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n« iiiul



yt-ars u(


1884 Ik* law; and



lo tliu prucitue uf

wixa ailiiiiueil

for eight years

was attorney

of the ninth jiuiicial tli.-.trict of Mi^issippi, whon 1m' was sip|Hiiiiteil judgf of the same Uiiitrict. In liioi he a>i a representative from Hitisi<ssip]>i to the fifty-aeventh congress aa n lU-iiiucrut.

Henry, Philip Walttr, elvil engineer, busiwas lK)rii ^farch '2t. 18<T4. in In 1877 1902 he was connected with the Barber asphalt paving company, nf which for a time he was vici- prosjlie is pitsiiKnC tleiit and general manager. and director of the South Aini'iican con Htnictiun company and vioe^preaident of the I'an AuK-ricun company. Henry, SolMrt, educator, college president, was horn Dec. d, 1792, in CharlistoTi. S.C. lie became professor of lojiic iiiid m<»ral pliil osophy in South ('ami iiui college in 1818; and afterward of metaphysics and political He was president in 1834 J,*); pliilosophy. accepted the chair of metaphysica and belleHIcttres in 1830; and was again preaident in 1842-45; also performing for • time the prfsidcnt, Scraiiton, Pa. lii'»s

dnties of professor n f Creek. 1},





died Feb.


Henry, Robert Le€, lawyer, congressman, itorn May 12, 1864, in Linden, Texas. In 1890 lie was elected mayor of Texarkana. Texas; and resigned this pt^ition to accept


that of

first office

assistant attorney-general.

In 1897-191^ he was a representative from Texas to the fifty-sixth, flfty-aeventh. fifty eighth,


nitith. sixtieth,

aixty-first. slx-

ty«aecond and sixty-third congresseb as a democrat. Henry, Robert Pryor, lawyer.ronpressinan. was born Nov. 24, 1788, in Henry Mills. Ky. In 1809 he served as prosecuting at tnrney for Christian county, Kv. !!< -< rved in the war of 1812 as an aide de lamp to In his father. fifaj.-Gen. William Henry. 1823-27 he was a representative from Kentucky to the eighteenth and nineteenth congl ioses.


died Aug. 25, 1826, in Hopkins

Ky. Henry, Mrs. Sarepta M. L, tempemnee reft>rtnrr. anthor, po4't. was born Xov. 4. 1830. in .Albion, Fa. iShe is a temperance reformer of Evnnston, 111. Rhe is the author of Victoria, with Other Poems; After the Truth; ville.








Heforehand: One More Cliance; Studies in TTotni' and Child I.iff; CliildlKKKl. Ty(»es and Conditions: T)je .Abiding Spirit; and fI(H)d Form. She died Jan. 16. 1900, in Graysvillf. Tenn. Henry, Stuart Oliver, litterateur, anthor.

was lK>rn in 18(50. He the autlior of Pari!* HnvH and Evenings : Hours with Famous PartM«»n^: Fr'mch Rtndes and Hhapsodiefi and nfluT wi I.Henry. Tbomas, congressman, M-as born in 1785 fn Ireland. In 1837-4.'J he was a reprei

from Peim-^ylvaniii to the tw-iilv twenty-sixth and twenty seventh eon-

!.'re>-i s.



died Feb. 27, 1849, in Beaver


Henry, Thomas Chatltott, clergyman, author, was l>orn Sept. 22, 170M, in Philadel' phia, Pa. In 1818-24 iie was pastor of the first church in Columbia. .S.C.; and of the <eoond church in 1824-27. He was the author of Consistency of Popular AmuM-ments Moral Etchingii tor Profi'ssing Chri-^tian^^ fnmi the Religious World; and Letters from an An.vious Believer. He died Oct. 4, 1827.

in Philadelphia,


Henry, W. Laird, journalist, congressman, was Ijorn Dtc. 20, 1864, in Cambridge. He purcha»?d an interest in the Cambritlge Chronicle of .Maryland, and has Ix'en since engaged in editing that journal. In 18U395 he w .is a representative to the fifty-third congress to fill a vacancy. Henry, Walter 0., physician, surgeon, was )rn Feb. 11), 18.')8. in Adams county. 111. He is an cmiuetit physician and surgeon of Omaha, Neb.; and professor of gynecology lj

in tile .lohn .. Creighton medical college of that city. He is presideui of the Omaha christian institute; president of the Ne» brn-ika rliildren's liniiie society; an<l president of the Christian benevolence associa-


Henry, William, merchant, congressman, iKirn in New Ilainpshire. In 1847-51 be a representative from Vermont to the

was w;is

thirtieth and thirty-first congresses. in Vermont.



Henry, William, inventor, jurist, was bom May 19, 1729, in Chester county. Pa. In 17iiS he was comiiiissioned justice of the peace «.i l. iii- ;i->t, r. I'a.; and in 1T60 viaited England. He was chosen to the assembly in 177fl: and the following year was elected treasurer of Lancaster county. Pa. He died Dec. l.'i. 1786, in Lancaster, Pa. Henry, William, congressman, was born in !7.'7 In 1808 he erected a forge on the Uuslikill, where the first iron that was manufactured in America was drawn. Tn 178480 be was a delegate from Pennsylvania to the continental congress. He died April 21. 1827. in Philadelphia, Pa. Henry, William, s.ddier. legislator, was iKirn in 17G1 in Charlotte county. Va. He entered the army at an early age; and waa engaged in many conflicts with Indians in the border wars of Kentucky. He was in the state constitutional conventions; and also in both branches of the Kentucky state legitflature.


died JNov. 23, 1824, in Chris-

Ky. Hcniy, William Arnon, educator, atitbor, was born .Tune 10. 18.50, in Norwalk. Ohio. In 1S80 h<- uas appoinunl professor of botany and agriculture in the university of Wisconsin; and In 1891 1907 be was dean of lb.' Colle^',. of Agriculture; and since 1907 tiar county,


has been emeritus professor of agriculHe is the author of Feeds and Feeda hand book for the student and stock-




