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road company; and presidert first national bank of Pender, Neb. Henry, John, congressman, governor, was l»orn alvjut 1750, in Kanton, .Md. In 1778-81 and 1784-87 he was a delegate from Mary-

27, 1855, in Statcn Island, N.Y. He served in the New York national guard for twenty-three years; in 1893-98 was a.ssistant surgeon general ; and in 1898 became chief surgi-on with the rank of colo-

land to the continental congress; and in 1798-99 he was United States senator from .Maryland. In 1797 98 he was governor of .Mary land. He died Dec. 10, 1798, in Easton,



Henry, John Floumoy, physiciun.congressman, author, was born .Ian. 17, 1793, in Scott county, Ky. In 1813 he was appointed

mnte in Boswell's regiment of Kentucky trfwps. serving at Kort Meigs. In 1825-27 and in 1845-47 he was a representative from Kentucky to tlie nineteenlli and twenty-ninth congresses. He was the author of Treatise on Causes :«nd Treatment of Choh ra. He died Nov. 12, 1873, in Burling-


ton, Iowa.

Henry, John Joseph, lawyer. jurifit,author, was born Nov. 4, 1758, in Lancaster, Pa. He was the author of the Accurate an<l In teresting Account of Arnold's Campaign


Against Quebec.

died April 15, 1811, in

I^ncasfer, Pa.

Henry, John W., lawyer,


In 1876-

80 he was justice of the supreme court of Missouri.

Henry, Morris Henry, physician, journalist, author, was born July 2t», 1S35, in I>indon, England. He was assi.stant surgeon in the nay tluriiig the civil war; ami in 187280 was surgeon in chief of the Emigrant hospital, Wanl's lslan<l. He is the originator and editor of the .American .Journal of Dermatrlog-. and published numerous monographs, in<>luding Treatment of Venereal Diseases in N'ienna Hospital: and Anomalous Ixioalities of Chancres. He died Mav 19. 1895. in X. w V«)rk City. Henry, Joseph, scientist, philosopher, author, was Inirn iXec. 17, 1797, in .Mbuny, N. V. In 182G he entered the Albany acadi-my as professor of mathematii^i. and soon after •

began a series of



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made various


elect ro-

is m, which

(b scrilM'd in Silli-

nnin's ,IournaI asearlv as 1831. In 18.32 he was called to chair of natural philosophy in Princeton college; in 1837 visited Euro|M', where he remained one j'ear, and his discoveries connect<»d with the electro-magnet were n*cognized, and restiKed in estnl)lishing the wonders of what is now called the telegraph. He was the author of .Syllabus of I.,<'etures on Physics; and Scientitic He die<l on Writings of .foseph H«'nrv.



1878. in Washington. D.C.

Henry, Nelson Herrick, physician; surgeon.

was born April

He served in the Spanish-American war us a major und chief 8urge<m. In 1899-1901 lie was a representative in the New York state legislature; and since 1902 has been

uljutai«t-g<'niTal of the state of New York,

now serving his fourth ternj. Henry, 0., merchant, author, was born in Texas. He has lK>en a cowboy, sheepherder, merchant, miner, <lruggist and an extensive traveler. He is the author of Cabbages and Kings; The Four Million; The Trimmed Lamp; and The Heart of the West. Henry, Patrick, soKlier, lawyer, congressman, was born Feb. 12, 1843, in Ma<lison county, Miss. In 1861 he enlisted in the confederate service in the sixth Mississippi infantry regiment; 8er>'ed Mirough the war, and in lHt>5 surrendered at CJreensljoro as major of the fourteenth Mississi|)pi regiment. He was a member of the Mississippi legislature in 1878 and 1 8 9 0; and delegate from the state at large to the constitutional convention in 1S90. In iH97 1903 lu> was a representative to the lifty-sixth and lifty seventh congresses u»i a democrat. Henry, Patrick, patriot, orator, congress:n:in, was lM)rn May 29, 1736, in Studley, Va. In 1765 he was elected to the Virginia of burgesses and intro^ duied and passed his resolutions f a III o u s against the Stump Act. In 1774-76 he was a delegate from Virginia to the continental cfingress; and was a delegate to the Richmr)nd convention of In 1776-79 and 1777. 1784 Sti he was governor of Virginia. In 1780 91 he served in llie assemidy of N'irginia. In 1788 he was a iiii-mlK-r of the Virginia convention which ratilied the federal constitution and added an amendment. He resinned the practice of law; an<l was ollered another term as governor of Virginia: a seat in the I'nited States senate; the positions of .secretary of stat4>. cliiof justice of the I'nited States, anil inini-ster to Spain and F" ranee; all of which be ileciined. He died June G, 1799, in Red Va. Henry, Patrick, l.iwyer.


nmn', .Miss.



juriNt. congressFeb. 15. 1861, in Vicksburg. received a free .school education:
