Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/117

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twoiity-lunrtli, twi-ii-


ly-lilth uiid twi'iity-hixth coiigre»st'8, uimI Hvrviui uguin in the btutc Honatc in 184C. Ih* vu8 also at one time a gen<-ral of militia.


died Dec. 22,



Warren county,







Sept. 2S, 1717, in iJIouccster county, Va. He raided the lirbt volunteer company in Ikite

county for the revolutionary army; and wu» elected its colonel in 1776. lie was a member of the convention that ratified the national







Warren county, N.C. Hawkins, Philemon, soldier, statesman, was born Dec. 1752, in North Carolina. He was a member of the assembly from Mute county before he was of age; and rep^e^4ented the counties of Bute and (Jranville for thirteen years. In 1776 he was elected colonel of a regiment; and in that capacity performed much service. IIu was the last '.i,

surviving signer of the state constitution of North Carolina. In 1776 lie was a member of the convention which ratified the United States constitution. He died Jan. 28, 18."J:<. in Warren county, N.C. Hawkins, Rush Christopher, soldier, lawyer, author, was born iicpt. 14, 1831, in I'omfret, Vt. He is a New York City lawyer; and served as a colonel in the federal army during the civil war. lie has since been a prominent advocate of political relorms. He is the author of The First Hooka iuul Printers of the Fifteenth Century. Hawkins, Russell, business pre*«ident, was born March 18, 1870, in Philadelphia, Pa. I'ntil 18!»7 he owne«l the Lancaster match workH at Safe Harbor, Pa.; and tiien built the plant and conducted the York match company, of which he was vice-president. He is now a partner of the Whitney company, limited, a Michigan partnership association heavily interested in Western timber properties.

Hawkins, Samuel Hugh, lawyer,


raiiniad president, was born .Ian. 10. 1835, Ho is most noted as in .lones county, Ga. the ori;;inator. builder and president of the .Savannah. .Auiericus and Montgomery railway, which is now l^nown as the (ieorgia and .Alubania railway. Hawkins, Thomas W., librarian, lawyer, jurist, was Ixirn .ug. 21. 1820, in Itourbon county. Ky. He was educated at Transsyland is by profession a ania uiiiverr*ity lawyer. He has been judjre of the county

probate courts of Marion c«mnty. Mo.; mayor of the city of Hannibal; and in 1K07'MH was a representative in the .Missouri






state librarian of


Hawkins, William, soldier, governor, was 177'>. in Warren c<Minty, N.C. He Ijorii in was elected a nu'mlH»r of the state assembly in lSor», and was speaker. He took an active part in the war of IS12 and was the tenth f-ovt-rnor of Ntirth Carolina in 1811n. He .lie.l May 17. 1810, in Sparta, (Ja.



Hawkins, William George, clergynum. lecfounder, author, was born Oct. 23. He attended the in Baltimore, Md. Wealevan university of Middletown, Conn.; of Virginia. Theological seminary at and the In 1852-57 he was rector of the Church of the Messiah, at Glens Falls, N.Y., where he built a stone church; and in 18.'>8-.'>0 was turer, IS23,

St. John's church of Pequi. Pa. He has since filled pastorates in various states of the Union, and is now a missionary of the e|»iscopal church in western Nebraska. He ims traveled extensively in Europe; an«l lectured on agriculture in America and in England. He is the author of the Life of J. H. Hawkins, his father, a noted

rector of

temperanw reformer; Lunsford Lane; and History of the New York Frccdmen's Assoand Letters From Europe. Hawks, Mrs. Annie Sherwood, poet, hymnwas born May 28, 1835, in Hoosick. N.Y. She is most widely known as the author of the well-known hymn, I Need Thee

ciation; writer,

Kvery Hour.

Hawks, Cicero Stephens, clergyman, bishwas born May 26, 1812, in .New

op, author,

In 1844 he was consecrated Herne. N.C. protestant episcopal bishop of Missouri. He lontributt'd to various journals; edited the Hoys' and (iirls' Library; and was the auHe died April thor of Friday Christian. 10.

ISOS. in




Hawley, Boswick, clergyman, author, was born April 14, 1814, in Camillus, N.Y. He was educated in the Ca/.enovia seminary; and at the Wesleyan university at Middletown, Conn. In 183842 he was professor of ancient languages and literature at the c'a/.In enovia seminary. 1842-75 he filled pastorates in the Methodist episcopal church. He lias been a trustee of the versity

Wesleyan uni-

president of the Troy conference;

of the Saratoga home for chiland president of the board of educaof Saratoga Springs, N.Y. He is the author of Woman in Church; Living and Dying to Others; Manual of Methodism; Beauties of Herbert; ShieM of Faith; Lenten Season: .Methodist Episcopacy; Close




Communion; Prominent Doctrines and Usages



the Methodist Episcopal Church; as an Aniusenwnt; and other


Hawks, Francis Lister, clergyman, author, was born June 10, 1708. in New Berne. N.C. He was rector of churches in New York, New Orleans, and Baltinu>re. He was the author of History of North Carolina; Reports of Cases in North Carolina Supn'me Court: History of the Episcopal Ciuirch



and Maryland: The Komance of Biography; Cy»'lopcdia of Biography; also Egyi»t and Its