Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/115

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ninety-second U.S.C.T., and was with lliaL regiment thruugh the entire lied Itiver cumpaign, battle uf Yellow Itayuu, M(irgan>^iu llend and Bayou Teclie. In 1S04 »15 he wan bUfierinlendent bureau of refugcer^, contrabands and abandoned lands for the state of Louisiana. In 187H-7U he wuh captain of Itodiuan rifles; and in 1870-80 major sixth liiiltalion. In 1872-70 he was city marshal <tf Hock Island, 111.; in 1880 81 was assistant poHtnuister of that eity; and postmaster in 1884-88. In 1881-83 he was traveling agent for the Yale and Town manufacturing company; in 1880-00 was deputy couiily ••lerk. Since 1890 he has been secretary of

woodmen of America; and resides in Uock Island. III. Hawes, James William, lawyer, genealo gist, was lM>rn on July 9, 1844, in C hatham, Mass. In 180G he graduated from Ilarvanl college; and in 18(57.Mfxlern

08 attende<l the liar vard law schiH>l, being at the same time instructor



the college, of (he founders a n tl lirst president of the Pi eta unities in


was one








He of

liegan tin*

law in York





and since 1871

has been active in all for the improv«-nn-nt of eily forming legislation and con

Htilutional provisions. In 1885 he was a can didate on the republican ticket for justice of the state court of New York: and in 18U0 was the anti-Tammany candidate for pres ident of the board of aldermen. In 1887 he was one of the (trincipal organizer^ of the republican league of the I'nited States and of the New York republican league; and in 1880 was a delegate at large from the state league to the convention of the national league. He is the author of the llaweses and Taylors of Chatham; Legislative Ueform and the New Constitution of Brazil. Hawes, Harriet Boyd, archaeologist, an tlior, was lx>rn Oct. 11, 1871. in Boston. Mass. In 1900 (1.5 she was an instrm-lor of archaeology in Smith ctdbge. In 190101 she excavated towns in Cretf for (he .meri can exploration society of l'hiladel|diia, I*a. She is the autlior of (lournia, Vasiliki and Other Prehistoric Sites on the Isthmus of llierapetra. Crete. Hawes, Jesse, physician, surgeon, author. was liorn .ug. 21. 184;{. in (irinna, Maine, He received his education at the Corinna academy, the high seho<d of Belvidere, III.,



Illinois soldiers' college.

He was a

succrs-ful physician: and president of the Colora«lo board of medical examiners; and trtistee of the Colorado state normal school. He is the author of a historical work entitled


Hawes, Joel, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 22, 1780, in Aledway, .Mass. He was a prominent congregational clergyman of llurttord in 1818-()7. He was the author of Lectures to Young Men; The Keligion of the East; Looking-Ulass for Ladies; Wasliington and Jay; i^xperimental and Practical Sermons; Tribute to the Pilgrims; antl t'haracter Everything to the Young, lie died June 5, 18U7, in (Jilead, Conn. Hawes, Josiah L., lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 12, 182;J, in Carlisle, N.Y. During 184749 he practiced law in Unadilla, then in Cohleskill until I8r)2. From that time ho distinguished himself as one of the foremost lawyers at Kalamazoo, Mich. In 1875 he was elected circuit judge, and served for nninv years. Hawes, Peter, lawyer, founder, was born in 1758, in New York City. In 1702 he began the practice of law in New Y<u-k City. He organized the Washington insurance company, one of the finest lire insurance companies in the Cnited States; and wa« its secretary until his death. He died in

New York L'lty. Hawes, Richard, lawyer, jurist, congressnnin, was born Eeb. 0, 1797, in Caroliut' t'ounty, 'a. He was a member of the Iveii1829, in

tucky stale legislature in 1828, 1829 and IS'M; and in 18:}7-41 he was a represeiitiifrom Kentucky to the twenty tifth ami twenty -sixth In 18UO-77 he was i;<iunty judge in Paris, Ky. He died May 2.'», 1S77. in HourlH>n county. Ky. Hawes, William Post, lawyer, author, waa born Feb. 4, 180.$, in New York City. He was the author of Sporting Scenes and Sundry Sketches, published, with .Memoir, l>y H. V. Herbert. He died in 1842, in New live

York City.


Philip Bovier, educator, scientist,

was born Jiily IS. IS74, in East Branch. N, Y. He was educated at Wesleyan university, Yale university and at Columbia university; and is a physiological chemist by profession. He was instructor in physiological chemistry at the college of physicians and surgeons of New York City and later demonstrator of physitdogical chennstry in the department of uM'dicine at the university of Pennsylvania, lie is now ])rofe-(sr>r of physiological chemistry at the university nf Illinois.

Hawk, Robert M. was

Ixirn .pril


A., soldier, IS;{9. in


Hancock county,

He served

three years in the union army during the war of the relH-IIion: rising to l!ic rank (tf nuijor. In 18(55 70 he was clerk of the county e(Hirt of Carroll county. III.: and in 1879 he was a representative trom Illinois to the forty-sixth and forty•*eventh congresses. He died June 29, 1882. Ind.



arroll ro'inty, HI.

Hawke, James Albert, soldier, surgeon, oHicer, was born Jan. 31. 1841, in Hri^iol. Pa. He served as surgeon in the two hundred and fifteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunte<'rs in the civil war; and in 1879 naval