Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/116

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HUHKINGSHAW 8 UliUAUV UF AMKKH AN !>i'camo ^iir^i<<m

In 1895 Im



was medical



nitc-d Slalf-s




tiri'd with ]u> Hawkes, Clarence, lecturer, naturaluit, author, poet, was born Dec. 16, 18tt9, in Uoshen, Ma-^'?. In 18t»U he graduated from IVrkin* institute of Soiitli Boston, Alab».; and thill ln' studied oratory and muaic In 1883 lie loat hia eyesight th rough an aeci' dental gunahot. Since 1891 he has been a piiMir leiturer of Hadley, M:iss. He iu the author of Poems, Pebbles and bheUs; Three Little FoUeb; Idyls of Old New England;

Littlr Forrr'stt'i





Hawkins, Hamilton Smitli,

(iood Ureen




In-eame assistant



teenth cotigress.



of the

thirty-ninth, fortieth and grehses as a rejuiblnan.

the sevendied in Kichtield, N.Y.



North Carolina to the continental congresa; and in 1789-95 be was United States senator Iron) Nurtli Taroliiia. In 1790-1816 he was agent for superintending of all the Indians south of the Ohio. He was the author of i'npography and liti!i:iti Cliaractor. He

June t>, 1810, in ilawktnt^vilh-, (Ja. Hawtdns, Baijamiii Waterhouse, anatomist, author, was born in 1807. in lin^'laiid. Me came to tiie nited States in ISCiS. He was the author of Popular ( oinparativi- Anatomy; Elements of Form; Comparative View of the Human and Animal Frame; died


Artistic Anatomy ut tlic Horse; .Artistic .Anatomy of Cattle and bheep; Artistic Anatomy of the Dog and IVer; and Atlas of Comparative Owt'nI,,j,y Hr died in 1889. Hawkins, Dexter Arnold, hkwyer, author, was bom June 23, 18^, In Camden, Maine. He uas an advocate of |irotection an<l Kiniilar political measures. He was the author of Traditions of Overlook Mountain; Free Trade and Protection; and the Roman Catholic



New York New York

July 24, 1886, in

City. City.



forty lirst


Peuua, Pa.

l8o8, in

Hawldai^ John Ian. 4, 80 he

lawyer, jurist,

was born

county. Mo. In 1885of the probate court of Yavapai county, Ariz. In 1893-97 he was an associate justice of the Arizona state supreme court.


Hawkins, Benjamin, soldier, congressman, I'nited ."states senator, author, was Au^'. 1.), 17r»4, in W'arrcn county, N.C. In 17M S4 and 1786-87 he was a delegate from


Hawldns, John Henry Willis, reformer, was bora Oct. 23, 1709, in Baltimore, Md. He lectured with success in the temperance cause in every state in the Union except California; also eontributiqg eonatani^ to tite temperance press. Ho ued on Aqg. 26,

was born he was a

HnwldBa, AMn, lawyer, jurist, governor, uas born I'1821, in Bath county, Ky. Uu waa made judge of the supreme court of the state of Tennessee in 18«5; in 1864-66 lie was United States district attorney of the Western district of Tennes.see. In 188183 be was the twenty -H rat governor of Tennessee. He died in 1905 in Huntingdon, .


Templeton, Mass.

niuthematica at Yale university. author of Advanced Algebra. HawkM, Juata, coogressman, in Worcester, Mass. In 1821-2S representative from New York to


boru in 1834, in Charleston, 8.C. In 1865 ill u.i> hreetted major; promoted through liie grades, and becoming colonel ot tue twentieth infantry in 18M. In 1808 he was appointed brig. idler general of volunti ers; major-generai in IbUb; and waa retired iiout the army. Hawkins, Isaac R., soldier, congressman, was bum 3iay 10, 1818, in Maury county, Tenn. He served as a lieutenant in the war with .Me.viio and was present at the capture ol era Cruz. Ju lSli:i he *>erved as an olUcer in the union army. In 1865-71 be was representative from Tennessee to the

Xrail to the Woods. HawfciM, Geofge PttkinB, soldier, was born in Massachusetts. In 1801 he was captain of the twenty-lirbt regiment ol the Mu^-sacliusetts infantry and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier genera! of volunteerri. Hawkes, Herbert £dwin, educator, author, iKirn ik'c. 6, 1872, in



Wood; and The

^ .iii


born in .fw ^ ork. in Ibo^-Ui he was a ropresentative irum Florida to the thirty* hllh and lhirJMtli c<»n;rres.>*Cft. He was iiiav a uu iuhii ul llii- .ielei.t coiiiiuitlce ul thirty -three on the rebellioua states; and wiia a. delegate to the Philadelphia national union e<)neiitn'ii of 1800. lie died in Fior-

medical inspectur; in ibtfU reand in 19U3 rank f>f i<'ar admiral.





in Saline

waa judge

Hawkins, John Parker, t-oldier, was born Sept. is.'iO, in Indianapolis, lod. At the lM>ginning of the civil war he was brigade ipiarti-rmaster in the defences of Washington, D.C. For his services in the war he was NuccPMitivt l gien the brefvets of lieutenantidonel, colonel, brigadier-general, and majorgeneral in the I iitted States army; and also nmjor-general of volnnteerfl. In 1887 he was in charge ot the subsistence department at Uniaha, Neb.; and subsequently retired from «ctn«' lervice. Hawkins, Joseph, congrrssinnn, wan born in New York. In 1829-31 he was u representative to the twcnty-lirst congreaa from New York. He died in New York.


Hawkins, Joseph H., congressman. He was a member of the Kentucky legislature and speaker in 1812-13. In 181315 he was a reprawntativa from Kentucky to the thirteenUi eongrem. He died in Lexington, Ky. Hawldtta, Micajah Tbomaa, congressman, was born in 1790, in Warren county, N.C. in 1819-13,

He entered public life in 1819, as a member of the house of commons of North Carolina and was n member of the state senate in 1823-27. In 1831-41 he was a representative from North Carolina to the twenty-