Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/155

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Hentz, Carolina Tberese, litterateur, autlior, was born Nov. 22, 1835, in Cincinnati, Uliio. She sent a serii-s ot letters from California to the Southern Christian Advocate in 187r); and published many tales and skrtcheH in iiiugu/incs. Hentz, Caroline Lee, litterateur, author, wan Iwrn June 1, 1800, in Lancaster, Mass. She was the author of Lovell's Folly; Kena; The Planter's Northern Bride; and Linda. She died Feb. 11, 18.10, in Marianna, Fhi. Hentz, Nicholas Marcellus, educator, entomologist, was born July 25, 17J>7, in France. He came to America in 1810; and taught in the university of North Carolina anil elsewhere in the south. He was the author of Arachnides, or Spiders of the United States. He died Nov. 4, 1850. in Marianna, Fla. Hepburn, Alonzo Barton, bankt-r, author, was born July 24, 1846, in Colton, N.Y. Since 1890 he has b<>en president of the Case naitional bank: and is vice-president and n director of several other corporations. He is the author of History of Coinage and Currency; and other works. Hepburn, Andrew Dousa, educator, clergyman, Hutlior, was born Nov. 14, 183(1, in Since 18.'i8 he has been

illiamsport. Pa.

u ch'rgyman of the prrsbytcrian church; and since 1885 profes.«»or of Knglish literature at Miami university of Oxford, Ohio. He is the author of Manual of Knglish Uhctoric.

Hepburn, Charles McGuffey, educator, lawwas born .Aug. IH, 1858. in Rm-k-

yer, author,

county, Va. In 18S1-I1H)3 he practiced law in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has lecbridg«'

tunnl in the Cincinnati law school; and since 1!M)3 has been a professor of law at the Indiana university. He is the author of Historical Development of Code Pleading in America and England; and Cases

on Code Pleoding.

Hepburn, James Curtis, clergyman, missionary, autlior, was born ^laroh 13. 1815. in Milton. Pa. He was e<hicatcd at the Milton academy; Princeton college, where he rei-eived the degri-es of A.B. and .A.M.; and the medical department of the univer sity of Pennsylvania, where ho received the degree of M.O. Tie has received the degree of LL.n. from Lafayette

and Prin<"etnn




medical missionary





1840-59 resided in New York City. In 1859-02 he was a missionary to Yokahama. Japan; in 1803 returned to the I'nited States. an<? has n'tired. n<' com]»iled the first dictionary of the Jajianem* langiiage: and also an Knglish-Japanese dictionary. He has written a grammar of the

China: and


Japanese language; has translated the Bible into the Japanese language; and has publishe<l a Japanese dictionary of the Bible. Hepburn, Neil Jamieson, oculist, aurist, author, was born Oct. 8, 1840, in Scothnul. He has been ins[>ector of the board of health of Fre^iold, N.J.; and lecturer on ophthalmology at the New York polyclinic. He ia the author of Notes on Hypodermic Cse of Cocaine; Therapeusis of Glaucoma; and other w«>rks. Hepburn, William Peter, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born on Nov. 4, 18,33, in Wi'llsville, Ohio. He was elected prosecuting attorney of Marshall county in 1850; chief ch'rk of t!ie state house of representatives in 18.58; and district attorney of the tleveiith judicial district of Ohio in the sanu' year. He entere<l the Union army in 1801 as captain; and rose to the rank «»f lieutenant-colonel. He was a presidential elector in 1870; and in 1881-87 and 18031000 he was a representative from Iowa to the fortv-seventh, forty-eighth, forty-ninth, fifty-fourth,

lifty third,



seventh, fifty-eightli, fifty-ninth and sixtieth congresses as a republican.





was born Feb. 4, 18.33. in Boston, Mass. He was a New York journalist on the editorial statT of the H»'rald. In 1855-72 he was a unitarian clergyman; and subsequently entered the presbytcrian minHe was the author of Rocks and istry. Shoals; Brown Studies; Hiram Golf's Religion; The Life Beyond; They Met in Heaven: Herald .Sermons; Starboard and Port, a .Summer's Yacht Cruise; and On Horseback Through Armenia. Ho died in 1002 in New York City. Herbermann, Charles George, ediicator. autlior. was born Dec. 8, 1840, in Prussia. In 1.858 he graduated from the college .St. Francis Xavier of New York City: and has received the degrees of .A.M.. Ph.B. and LL.n. In 1858 00 he was instructor in the journalist, author,

college St.


Xavier; was president the Catholic club New York City; and president of the Unite*! States Catho-

of of




He is now editor-inchief of the Catliolic Kncyclopedia. He has translated Tt>rfes«)n*8 Hist«U'y of Vinlan: edited the Unpublished Letters of Charles Carndl of Carr«)llton; Thebaud's Forty Years works. Life









is also the author of Business .Ancient Rome; and various other

works. Herbert, Henry William, author, pm-t, was horn .A|»ril 7. 1807, in London. Kngland. He was the author of Cromwell; Marmaduke