Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/203

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Washington and Lee university. He



author of Irregular Verbs of Attic Prose.




college. In 1894 W. e was editor of the Free Methodist; and in 1904 was elected bishop of his cimrch. He is the author of Revivals and ville


Revival Work; Hymns That Are Immortal; and other works. Hoguet, Henry Louis, merchant, hanker, was l>orn Nov. 181(5. in Ireland. He was

with the emigrant industrial savings hank of New Vr>rk City for twenty eight years; and its president for twentyone. Pope Pius IX conferred on him in 1877 the title of Kn'ght (»f .St. (Jregory the great. He died May 9. 1890. in New York City. Hohlfeld, Alexander Rudolf, iHlueator, author, was born Dec. 29, 1805, in (iernmny. 892- 190 1 he was professor of (terinaii In languages at Vanderbilt university, and since 1901 has held the same professors}|ip at the university of Wisconsin. He is the author of ^ work in TJerman. Hoit Albert Gallatin, fiainter, artist, was born Dee. 1.3, 1809. in Sandwich. N.H, He Ix'i-ame a portrait ])ainter. and was also a noted lanilseape artist. He died Die. 18. «t)nn«'cted




West Hoxbury.


James De Witt Christian, physician, was born Auj;. 2,"». 1812. in Laeonia,

Hoit, poet,

N.H. He received the rudiments of his education in the town schmils. and attended rJtiilford







tended the medical de-




university: and grailuated from the Missonri medical collefre of St. T.oni>i and subse«|Ueiitly attended the

New York and



medical and department of Vienim university, .Austria: has practiced his profr>^sinn with »nccc>.>. in Yates City •

and Elniwood,


He has contributed


t<» medical literature and the peliodical pre>.s; and his j)oems have been in4'orp«irated into IWts of America and other


'Hogue, Solomon Fisher, cler^fyman, educator, college president, was born April 1, taught lie 1848, near Waynesburg, Pa. bchool and has since U'en county superintendent of public instruction of (Jreeno county, Pa.; president of .Munoiigahela college; principal of the Ellwood acaileuiy, Pa.; and of Hall institute of Sharon. Pa. Hogue, Wilson Thomas, iducator. cli-rj^ypn^i^llllt. author, was Ixirn niaii, e<ill>gt.Iaieh 0, 18.52, in Lynd»in, N.Y. In 187:{ he entered tlie ministry; and in 18«.):J 94 served as general suprrintendent in the Free

nethiulist church.

In 181>2-1!»04 was he

standani works. He is Hoke, Jacob, litterateur, author. the author of The Age we Live In; Holiness, or the Higher Christian Life; Clusters frouj Ksheol; (Juide to the Battle-Fiehl of (Jettvsburg: and The tJreat Invasion of I8(i;r.

Hoke, John W., lawyer and statesman of Chambcrsburg, Pa., was l)orn .luly 17, 18(>(J, He graduated with in Chambersburg, Pa. tl;e degri'e of from Lafayette collegf of Laston, Pa. In 1899-1901 lie "was district at torney of Franklin county: in l90.'»-0tV he was a member of the Pennsylvania house of reju'esentatives; and is now a memlM-r of the slate senate.

Hoke, Martha Harriet, painter, artist, was .March 2.{. 18(il. in St. I^aiis, Mo. As portrait painter on ivory her name is prominently known; and she is also known i»y her snperi«»r work in black and white. 1890 she taught <lrawing froinin the anIll Imhii


the .St. Ixnis scliool of line arts. ill Hoke, Robert Frederick, s(ddier. railroad president, was born May 27, 1837. in Lincolnton, N.C. He was ap]>ointed brigadiergeneral in the confederate army in 1863; ti<|U<'

and became major general at

one time





He was

of the district


North Carolina. Since the civil war he has l»een actively engaged in business in North Carnlina: and is now president of the SeaiKtard air line. C.eorgia. Carolina, and Northw«'stern railroail company. Hoke, William Alexander, lawy«'r. jurist, was born Oct. 2.t, IS.'il. in Lineo1nt(m. N.C. In 1872 he was admitted to the practice of law: an^l practiced at Shelby and Lincolnton until 1891. In 1889 he was a nienil>er of the North Carolina state legislature. In 1891-1904 he was judge of the superior court: and since 1904 has lieen judge of the suprfiiie conrt of North Carolina. Holabird, Samuel Beckley, soldier, author, was born .Mine I»5. 182tJ. in Canaan, (mn. During the civil war lie ;ittained the rank of brig.idier general. After the civil war he became brigadier-ironernl and quartermaster;ieneral the I'nited ."states army. in In 188(> he was retired from active serx'ice. He

was the author of Translation of rSeneral .Tomini's Treatise on (Jrand Military Op< rations. He died Feb. 2, 1907. in Washington. D.C. William, an-hitect. was born in .Vmenia l iiion. N.Y. In West Point Military 187.5 has been an architect of Chicago. III. lie is senior mernlier of the firm of Holabird and Roache. architects (if tlif Manimtte. Old Colony, Trihune and 'cMe(ian l>uildiii<;s of Chicago. III. Holahan, Martha Eileen, poet, was born •Inly 1, IfitWl, in Turner, III. She is the auHolabird.




he was at academy: and since ]87.">7.'>