Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/18

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AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Haacke, Henry, jounuilist, author, poet,

was born

In Oct. 22. 1S3S, in tlcrmany. he became editor oi the Ciiuiiumti Volksf round. He was the author of a volume of Po«m8. H« died in 1903 in Cin-


cinnati, Ohio.

Haaren, John Henry, educator and author of Brooklyn, N.Y., waa born Aug. 13, 18da, in New York City. He is president of the department of pedagogy in the Brooklyn inatitute. He is the author of Heath's Writ* ing Books and other educational works. Haarstick, Henry Christian, men hant an.l capitalist of St. Louis, Mo., was born July 26, 1836, in Hohenhameln, Germany. Be is a liii tor of th»' State National hank. Haarstick, William T., capitalist, waa born May 11, 1865, in St. Louie. Mo. He began hi-; business canvr in tho ntlicc of i





portation company.




In 1804 he was elected

and director of the St. Louis bank of commerce. Emm, Oeerge Chtiatian Frederick, clergyviee-i>r('sit]<-nt

IS.ll. in man, compoM»'r. Man born .May Since IHSo'lu' has been Philadelphia. I'a. a pastor in N« v <)rk ity. He uas editor of German Sunday School Lesjsou Leaves and Bible Story for Sunday Schools. He haK composed many hymn tunes. Haai, John A. W., clergyman, author, waa bom Aug. 31, 1H()2, in Philadelphia, Pa. Sinee 189fi h<- has been pastor ot St. Paul's ."i,


Lutheran church of iNew York City. He is the author of Gommeataiy on the Goepel of Mark in Lutheran OMnmentary; and other works. Haaa, Kalmaa, merchsnt, philanthropist, was born in Deeemhi r, 1H40, in r;«'rnwiny. In 1867 he foun4eU the lirm of Haas Brothers of San Franeiaeo, Cal.; and they now control



United States.




a director

of of

the the

American beet sugar eompany, the Napa rjuick-silver mining compMiy. the Xap:'. Idriu quicksilver company, and the Mutual alli in. trust company. He is president of .'

tlif Mount Sinai training; si lioo! for nurses; and takes a det-p intcrc'^t in charities. Habberton, John, journalist, author, was


Feb. 24, 1842, in Brooklyn. N.Y.


im a journalist of New York City. He is the author of Helen's Babies; Other People's

hildren; The Barton Experiuietit also The Road; Who Waa Paul Grayson tj The Scripture Club of Valley Rest; The Bownham Puzzle; Brueton's Bayou; Country Luck; Life of Wasbingtou; Some Folks; Mrs. Maybum's Twins; The Worst Boy in To^ n The ChautauquaUH All He Knew; Uuuey and Cialli and The Lucky Lover. c


Haberdiain, Aleauinder Wylly, naval of&* cer, nu'rchant, uutlmr, was born March 24, 1820, in Hvvi iork City. He wa^ a naval officer; and in later life was a tea merchant in Japan. He was the author of My Last Cruise, an Account of the L uited States North Pacific Exploring Expedition. He died March 2G, 1883, in Baltimore, Md. Habersham, James, educator, merchant, !*tutcsmau, colonial governor, was bom in 1712 in Kn^'huid. In 17ti7 he was one of the prcsideulh oi the upper house of ae>«>embly; in 17(>1)-71 he otliciatcd as governor of Ceorgia durin;^ the abseno' of Sir James Wright; and in 1771-7.') was colonial gov craor.


raised at Itethesda the lirst cot-

ton in the .state. He died Aug. 28, 1775, in BruiiHwick, N. .1. Habersham, John, soldii r, congressman, was born in 1764 in Savannah, Ca. He wan a member of the first regiment ever formed in Ceorgia. in 178.'i-8(> he was a delegate from Ceorgia to the continental congress; and collector of the port of Savannah in I7K!» nil. He died Nov. 10, near Savannah, Ga. Habersham, Joseph, soldier, congressman, V Inly 28, 17.^1, in Savannah, Ga. !'<'rn lie M-rved 111 the revolutionary war as a lieutenant-colonel. He inas a delegate from Ci'orgia to the rout itn ntal congress iu 17H'>-8ti; and a member oi the blute aa(terobly. In 1705-1801 he was the postroastcr-gcniTiil and in 1802-l.'j was a president of the iiranch bunk of the United States at Savannah. Ga. He died Nov. 17,



at Savaniiali.


Hi:- di atii wa-*


mourned tiuuiighout





United States

Habersham, Richard Wylly, lawyer, eonwas horn in 17S(i in Savannah, In ls;{!>-43 he was a representative from (ieor^ia to tiio twenty-sixth and

^•res-.nian, (Ja.



2, 1842, in Clarksville,



