Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/19

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Habing, Joseph G., jurist, public oHicial, was boru Dec. 15, 1862, in Teutopolia, 111. He waa educated in the public acliouls ul hia native county; and ia a biileauiun by protfbbion. lie hua been town aupervisor; has filled the poaition of village police mag istrate; and liaa held various positions ol He is now recorder and trust and honor. clerk of the circuit court ol Ettingham county: and resides in Ellingham, 111.

Habliston, William M., banker, linancier. He is president and director of the Broad street bank of Richmond, Va.; ia president of the national bank of Virginia; and president of the Roanoke Rapids power company. He is a director of the Tidewater and western railroad company; and a director of several banks.

Hack, Mrs. Gwendolyn Dunlevy Kelley, artist, author, was born Nov. 10, 1877, in Columbus, Ohio. She has painted a porShe is trait on ivory of the Queen of Italy. the author of Annals of Ulidia and the History of the Dunlevy Family; Poems; and Remenyi, Musician and Man.

Hackenburg, William B., merchant, manufacturer, philanthropist, was born June 2, 1837, in

Philadelphia, Pa. He received his education in the public schools of Pliiladel phia. Pa.; and in the r i v a t e academy of J) Rev. Dr. Max Eill'ian-


tlial in New l.'ity. He has been for forly aix years engaged in the manufacture


sewing and machine In 1858 he was


secretary of the United Hebrew relief society; and in 1805 was one of the organizers of the Jewish hospital and home for the aged and infirm Israelites of Philadelphia, of which institution he has

Hackett, Frank Warren, lawyer, author, was born April 11, 1841, in Portsmouth, .Since 1873 he has practiced law in Washington, D.C; and since IDUO has been assistant secretary of the navy. He is the author of Ihe Geneva Awards Acts; and The (.iavel and the Mace. N.ll.




cK-rgyman, au-

thor, wiis born Dec. 27, 18U8, in Salisbury,


He was a

baptist clergj'man; prolessor .it Newton seminary in 183U-7U; and in 187U 75 professor in Rochester senunary. He was one of the Americiin revisers of the Rible; and editor of Smith's Bible Dictionary. He was the author of Commentary on the Original Text of tiie Acts of the .-Vpostles; Memorials of Christian Men in the W'iir; and Illustrations of Scripture by a Tour in the Holy I^md. He diea Nov. 1S7.!>, ir. Rochester, N.Y. Hackett, James Henry, actor, atithor, was born March 15, IbOU, in New York City, lie was a |)opular actor, and noted for his iinpcrs mation of FalstalL He was the autiler of Notes and Comments on Shake Apeare. He died Doc. 28, 1871- in Jamaica,


N.Y. Hackett, Richard Nathaniel, lawyer, congressman, was born Dec. 4, 16GG, in Wilkesboro, N.C. He was educated in the Wilkeaboro high school; and at the university of North Carolina. In 1888 he began the practice of law; and for two terms was mayor of Wilkesboro. N.C. In ISIUl 06 he was assistant


the 6ecr?t:irA- of


the state.

1907 0!) he was a representative from North Carolina to the sixtieth congress as a democrat.


Thomas C, congressman, was

In 184!) 51 he was a representative from Georgia to the thirty first congress. He died Oct. 8. 1851, in Marietta, iH)rn in (ieorgia.


Hackh, Otto Christoph, nuisieian. composwas born Sept. .10. 1852, in Stuttgart.




has been a ttaeher in



been president for thirty-one years, and ia in ollice. He was one of the founders of tlie Society of United Hebrew charities; the Federation of Jewish charities; the Hebrew charity ball association; and the young men's Hebrew association. He is on the board of inspectors of county prisons. Since 1891 he has been a trustee of the Baron Maurice Dc Hirsch two million four hundred thousand dollar trust for the relief of the Hu-*sian and Roumanian Jews; and is also vice-president of one of its colonies in south .lersey

anil Brooklyn. He is the author of two hundred pieces. Hackleman, Pleasant Adam, soldier, lawyer, jurist, slatv h-gislator, was born Nov.

Hacker, Newton, soldier, lawyer, legisla-

Hackley, Aaron, eongressnian. was born in New Haven, Conn. He was a member of the New York state legislature in 1814, 1S15. and 181S: and in 1819 21 lie was n representative from New York to the sixteenth congress. He died in New York. Hickley, Charles Elihu, ]>livsician. author, was horn Feb. 22, 1836. in Vnadilla, N.Y. He was surgeon in the second New Y'ork cavalry in 1801-64; and surgeon in chief ol


tor, jurist, was born March 3, 1836. in Cret^ne county, Tenn. In 1803-65 he served from private to captain in the civil war. In ls«i») he began the practice of law; and in 1S67 was a representative to the Tennessee Klale legislature. In 1870-78 he was attorney general for Die first judicial circuit of Tennessee; and for eight years was judge of the same circuit.



15, 1814, in


he was

Hush the

Franklin county, Ind. In 1837of the probate court of








brigjidier-general in 1862. active part in the battle of

lie took an Torinth. where he was lie died Oct. 4, Miss.


• ••


Indiana stale hou-e of representatives.

He was made a



on the second near Corinth.

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