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37; in 1986 was speaker of the house. fu 1843-47 he was United States senator. He died Dec,6 1862, u Raleigh, N. C.

Hazard, Benjamin, lawyer, jurist. In 1750. 31 was an associate justice of the su. preme of Rhode Island. He died in Rhode Island.

Hazard, Carder, lawyer, jurist. In 1792. 13 was at associate justice of the wu. pr. me vort fhode Island, He died in Rhode Island.

Hazard, Caroline, journalist, college presi. dent, author, was born June 10, 1856, in Pour Dale, It.. She was educated by pri. vate teachers; attended a private school in Providence, R.; and studied abroad. She receive the degrees of Litt.D. from Brown university; and the degree of LL.D. fmm Tufts college. Since 1999 she has been pres ilent of Wellesley college of Massachusetts. She has edited works of It. G. Hazard; al Some deals in Education of Women. She is the author of J. 1. Diman; Narragansetts Ballads; Thomas Hazard, a Study of Life in Narragansetts in the Eighteenth Cen tury; and other works.

Hazard, Ebenezer, postmaster-general, au thor, was born Jan. 15, 1744, in Philadel phia, Pa. He was postmaster-general in 3782 89. 11e was the author of Historical Collectious, the beginnings of a United States history; and Remarks on a Report Concerning the Western Tudians. He died June 13. 1817, in Philadelphia, Pa. Hazard, Jellzey, lawyer, jurist. In 1810. 18 he was an associate justice of the Bu preme court of Rhode Island. He died in Rhode Island.

Hazard, John Gardner, soldier, was born in Rhode Island. In 1861 he was first lietilen. ant of the Rhode Island light artillery; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died May 15, 1897.

Hazard, Jonathan J., congressman, was born fu 1728 in Rhode Island. In 1787.89 be was a delegate from Rhode Island to the continental congress. He died in 1812 in New York City.

Hazard, Joseph, lawyer, jurist. In 1788- 87 he was an associate justice of the su- preme court of Rhode Island. He died in Rhode Island,

Hazard, Marshall Curtiss, journalist, aut- thor, was born June 28, 1830, in Tioga unty, Pa. In 1864 he was admitted to the bar; in 1874 82 he was editor of the Na tional Sunday School Teacher: in 1883-54 He was assistant editor of the Sunday School Times; and since 1885 has been editor of the Congregational Sunday School and Pute lication Society at Boston, Mass. He is the author of the Tearless Land; The Home Department; Marriage Chimes; and Out. line Bible Studies,

Hazard, Nathaniel, congressman, was born in 13 in Newport, RI. In 1810-21 he was representative from Rule Island to the sixteenth engress. He died ec, 18, 1820. in Washington. D.C.

Hazard, Rowland Gibson, manufacturer, author, was born Aug. 9, 1801. in South Kensington, R.1. He was a woolen mannfue turer of Peace Dale. R.1. Ile was the author ot Essays on Finance; Resources of the United States; Essay on Languag and Other Essays and Addresses; Freedom of Mind at Willing: Causation and Freedom in Willing; and Man a Creative First Canse. He died June 24, 1888, in Peace Dale, R.1. Hazard, Samuel, merchant, was born in 1714, He was one of the movers in A scheme of culonization, having for its ulti wate an fhe Christimization of the fu dians. He died in 1758.

Hazard, Samuel, archaeologist, unthor, was May 26, 1754, in Philadelphia, l'a. He was the author of Annals of Pennsylvania, 1609-82; Register of Pemusylvania, 1828.30: Pennsylvania Archives. 1682-1790; and United States Commercial and Statisticul Register. He died May 2, 1870, in Philu- delphia, Pa.

Hazard, Samuel, soldier, anthur, was born in 1834 in Pemisylvania. He was an oflicer in the l'uited States army. He was the an thor of Santo Domingo Past and Present and t'a with Pen and Pencil. He died in 1870

Hazard, Thomas Robinson, maunfacturer, author, was born in 1784 in South Kensing 10. R.L. He was an ardent spiritualist; and wrote much in defence of his beliefs, le was the author of Facts for the Laboring Mau; The Ordeal of Life; Capital Punish- med; Mediums and Mediumship; and Ree- oflections of Olden Times. He died in March, 1878, in New York.

Hazard, Willis Pope, bookseller, publisher, farmer, author, was born July 22. 1825, in Alabama. He is a retired bookseller of Phil- adelphia, Pa. Ile is the author of The Jer- sey, Alderney, and Guernsey Cow; How to Select Cows; Butter and Buttermaking; and Annals of Philadelphia, a continuation of Watson's Anuals,

Hazel, John Raymond, lawyer, jurist, was born Dec. 15, 1860, in Buffalo, NY. In 180] be administered the constitutional oath of office to President Roosevelt at Buffalo, immediately after the death of President Mr. Klubey. In 1900 be became judge of the United States district court for the western district.

Hazelius, Ernest Lewis, educator, elergy- man, author, was born Sept. 6.1777. in Prus- sia, I was a Lutheran clergymau: and was professor in a South Carolina Qalagi. cal seminary. He was the author of Life of Farther; Church History; and History of the Lutheran Church in America. He died Feb. 20, 183, in South Carolina,

Hazelrigg. Mrs. Clara H., neator, author, poet, was born Nov. 23, 1861, in Commeil rove, Kan. She is principal of the city Schouls of El Dorado, Kan. She has been editor of several prominent periodicals; and is the author of a volume of pos