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HEKRINOSIIAW S LiUllAKV He in a lawyer uf C'liicugu, III. lie is the author of The Law of Contracts. Herring, Charles Paine, soldier, was bora In 18«»2 he was major in in Pennsylvania. one hundred and eighteenth Pennsylvania infantry; and in





brigadier-general of volunteers. Jan. 17, 1889, in Philadelphia, Pa.

brevet ted



Herring,Cornelius Taylor.banker an«l stoek Amarillo, Texas, was born Nov. 13, in Cirayson county, Texas. .Since 1880 lie has been engaged in the cattle business; and since 1898 in the banking bu>*ine*<s. He is president of the Uerring National bank of Vernon, Texas; president of the Herring raiser of IH4l»,

Lumber company of Vernon, Texas; president of the Aniarillo National Life Insurance company; and president of the panhandle cattle raisera' association of Texas. Herring, Elbert, lawyer, jurist, was born July 8, 1777, in Stratford, Conn. He was judge of the marine court of New York City from its establishment in 180.'» until 1808, and a few years later was reappointed. He was the first register of the state of NewYork in 1812-17. In 1832 he was appoint«Hl the first commissioner of Indian affairs. He di.Hl Feb. 20. 1870, in New York City. Herring, James, artist, was h«jrn Jan. 12 1704,

London. England.


He began by

coloring prints and maps; and subsequently became a portrait painter of New York He illustrated, with I-ongacre, the City.



trait-Hallery. a (lied




the National


of three volumes.

(Vtober. 18«7.




Herring, SiUs Clarke, merchant, inventor, was born Sept. 7, 1803. in Shrewsbury. Vt. In 1837 he started a wholesale grocery store Y'ork City. In 1851 he manufacburglar proof safes, which was awardat the London exhibition; and given the first prize at the World's fair exposition of New York City. He diwl June in



ed a



1881. in Plainfield, N.J.

Herringshaw, Mrs. M. Linna, litterateur, genealogist, was born Nov. 22, 18fiO. in Lake county, III.; and was the wife of Thomas William Herringshaw, the well-known AmerShe ican biographer. was educated in the public »cho<d« of her native county; and all her life was interested in American literagenealogy. ture and She was associate editor of The National Library of American Literature; contributed to several stand-

ard biographical and g««nealogical works; ln'Came a correspondent of the Messenger, Daughters of Columbia; and for years was engaged on a genealogical work entitled The Family History and Biographies of the Herringshaw, Clarke, Kapple, Holmrt, Brai-





nerd, Hulkeley, Brooks, Whiting and Allied Families, tracing her ancestry back to Oliver Cromwell. She died Feb. 22, 1914, in Cliieago, III. Herringshaw, Thomas William, journalist, publisher, genealogist and atithor, was born .Ian. 27. 1858, on lli> oasteru coast of Lincolnshire, Kngland. He received his education III the national schools, at the Chicago athe-

iixum, and at the Chiago union college of uiw; and during 1875•'9 he folhtwed his rade of printer in tlie ities of New York, 'hiladelphia and Chiago. he In 1 87 0 the ioun<led Farm, I Fiehl and Fireside, of

wn- <«liti)r and sole propri«'tor; when the Farm. Field and Fireside pub-




lishing c<uiipany was incorporated in 1880, he was made president. Having disposed of his interests in the alxive publication, he es-

tablished a printing oflice in Chicago; and in 1884 founded the American publishers' iissoeiiition. of which he has always been jiresident. In 1880 he married Mary Linna Jones of Lake c<»unty, III., a daughter of Clark Jones, a pioneer of that county. They have a family of three sons and one daughter, and resi<le in their own home near Lincoln Park, Chicago; and they also maintain a country villa known aa Herringshaw hall, built of solid cut granite stone, on the highest point in Lake county. 111., surrounded by a magnificent estate of one hundred and forty acres. This mansion is also





the ancient

seat of the family built in the sixteenth century near Boston, on the eastern coast of Lincolnshire, Englan<l. He is the author of Home Occupations; Prominent Men and Women of the Day; Aids to Literary Success; and Mulierology. He has also edited and compiled a score of works, the most notable of which are Poets of America; Poetical Quotations; The Spalding Memorial; Herringshaw's Encyclopedia of American Biography; Library of American Literature; Herringshaw's National Library of American Biogra|iliy. in live volumes; and the .American Blue Book, a national annual Biiigra[>liical work. Herring, William P., manufacturer of Watertown.N.Y.. was born 0<«t. 22. 1844, in .TetTerson county. N.Y. Until 1864 he was a manufacturer of leather; and in 1864-65 served in the civil war. Since 1878 he has iM'en engaged in cattle raising in the southwest; and has also been engaged in railroad work and in the manufacture of paper. He is president of the Jefferson Paper company: and is a director of the Northern New York Trust company of Watertown ami other corporations.
