Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/118

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HKRRlNaSHAWS LIBRARY OK AMKRU'AN MKMJRArHY. Monuniciits; and Documentary History of tin- Kpiscupal Church. He died Sept. 26,

New York


City. Hawley, Charles, clergvinun, uutnur, was born Aug. 19, 1819, in "Cutskill, X.Y. In 1858-83 he was a I'resbyterian clergyman of Auburn, N.Y. He was the autlior of Karly Chapters of Cayuga History; Sanitary Reforms Memorial Diffourst-s and Early Chapters of Seneca History. He died

Nov. 2«.



Auburn. N.Y.


Charles B., vocalist, musician, compcmer, was born Feb. 14, IS5S, in UrooklieKi, ('onn. He was educated at the Kpiscopal academy of Connecticut: nnd at the Cheshire military schcMil. In IH7.') he went to New York City and there studied voice culture and composition unih'r .eminent tutors. Since 1883 he has be<"n h<ih> bass and choirmaster at the Hroadway tabernacle of New York City. His compositions are entirely vocal: has composed some clmrcli music; and many part songs for the Men<lel8sohn plee club. Hawley, Charles L., lawyer, prohibitionist, was born Dec. 8, 1855, in Montrose. Pa. He is a proniini-nt railway, mine and corporation lawy«'r of Scranton, Pa. He was a candidate for auditor-gi-neral of Pennsylvania on

Hawley, Gideon, clergyman, missionary, was Ijorn Nov. 11, 1727, in Bridgeport, Conn. 17.")3 the commissioners of Indian alTairs sent him to establish a mission in the Iro<|iiois country, on the Siisqehanna river. He remained there teaching and preaching until 17515, when the French war obliged him (o r«-turn to civilization. He died Oct. 3, Isn7, in Marslipee, .Mass.


Hawley, Gideon, educator, author, was horn Sept. 2»l. 1785. in Huntington, Conn. In |8I2 he be<-ame state siipi-rintendent of common schools of New York. He has b«'en called the father of the common school system. From the organization of the Smithsonian institution in 184(>, until his death, he was one of its four r<'gents-at-Iarge. He printed





Albany, N.Y.

Hawley, James of Boise, Idaho, l)ul>U(|ue,



States court for the terrirtah, residinp at Salt Lake City, in Salt I>ake City. Utah.


lie die.l

Hawley, Donly Curtis, physician, surgeon, born Oct. 'M. 1S."»5, in Fletcher, Vt. He

Mils iias

|)raeticed medicine since 18S4.

In 1905-

was the president of the American ncademy of medicine. Hawley, Ellis S., gemalogist. was born Oet. 28, IH12. He was the author of The Hawlev Record. He died .lulv 2«, I81M.I. in

tW he



Hawley, Fred Vertnillia, ch-rgyman. lecautlior. was born Nov. 2, I8tl2. in Math, Midi. He gra<hmted from Hillsdale college; and from the theological seminary of Ilill.Hdale. .Mich. In 1891-03 he was pasturer,

the Baptist church of Krooklyn. in 1893 organi/ed the People's of that city. In 1897-I9(»0 he was jtastor of the first unitarian church of .laek.Hon. Mich.; and in l9()()-«)2 was pastor of the church of the messiali of Louisville. Ky. In l9tM»-04 he was secretary of the western unitarian conference, with •supervision of the unitarian churches in He is now a minister of fourteen states. the I'nity church of Chicago: and also associate edit<»r «>f I'nity. .s a lyceum lecturer lie is a forcible, persuasive and magnet le speaker. He is the author of In .Menioriam of .loliii Healy Hay ward: and many of his I'tn-ius anil >eiinoiis have appeared in curof Mich.;






lawyer and statesman



He was engaged

in mining and since

gov«Tnor of Pennsylvania. Hawley, Cjrrus M., lawyer, jurist, was born in N«'w York. He removed to Illinois, and was appointed from that state a justice tory of


was born .Ian. 17, 1847, in He was educated in the

grammar and high schools of Dubuque, Iowa. In 1862 he went to I«laho and was one of the earliest pioneers of that terri-



distribution Kssays in He died July HI,

Truth and Knowle«lge.

prohibition ticket in 18H»5; ami in a candidate on the same ticket





until 1871


engage<l in practice of law.

has the


has been identified for the past thirty years with most of the important criminal cases of his state, and in IS92 was in charge, for the miners, of the labor troubles of the Ctieur d'.Menes. In the troubh-H in that section in 1899 he was sjiecially employed as the attorney for the state, and after the Steiinenberg murder in I!Mm; he was employed by the state authorities, although they were all different in political views, and giv»-n full charge of the various cases resulting from the assassination. Ill 1870-71 he was a rejircsi-ntative in the Idaho legislature, and in 1874-75 was a member of the state senate. In l87!>-83 he. was district attorney for the sei-mid district of Idaho territory, and in 1884-87 was United States attorney for Idaho. In 1904-05 he was mayor of B«iise. Idaho, and lias tilled numerous other positions of trust and honor. In 1910 he was elected governor of Idaho, although the state was republican by at least I5.0(MI, an<I is the only democrat elect«•<! to a state olliee for the past nine years; jind in llHl-13 was governor of the state of Idaho.

Hawley, John B., siddier, lawyer, congressman. « as born Feb. 9, 1831, in Fairfield In 1852 he settled at Rock Nlami. III., and in 18.-ifi GO was state's at-

eoiintv. Conn.

In 18151 he eiitere^l tile voluilti-er and as a eaptain took an actie part the battles of Forts llenrv and Donelsoti.

(oriiev. iiiiiy: ill