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Hazelrigg, James Hervey, soldier, lawyer, jurist, was born Dec, 6, 1848, in Montgomery county, Ky. He served in the confederate army in 1864-65; and practical law in 1875- 92. I 1802-1901 he was chief justice of the court of appeals of Kentucky.

Hazeltine, Abner, congressman, was born in New York. He was a member of the New York state assembly in 1829-30; and in 1833-37 I was a representative from New York to the twenty-third and twenty-fourth congresses. He died in New York

Hazeltine, Ira S., soldier, lawyer, congress man, was born July 14, 1821, in Andover Vt. He was commissioned a colonel of state troops in 1852. He was elected a represen- tative in the state legislature in 1867. In 1870 he removed to Missouri and engaged in agricultural pursuits: and in 1881-83 be was a representative from Missouri to the forty- secuth congress. He died in 1898 in Mis- souri.

Hazeltine, Mayo Williamson, journalist, author, was born in 1841 in Massachusetts. He is a New York journalist; and since 1878 literary editor of the New York Sun. He is the author of thats About Books; British and American Education; and The American Woman in Europe.

Hazelton, George Cochrane, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born Jan. 3, 1833, in Chester, N. H. He was district attorney in 1864-67. He was slate senator in 1867-71. In 1877-83 he was a representative from Wisconsin to the forty-fifth, forty-sixth and forly-seventh congresses as a republican.

Hazelton, George Cochrane, lawyer, dram- artist, anthor, was born in Boseobel, Wis. In 1898-19 he practiced corporation law in Philadelphia, Pa.: am now practices law in New York City. He is the anthor of The National Capitol: and several dramas.

Hazelton, Jon Hampden, lawyer, author, was born in Boscobel, Wis. In 1893 he grad mated from the Johns Hopkins university: received the degrees. of A.B., LL.B. and LL M. from that instila- tion of learning; and ab attended the Co- lumbian university, now known as the George Washington university. In 1896. 98 he practiced law in Washington, DC,; and since 1890 has prac- tired his profession in New York City. He was associated in practice with the late Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll; and is now a member of the law firm of Hazelton and Hazelton. He is the author of The Declara- tion of Independence, Its History; and other work.

Hazelton, Gerry W., lawyer, state senator, congressman. was born Feb. 21, 1829, in Chester, N.I. He was elected to the Wiscon- sin state senate in 1860, and twice chosen president pro tem. He was elected district. attorney in Columbia county: and was ap- pointed United States attorney for the dis- trict of Wisconsin in 1819. In 1871-75 he was a representative to the forty-second and forty-third congresses,

Hazelton, John W., farmer, congressman, was born Dee 19, 1819, in Mallien Hill, N.J. in 1871-75 he was a representative from New Jersey to the forty-second and forty- third congresses as a republican.

Hazelwood, John, naval officer, was born about 1726 in England. In 1772 he was one of the founders of the St. George society of Philadelphia, Pa. The continental vessels in the Delaware river were put under his com- mand; and he attained the rank of comma- dere in the Pennsylvania navy. The artist and patriot, Charles Wilson Peake, thought Hazelwood worthy for his collection of Amer- ican heroes; and the picture of him painted by Peale was afterward purchased by the city of Philadelphia and placed in Indepen- dence hall. He died March 1, 1800, in Phila- delphia, Pa.

Hazen, Allen, civil engineer, author, was born Aug. 28, 1869, in Hartford, Conn. In 1808-99 he was chief engineer in building the Albany water filtration plant. He is the anthor of The Filtration of Public Water Supplies.

Hazen, Henry Allen, clergyman, author, was born Dec, 27, 1832, in Hartford, Vt. He filled pastorates in Plymouth. Lyne, Pitts- held, N.H., Billerica, and Auburndale, Mass. In 1883-1900 he was secretary of the na- tional council of the congregational church- rs, and editor of its Year Book. He was also secretary of the General association of Massachusetts from 1888; and of the in- ternational congrega tional councils in Lon don in 1891, and in Boston in 1899: and is secretary of its provisional committee. He was the author of a History of Billerica. with genealogies. He died in August. 1900. in Auburndale. Mass.

Hazen, Charles Downer, educator, author. was born March 17, 1868, in Barnet, Vt. Since 184 he has been professor of history at Smith college of Northampton, Mass. He is the author of Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolution. Hazen, Henry Allen, civil engineer, metro- relogist, was born in 1819. In 1891-09 he was meteorologist of the United States. weather bureau. He established tables for the reduction of barometric readings to sen level and devised a thermometer shelter. Ile died Jan. 23, 1000, in Norwich. Vt.

Hazen, Lucius Downer, manufucturer. banker, state senator, was born Jan. 19, 1834, in Hartford, Vt. During 1869-88 he