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IIKUKINMJSHAWS KllUtAltY American uiitiquuriau »wiot} at V»im'»tfr. He was the author of Archaeology of the L'nited States and History of the Grants

New England. died Sept. 5, 1881, in Worcester, Mass. Haven, Solomon George, lawyer, congressman, was born Sow 21, 1810, in Chenango county, N.Y. He was commissioner of deeds,, district attorney of Erie county, and mayor of Hutfalo, N.Y. In 185I-r»7 he was a repre.-ientative from New York to the thirty »«.»cond, thirty-third and thirty-fourth conl-'nder the (Jreat Council for




died Dec. 24, 1801, in HutTalo,

N.Y. Haven, William Ingraham, educator, clergyman, founder, author, was born Jan. 30, l8oU, in Westlield, Mass. He has tilled pastorates in Uoston and liro<jkline, Mass.; and was one of the founders of Epworth league. Since 1899 he has been secretary of the American bible society. He is the author of My Urother and 1. Havens, Harrison E., journalist, lawyer, congressman, was horn Dec. lo, 18.'}7, in Franklin county, Ohio. He served f»)r a short time as captain in the army. In 187 l-T*) he was a representative from Missouri to the forty-s4'((tnd and forty-third congresseit as a republican. He lived in Springfield, Mo. Havens, James, clergyman, was born EX'c. 23, llii-i. in Mh.soii county, Ky. He wa-. one of the lounch'rs of methodism in the northwest. esp»'cirtlly in Indiana, where the last forty years «if his life were spent. He die<l in





of the drx-trine of the equality of races and sexes, and in woman suffrage. For twenty-five years she ha.s been a eleik in the l'nited States civil service. She is the author of several volumes of stories |K>eins.

Havey, Andrew Percy, educator, legislator, was lK)rn Nov. 25, 1881. in .Sullivan, .Maine. He wa.s educated at Kent's Hill .seminary; studied at the Wesleyan university; and in I'Mt'.i irraduat^'d from Bowd>>in college. He is now attending the law school of the university of Maine. Since 190;j he has i-u eng;ige<l in edueat (»nal work; and in l!»n»; OS was superintendent of scho(ds nf Sullivan, .Maine. He served with distinction as a replesenlafive in the seventy-thinl *)ate U-gis latnre of .Maine as u democrat and was a

on several im|>ortant commit tees. John, architect, author, was


Iwirn Dec. ir». 1792. in Enghind. . inng the buildings that he plaruied are the hall of jmtice. New Y'ork; the I'.S. naval hnspiial, Norfolk, Vrt.; the deaf and ihnuh a> Inm,


riiiladelphia the .state insane asylum. Harlishurg; and the U.S. mint at I'hiladclphia. He wa.s the author of liuilders' Assistant, for the I se of Carpenters and Others, in three volumes. He itied March 28, 1852, in



Haviland, Laura Smith, abolitionist, was •orn in l8U8. Shu wits one ui the originators and a prime mover in the great undergroundrailway for freeing slaves. She died April 20, 1897, in (irand l{;ipids, .Mich. Hawes, Albert G., congressman, was born in Kentucky. In ]8.'H ;{7 he was a representative fronj Kentucky to the twenty-second, tw«'nty-third and twenty-fourth congresses. He died April 14, 1849, in Davis

count v, Kv. Hawes, Aylett, physician, congressman, was lH>rn in t ulpeper county, Va. In 181117 he was a representative Irom Virginia to the twelfth, thirtei-nth and fourteenth congres-es.

Hi- .lied


Aug. 31, 1833,




Hawes, Gilbert Ray, lawyer,

lecturer, ge-

nealogist, author, Inirn l)<-c. 8, 18.'>4, in Hrooklyn, N.Y. In 187(i he graduated from Amherst college, and

in 1 8 7 8 graduateil from the Columbia law sclnnd. I



York Ix-eii





a sue <»f


City; and has counsel in a nuiu

of important




gilt ions.

and supporter




Havens, Jonathan N., congressman, was Inirn on Siaten Island. N.Y. He was for nine y«ar?f a niemlN>r t»f th«' New York state as senibly; and in 179.> 9S> lie was a represen tative to the fourth and fifth congresses. He died in 17i»9, in Sullolk county, N.Y. Havens, Ruth G. D., educator, lecturer,author, poet, was born .Fan. 12. 1845. in .Madis>on, C«mn. She is a life long alH»!itionist





lecturer for t li e iMMird of e«lucati(m of f Ni'w York and leelurol U'fore Dwight alumni association of the new York law srhool. He is a mejuher of the American and New York state liar associa lions; and a memtM>r of numenms other law. patriotic and social 8o<-ieties of America. Ibis a brilliant lecturer, and gives illustrated h-ctures on Norway, the I^nd of the Mid night Sun, and on various other historic stdi jects. He is the author of valuaiile artiel.s and pamphlets on biographical, geneahtgical ami l«-gal suh|e<'ts: and a constant eontrilm tor to .American literature. ,


Charles W., secn-tary Modern of .merica, was Ixini .March 7. Uock Island. III. He received the rudiments of his education in the pui»lic hc-hiKds; and attended Harsha academy of

Woodmen 1811. in



dt piity


In iStiOHl he tilled the oIVkV of anti

July 20.

I8til. enliste«l

as a soldier in the civil war. He was made first sergi-ant of flu- thirty seventh regiment Illinois v(dunti'er infantry, and before the fiul of the year became first lieutenant. In I8li2 he became cafdain; served in the army of the fr<mti«>r: and later in the lliirleenth army corps. He pnrtieipated in the battles of Fea Ridge, Trairie (Jrove. Siege of VicksItiirg and i':tu- (iirardeau. In I8«J3 he was t ran-f«rnd by promotion as nnijor of the