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HEKKINGSHAWS Kjril; The Puritans of



England, issued The later as The Puritan's Daughter; Fronde; Sherwood Forest. In history: Captains of the Old World; Cavaliers of Kiiu'land; Knights of finglandi Chevaliers of Franee; Persons and Pictures from French and English llistoi v; Captains of the Hreat Roman Republic; Uenry VUl and Ilis Six Wives. Hia poema, edited by H. Herbert, appi ar*



New York









Herbert, Hilary Abaer, soldier, lawyer, congressman, cabinet officer, was born March He entered 12. 1S.14. in Laurens ville, S.C. the confederate arniy; and rom to the rank of colonel. In 1877-0.1 he was a representative from Alabama to the forty-fifth, fortyforty-seventh, forty-eighth, fortysixth,




and fifty-second

confesses. In 1893-07 he waa secretary of the navy. He now practlties law in Wash* ington, D.C.

Herbert, J. Fredcricic, physician, inventor, IPfiO. in Philadelphia, Pa. .Ian. Since 1883 he has practiced medicine in Philadelphia, Pa. He has invented several instrument'^ uhich have pmviMl of prcat value to his profession. He it» the author of a monograpli entitled Preservation of the Eyesight. Herbert, John C, rongrcssman, was lx)rn in Maryland. In lsir)-l!t he was a representative from Maryland to the fourteenth and fiftei'nth congresses; and a presidential elec-

was born

tor in in






Herbert, Leila, author, waa bom in 1868 Alabama. Rhe waa the author of The Anwrican, Tlis Homes and lTnme-


She died in 1807 in Washington, D.C. Herbert, Philemon T., eonfrrcssman, was born in Alabama. In IS-in .^? he was a repri-svntativc from California to the thirtyfourth congreas. He died July 23, 1864, in holds.


Herbert, Victor, musician, coiiiposcr. was Feb. 1, 1860, in Dublin, Ireland. He ia grandson of Samuel Lover, the famous Irish novelist. In 1894 he was appointed liandmaster of the famous twenty-second regiment band, succeeding P. S. Gilmore; and since lfW8 has been conductor of the Pittsburgh onliestra. He is the author of several works for the orchestra; numerous Kongs; and an oratorio. The Captive.

bom a

Herckert, Charles Girden, educator, college president, was born March 22, 1863. in Northumberland, Pa. He is managing editor of the Lutheran World. In ISM-IHH.T he was professor of English and logic; and since IO(W president of Wittenberg collie of Springfield. Oliin,

Herd, James Marshall, lawyer, editor, was born July 25. 18-m. in Sunnner county. Tenn. In 1876 he 1>egan the practice of law .t Callatin. In 1804 he was the chief editor of the Nashville-American, a leading democratic journal.


Herdic, Peter, manufacturer, inventor,waa born in 1824 near Fort Plain. N.Y. He orga nixed the Herdic coach company, invent* ing the cab an<l omnibus that is known by his name. He invested in sawmills during his career in WilHamsport, and invented ktinwn as the booiii, by which what logs are lloated down the stream and caught in a blockade, doing away with the expen* sive r<rt -M< )r) He died Uareb 2, 1888, ia New York City.

Hereford, Frank, lawyer, congreasman, Cnited St, it.- ^.iiitot, was born July 4. 1823, in Fauquier county, Va. In 1871-77 he waa a representative from West Virginia to the forty ^ecnnd. forty-thinl and fortyfourtii congresses. In 1875-81 he was United States senator. He died l>ec. 24, 1801, in I




Herford, Oliver, journalist, authnr. i>oct. is on the staff of the Criterion, of New Yorlc City. He is the author of The Bashful Earthquake: Other Fables and Verses; A ('hild'H Primer of Natural History; Wagner for Infants; and other works. lie

Hering, Carl, electrical engineer, author, I>'<n March 20, 186i), in Philadelphia, H*' has been a member of the jury of awards at five international exhibitions. He is a pr;cti<;il consulting electrical engineer of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the authr of Digest of Eleetrieal Literature; Wiring Comin 'ision Tables. |iiif' Mti'l Hering, Conatantin, physician, author, was bom Jan. 1, 1800, in Saxony. He founded the first homoeopatic school in America in l*hiladelphia. He was the author of Rise and Progress of Homoeopathy; Condensed Maleri;i ^ledica; F.fTeets of Snake Poison: Atnt'Mrjui Drug Provings; and Domestic Phv^i. inn. He died July 2S, 1880, in PhiU<








Hering, Rudolph, engineer, author, was »>om Feb. 20. 1S47. in Philadelphia. Pa. He ri>eeived a thorough education and in 1867 graduated from the Dresden polytechnic insli(ut«> of (Jermany. In 1872 he was engaged as astronomer of the Yellowstone na1873-80 was assistant park; and in tional .Sinee city engineer of Philadeliihia. Pa. 1880 he has been engaged in private practice; and is an authority upon sewerag**. wafer '-iii ih .Tiid refuse disj)iisal. lie li.i^* lM»en con>ultiitg engineer lor the waiter supply or sewerage works of Pliihidelphia. IJilfitnore.






TlulTalo. ("level. mil. AtOrleans, l.os Angeles, .Sin Fran-







the engineering committee for an additional

water supply for New York City. He is a fellow of the American association for ttie advancement of science. He is the author of many published reports on sewerage and (



«in>ply of

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Herkimer, John, jurist, congressnmn. was born in 1773 in Herkimer county. N.Y. He waa for many years a judge of the circtiit