Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/20

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the third cavalry division, army of thf To tomac. Ho has trnnsluti-d Stcllwag's Dis eases of the Eye; Nicineyer's Practical Medicine; and Billrotli's Sm'^ieal PulhologA-. Hackley, Charles H., lumbenuan, pliilanthropist, was born Jan. 3, 1837, in Mioliigan City, Ind. lie ucrked in a mill a* hibonir and foreman; went to coninu-reial school

and became a


and sub-

sequently a jiartiKT in the mill firm. He boui^lit a square in .Mu.Hkrgon, n-moved the buildings, turned it into a park and in the center built the soldiers' monument. He gave the park lo the city. He also gave the -Mty a two hundred thoU'^and dollar public library, a sixty thousamd dollar high school and a seventy-five thousand dollar central school. He died Feb. 10, 1905, in Alu-skegon. Mich. Hackley, Charles William, clergyman, educator, author, was born March U, 1809, in Herkimer county, N.Y. He was an episcopal clergyman; and was p^of«'^-i<•r of mathematics at Columbia college in HA'Gl. He was the author of Treat isf »)n Al Kebra; Elementary Course in (jwm« try; and Elements of Trigonometry. He died .Ian. 10, 18C1, in New York City. Hackney, Henry Clay, s'twk broker, was born Sept. 23, 1849, in Elmira, N.Y. In 1S89 he engaged in the brokerage business in Chicago; and that has b<*en his principal business r^inee that time. In 1899 1904 he was vie»-president of the Chicago stock ex-

cha ri;re. Hackney, Leonard U>rn March 29, 1855, 1878-SO




lawyer, juri«t,






.Mojulain he made the s<!Cond uf two ).a nil iiioraid.' ImllcNin journeys, for the purpose of listing thr u,>per eurrints of the uttnosThe two plu It as ;i meiMis of traveling. voyagt-rs left Watertown in 1859, late one afteriKHin, an<l saih'd almost due north to a point one hundreu and fifty miles north of Utt.iwu City, Canada,


the journey

of ihns' huiidrfd inih-*, the greater part of He died it atlrr <iaik. in al>)Ut four hours.

1898. ill Hadley, Arthur Twining, educator, college presideni, author, .>as iKirn April 23, 1850, in

New Haven, Conn.

He was educated


the Hopkins grammar j.chool; at Yale university; and at the university of B-'rlin. He has receivinl the digree of A.M. from Vale university; and the degree of LL.I).



West Ivcbanon,

George Channing, clergyman, journalist, (Mjet, was born Jan. 23, 1832, in VVateriown, N.Y, He learned the printer'.s trade, and was connected with several newsWliile endeavoring to pa|)ers iu Wisconsii enforce the prohibition lawa of Iowa he was assassinated in Sioux City, He published —.'veral fumtive |Mh'ms that became popular, including Autumn J.«-avts; 'Ihe SkeU-ton Uuest; and The Cross of tlold. His Life was published by his Kon in 1887. He died Aug. 3. I.SSO, in .Sioux City, Iowa. Haddock, John A., aeronaut, was born Oct. 17. 1823. In eonipanionship with John




.Xliseellaii "lUs



prosecuting atforncy of Shrlltv and .Iohn>op eouniies. Ind.; and in 1888 93 was judge of the circuit court. Since 1S93 he has judge of the supreme court of Indiana. Hackney, Thomas, lawyer, congressman, was born FK-c. II, IMUI.'in (Jiles county, Tenn. He was educated in the southern Illinois normal university; and the Missouri st-ate Uiiiversity. Sinee 1800 he has pracfirmed law in Carthagr. Mo. In 1901 02 he waa a member of Ihe Missouri state legisl.iture. In 1907-11 he was a reprrHrntnlive from Missouri tf th.« sixli«(h an<l sixty first congresses as a democrat. Hadden, Crowell, capitalist, was born in ?84n ii, N.'w ^ork ity. H»> is vice pn-sident and trustrn* of t'.ie Brot»kIyn saving-* bank: and is also treasurer and direetor of tin- Hrook'vn academy of nniNie. He is a trustee of the Brooklyn eye and ear hospital; and trustee of the BnMiklyn city rail


died Jan. 15, 1801, in


Harvard Wes

leyan. C'oluiiibia a n d the Johns Hopkins uni-

In 1879 83 he was employed as a tutor; and in 1883 86 lectured on railroad administration. In 188li 99 he was a professor at Vale uni versify; and since 1899 has N-en president of that institution. In 1885 87 he was a eommisHioner of lalwr statistics of Connecticut. In 1S87 89 he was associate editor of tlif Hailroad (Jazt'tte of New York City. He is thr auliior of Private Property and' Publie Welfare; Hailroad Transportation, Its History and I.jiws; The Education of the .American Citi/.i-n; Freedom and Ki'sjMmsiiiility; Standards of Public Morality; and '•lln r works. vrrsities.

Hadley, Henry Hamilton, e«lueator, fheo

a professor of rlietorie college in 1R19 50; and charp-

was Ixjrn .luly 19, 1820. in FairN.Y. In 1858 he became instruetor of sjiered liti-rafure in the I'nion theological seminary. In 1801 he was professor of Hebrew in the I'nion Seminary of New York He died Aug. I, 1804. in City Point, Va.

d'afTaires in Portugal in 1850 54. He originated th" railway system of New nam|>shire; and also th*? system of common schools in that state. He was the author of

Hadley, Henry Harrison, soldier, lawyer, lecttirer. autlior. was born in Ohio. In 1862 he enlisted in the nineteenth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry; and in 1800 wa.s mus-

way company.


Haddock, Charles Brickett, e<lucator. diplomat, author, was Inirn June 20, 179rt. in Franklin. N.II. and was n nephew of Daniel

Wfbstrr. at

He was

