Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/119

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was appointed jwstmastor of In 1869-75 he was a represen-

Rock Island. tative from Illinois to the forty-first, fortyHeeond and forty-third congresses: and was assistant secretary of the treasury in 187780. He died May 24, 1805, in Hot Springs, S.D. Hawley, John Mitchell, soldier, was horn July 28, 184«, in Northampton, Mass. He began his service at sea when twenty-two years of age. In 1898 lie had charge of all the recruiting stations in the west; and enlisted about nineteen hundred men for serIn 1007 vice in the Spanish-.American war. he was retired with the rank of rear-ad-

and in IS'lO published Infallible Logic, which describes an automatic, mechanical system of reasoning by means of reasoning frames.

Hawley, Robert




atteiitled as a delegate national conventions.

was a representative to the and fifty-sixth congresst* as a

In 1807-1001 he lifty-fifth


Hawley, Thomas Porter, lawyer, jurist, was born .luly 18. 18.30, in Indiana. He was educated in Versailles. Ind.; and in 18."i2-.55


a miner in CaliIn 18.55-57 he in the county clerk's oflice of Nevada county. Cal. In 1857 he was admitted to the bar; and in 180204 was district attor-



Hawley, Joseph, lawyer, congressman, was born Oct. 8, 1723, in Northampton. Mass. In 1704-70 he held a seat in the Massachusetts In 1774 he was chairman of legislature. the committee to consider the state of the country, in the provincial congress; and was He thed a member of that body in 1775. May 10, 1788, in Northampton. Mass.


ney for Nevada county, Cal. In 1872-00 he was justice of the supreme court of Ne-

Hawley, Joseph Roswell, governor, sohlier. journalist, h-gislator, congressman. United States senator, was born Oct. 31. 1820. in

Richmond county. N.C. He became editor of the Hartford Evening Press in 1857. which was consolidated with the Hartford Courant. of which he is editor. He enlistcfl in the union army as a lieu-

and tenant in 1801 became brigadier and

merchant, manufacborn in October. He has presided state conventions; and


turer, eongressman, was IH50. in Memphis, Tenn.





1907 he was United States district judge for the district of Nevada. He died in 1007 in Carson City. Nev.



was born



York. In 1847-48 he served in the United States army. In 1801 he was captain of the third regiment Wisconsin infantry; and in 1805 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers.


died .Tan. 15, 1873.



He was



major-general. the twentygovernor of fourth Connecticut in 1800-07. He was president of the United States eentennial commission from ifs orgaiii/ati(m. In 1871-75 and 187081 he was a representative to the fortyseeond. forty-third and the forty-sixth congresses. In I8S1-10O3 he was I'nited States senator. He died in 1005 in Hartford, t'onn. •

Hawley, William Dickinson, public cial,

Hawley, Thomas De Reimer, lawyer, state was born Voh. 27. 1843. in Pa. He received the rudiments of his

si'nator. autlior. lOrie,

edu<'ation in the public schools of Detroit. He then attended a classical p r V a t e school: then Mop*-<lHle eolh'ge; and siibi

graduated from the rpp<'r Tanlula college of Toronto. He has served


with distinction in both houses of the


state legislature: ami is now a distinguished lawyer <»f Chicago. III. He has made several important discoveries in logic; Micliijjan





was born

Northampton, Mass.


received a thorough education in the public schools and in the Collegiate institute; and for nearly forty years has been chief clerk and deputy auditor in the state auditor's department at Boston. Mass. He has been vice-president of the Maiden industrial aid society; vice-president of the Home for aged persons; and of the young men's christian association of Maiden. Mass. He is the author of The Genealogy of the Hawley Family of Marblehead.

Hawley, William Merrill, lawyer, jurist, statesman, was born Aug. 23, 1802, in Delaware county, N.Y. He served in the New York state senate; was a delegate to the democratic national convention of 1848. He die.l Feb. 0. 1800. in TTornellsvillc, N.Y.

Hawley, Willis Chatman, educator, college president, congressman, was born May 5, 1804. near Monroe. Ore. He graduated from the Willamette university at Salem with the degrees of B.S.. LL.B. and A.B. In 1893 he was admitted to the practice of law. Tn 1888-91 he was ])resident of the Oregon state normal seh<»<d at Drain. Ore. In 18931!I02 he was presi<h-nt of the Willamette university. In 1907-15 he was a representative from Oregon to the sixtieth, sixty-