18!H>. in New York. in

Haughton, William, clergyman. p(»et, was May 1820. in Canada. For tliirtyyears he has been a successful clergyman of Wisconsin. He is the author of a volume of poems containing three hundred




of his



Haun, Henry P., lawyer, jurist, Cnited states senator, was born .Ian. 18. 181."), in Seott county, Ky. He moved to h>wa in I84.~i: and was a member of the convention wiiieh formed the constitution of that state in IH46. lie moved to California in 18.~>0; and was there elected to a county judge; in 18.'>!I-6I was I'nited States senator from California to till a vacancy. He died May 6, i860, in Marysville, Cal. Haupt, Charles Elvin, clergyman, author, uas horn in ls.~>2 in rennsy Ivania. He is a Lutheran clergyman of Lancaster, Pa. He is the author of Stories from Hible History; and Life of Kmanuel (ireeinvald. Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg, consulting enwas born March 21, in Oettysburg, l*a. He in an engin«H'r of i'hiladelphia. and in I872!>2 has been gineer, inventor, author, I.S44,

professor of eivil engineering in the university of Pennsylvania: ami the inventor of the reaction breakwater for improving ocean bars as ap|died at Kansas Pass. Texas. He is the author «if Engineering .Specifications and Contracts; Working Drawings and How

Make Them:


The Topographer: His Instruments; and Essays on

.Methods and

Hoad Making. Haupt, Herman, civil engineer, inventor, aiitlior, was born Marcli 2»>. 1817, in Philadelphia. Pa.

He graduated from West Point in 18.3'). He was an

who HcnginiH-r

of distinction

has held many important posts, especially on the Pennsylvania, Northern Pacilic, Piednumt Air Line, and Southern

railroads and the Hoosic tunnel. He was the inventor of a drilling maehine. During the civil war he was chief of construction and operation of military railroads of the Cnited States and aide of (General McDowell: and in was made brigadier-general. In I87.'i he was the <-hief engineer of the Tide water |iipe line company and president genHe eral of the C<impressed air company. was the author of Hints on Bridge Building: <ieiieral Theory of Bridge Constru»'tion Plan for Improvement of tlu- Ohio River: .Military Bridges; and Street Railway Motors. Ile died l>«c. 14. llMK*.. in Washington. D.C.

Hauser, Samuel Thomas, miner, banker. IjovcMior. iiioiitli.




btirn Isit.'i


l(t, I8;{,S. in Vahe «)peiied a bank at

Mont.: an<l since 1866 he has been president of the first national bank of Helena. Mont. He built the first smelter and N'irginia City.

Montana. In l88r>-87 he was iti tlic territory of Montana. Haupt, Paul, educator, author, was born

silver mill

governor of .Nov.





He was
