Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/131

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served as a member ol' of representatiTcs; and state senate in 1894. In


Vermuut hou8u


elected to the




aiiie di-

rector of the state pritson and imusf ol i-orreetion. He was president of the Merchant**' national bank of St. Juliusbury; and in became postmaster.

Hasen, Mardmuui WUliana, lawyer, auwas born in 184.> in Hcvcrly, ilas^. He practices law iu New iork City. He is the author of Observation, Thought and Kxpression, in two voliiiiu'.s Government: and a series of readers and Lnited Slates liisthor,



Head, Franklin Harvey, manufacturer, banker, author, was bom Jan. 24, 1835, in Paris, X.Y. He is a Chicago writer; and the author of Shakespeare's insomnia and the Causes Thereof, an ingenious burlesque; and A N<'tMlde Lawsuit. Head, H. C, merchant, legislator, was born He -raduated in 1840 in Hooksett, NJI. from tliu Manchester high school, and in 1878 moved to Minnesota. He engaged in general milling merchandise, and the lumber busi-



Hatn, Motet, soldier, was born in 1733 in Haverhill, Mass. He was in the service during the entire war; and was nuidi' bri<:;adiergeneral in 17S1. Ue died Jan. 30, 18U2, in

Minn., active

the signal service. He introduced the cold wave signal; and promoted the of hual and railway signals. He was the

author of Tile Scliool and tiie Army in (ierniariy and France; Barren Land.s in the Interior of the I'nited Stat<'H: and A Narrative of Military Service. 1887, in Waahiiiglai, IXa


Hazen, William Livingston,

died Jan. soldier,



cator, college president, wa.s born May 4, 1861, in Eli7.«b(>th, N.J. In 1K7!) he gradtiated from the lii^'li school ot Newark, N.J.; in 1S83 he graduated from toluiiil)ia coilegf; in I8S.') graduated from the (dlumitia law school. For many years he has been headmaster, of Barnard school for boys and headmaster of Barnard school for girls of New York City; and he is also president


and director of these institutions of learning. In ISnS he served in Ihc Spanisli- American war as captain of company B, seventy first regiment New York volunteer infantry. Hazewell, Charles Creighton, journalist, state senator, was born Oct. 1, 1814, in Oanston, R.I. Tn 1852 he was a member of the Massachusetts state senate; and in 1853 represented toncord in the constitutional convention. He was for many years the American corre>|iondent of the Lon<loii Morning I'ost. He died Oct. 6, 1883, in Revere, Mass. Hazlett, Albert Lester, clergyman, theoln gian, was horn duly 1. 1864, in Ha/let, N.d. He has tilled |>a8torates in Farmington,Ohio; Magnolia, N.J.: and is now pastor of the methodist episcopal church of McCracken. Kan. He has tilled various positions of honor in the tjift of the church.

Hazlett, Charles A., banker of rortsmoutli,

N£., was born July 21,1847, in Portsmouth, VM. He is president of the Piscataqua Sav-




in business 18!t4. For nine years successively he was commissioner court

Troy, N.Y. Hazen, William Babcock, soldier, author, was born Sept. 27, 183U, in West Hartford. Vt. He was a general in the federal army <luring the civil war; and from ISSO chief otticer of


was for his district city clerk for an equal period; and for four

years was postmaster at I'rinceton. In 1806 he was elected a representative to the Minnesota state legislature; and served on several important committees. Head, James Butler, lawyer, jurist, was born Dec. iti, I84ii, in Clinton. Ala. He has served as judge of the tenth judicial circpit of .Mahama in lSS!)-!)-2; and as associate justice of the supreme court of that state in I8!I2.08. He died in 1002 in Birmingham, Ala. Head, James Marshall, lawyer and statesman of .'>!> Temple place, Boston, Mass., was

horn July

IS.V), in

Sumner county. Tenn.

In 1880-H4 he was a member of the TennesHvc lejiisl tture; in 1806-1904 he was a member of the Tennessee democratic executive committee; and in 1800-1003 he was mayor of Nashville. Tenn. Since l!t()4 he has been grand counsel for Warren Brothers company of Boston. Head, John Frazier, army surgeon, was

born Jan. U, 1821, in Boston, Mass. He served in the Mexican and civil wars; and in 1885 was retired with rank of ccdonel. In 1904 he was advanced to the grade of brigadiergeneral of the I'nited States army. Head, John W., statesman. In IST.l he was elected a representative from Tennessee to the forty-fourth congress as a democrat, but died before taking his seat. He died in 1875 in Tennessee. Head, Natt, nuinufacturer. state senator, governor, was born May 20, 1828, in Hooksett, N.H. He was a representative in the «-w Ilaiiii»shire legislature in lS(!l-t>2. He was adjutant-general, inspector-general, and <|uartermaster-general of the state in 1863» 7", rendering most efTicient service. He was state senator in 1870-77; and was president of the senate in the latter year, lie was the

ings bank.

thlrty-lifth i.'overnor of New Hampshire in 1878-81. He died Nov. 12, 1883. in Hooksett,

Haisard, David, governor. He was the f«>urteenth governor of Delaware in 1830-33. He died in Delaware.

Nil. Heade, Martin Johnson, painter, artist, was born in Bucks county, Pa. He lias