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He commaiiUed





artillery in 1861 -tiJ in liie army ut Uie I'u loniac; and was appointed brig-adior gunurul of volunteers in 16^2. Al the cloav ot the civil war he brevetted brigadier gineral in tlu' ngular army for giill.ini conduct. He died Feb. 7, 1875, in Bof^um Harbor, Mass.


Rays, William Jacob, painter, artist, was born Aug. 8, 18:iO, in .New York City. In IboU he exliibited iiia lint picture, DogH in a Field, at the New York Aeaileiny oi De sign, and in 1852 hitt Head of a Bull Dog. He died March 13, 1875, in N. u Vurk ity. Rays, William Shakespeare, autfior, pm i, composer, was bom July 19, 1837, in Louisvilli-, Ky. He was a popular ballad and MMig cumpoeer of Louisville, Ky. MoUie Darling is one oi U>t known jiongs; and (


My ^Southern bunnjr Letter From Home. author oi a volume of Toemd aua bongs. He died iu 1^07 in Louiaville, others are Evaugeiine,

Home, and Write Me a


va^ the

Ky. Hayward, Edward Farwell,

ch rgyman, author, was* born .May y, lb5i, in Lowell, Maaa. is a unitarian clergyman, and for aome


years pastor <>{ n r}uvi-h in Boston. Jlj. is the author ol i'atncci Lcce .Spiriius; and Life oi Lyiuan Beecher.

Haywaxd, George, author, was lioni in 1781 in Maasachuiiettd. He was the auttiur View of the United States; Jliligious Ureedi of the United States j and Book of of

Religions, and several gazetteers. in 1N';_' 11 Boston, Mass.




Hayward, George^ physician, author, was born March

9, 1791, in Boston, Mass. In 40 he wai professor of clinical surgery the medical tschool at Harvard. He wa»



the author of Outlines of Physiology; and Surgical Records. He died Oct. 7, 1863, in BoHton, ^lass.

Hayward, James, educator, civil engineer, author, was born June 12, 178t], in Concord, Mass. He was professionally retained by the Boston and Maine railroad, projected and had entire charge of the construction of this road, including the building of the bridge at Haverhill. Ho wan ultimatelv made president of the corporation. He was the autlwr of Elements oif Geometry upon the Inductive Method. He died July 27, 1866, in Boston, Mass. Hayward, Jaliii, litterateur, author, was


in .(anuari', 1781, in Boston, IT<thf autlior of View of the United States; Religious (>eeds of the United States and of the British Provinpo,^; Kew England Gawtteer; Book of Religions; (Jazetloer of the United States; and Gazetteer Of Massuis


chosetta. Hampshire and 'erniont. died Oct. 13, 1862, in Boston, Mam.


Hayward, Lemuel, physician, surgeon, was born March 22, 1740, *in Braintree, Mas3. At the beginning of the revolution h« entered tlw armj as surgeon and Hcrved throughAt its close he removed to out tha war.


and was

distinguished in

his pro-

fi>M tt II. died ca I'lain, .V.



20, 1821, in


Hayward, Monroa Leland, soldier. United Slates senator, was born Dec. 22, isni^ in Wtlisborough, 2s. V. He served in tlie civil war. Hi 1875 he was a member of the Mebraaka state constitutional convention; and in 1887 he served for u time as judge of the uislrict court. In 1808 he wa.i the candidate of the republican party for governor. In 18M he was eleeted United 8Utca senator for ni years. Died 0ee. 5, 1899, in NebriKika Uity, Neb. Haywatd, Hatiianid, manufaeturer, inventor, was born J.m. 19, 1808, in Ka»ton, Mass. Jn 18^-1 he was engaged in the manufacture of india-rubber. He was the inventor of vulainized sheet rubber. He died July 18, 1866, in Colchester, Conn. Hayward, William Lette, clergyman, iiuwas bom March 16, 1870, in Mori, y In 1894 he was ordained pricol; ami



siuci- IDUO has been vicar uf St. filisabeth's church at Philadelphia, I'a. Ha is author ol Ohiequiale of Rites for Burial of Dead.

Hl^wood, Benjamin, manufacturer, was born in 17y2 in Enguind. Ho bccunie an extensive builder ol oieaiu euguiua ami mining macliinery. His firm conatrucU'd Ultt roils lor 1' raiUi and the iir»t apparatus lor sawing hot iron lhat was ever used in tue

United States. Pottsville, Pa.


died July 9, 1878, in

Haywood, Ednrand Bnrke, physician, surgeon, waa born June 13, 1825, in Raleigh, N. C. He was president of the Medical association of North Carolina in 1868; and in 1871-77 of the state insane asylum. He w&h a delegate to the international medical congress in i'hiiudelphia in 1876. Hasrwood, John, colonist, was born in 1«84 in West Indies. He represented Kdgecombc county, N. C, in the colonial assem^; and was also a colonel in the militia forces of the county. He died in 1758 in jNorlh Carolina. Haywood, John, lawyer, jiurist, author, was bom in 1763 in Halifax county, N.C. He settled in Tennessee in 1810; and was judge of the supreme court in 181U-2li. He was author of Manual oi Laws of North Carolina; Haywood's Justice; Tennessee Reports; History of Tennessee; and, Statute Laws of Tennessee (with R. L. Cutts). He <!ied in Dcccm'.er, J*^2t). in Xasliville, Tenn.

Haywood, Marshall De Lancey,


author, was born Bfarrh 6, 1861, in Raleigh, N.C. ITe is the author of a number of works on colonial subjects connected with North Carolina. He is the author of Governor William Tryon ui:d His Administration, in the I'rovince of North Carolina; and The Beginnings of Free Masonry in North Carolina and Tennessee. Haywood, William Henry, lawyer, state legislator, United States senator, 'was bowi in 1801 in Wake county, N.C. He wns a member of the house of commons in 1834-