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H£RRINaSHAW"S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOQRAPHY. poem in one voluint- entitled NoB* (le«cript, or The PaasioiiAte Kecluse. RoloTOok, Alfnd, edueator, author, was thur of a



181G in Derby, Conn.



was elected chancellor of the &>outlierii normal Qnlversity of Huntington. Tenn. He is president of the Alfred If(iIhr(H>k normal university at Lebanon, Ohio. Ue is the auThe Normal, or Methods of Teaching: an Kng^lisb (Jramniar 'iTiforTii><l o l*r«-i'-nt I fiagi-; and a vohiriu- «»f !>< t turos.

thor of


Holbrook, Amos, plivAicinn. was born


23. 1745. in Hcllintrliam. Mii»«, He rstahlished temporarj* hospital-* f<ir the a<linis<«ion of patients who had heen inoouint>^-d for the smallpox; and was a«tivc lit iiit rodncing and pn»m<)ting public vaccination in Milton. Maso.. which was the first town in the ooun (ry that in a corporate capacity pivc it^ inhabitants the ben^ts of thin protective nKvnt. He died June 17, 1842, in Milton, Masfi.

Balbrook, Charles C, lawyer, jurist, was horn .Tnlv 1.3. 1S48. in Rus«Vll (•«»nnty, Va. In 1881 he was elected district attorney of the fourth judicial district of Colorado at Alamo<?a. judf^ for






an unexpired term

in 1804 was reflected to the a full term of ^six years, and




of three years;




again in 1900 another »i.x years. Holtaook, Dwlii^t, educator, author, was borr. Aiijr. 23. 18fi3. in Pouerhk.H imin. N.Y. For twenty years he was principal of the Morflan school of Clinton. Tonn.: and is now for



of The

Mining. .Y.



TTolhrook ^rhnol of Osthe autlior of The Talis-

man. Holhrook. E.


lawyer. concrcRHinan. wan bom in IS.Ifi in Elvria. Ohio. In 1865 «9 luwas a territorial deleirafe from Idaho to the thirtv-ninth and fortieth eon?rc'«»af»«. TJe died .Tune 18. 1870. in Idaho C' tv. Idaho. Holbrook. Frederick, farmer, Brovcrnor.wan bom Feb. 15. 1813. in Wareh ouHo Point, Conn. He was ednested fn the B. rkshiro .

sn-mna'iiiim of Pittsfield. ;Ma<»s. He wa<« a partner in a bookstore for two vears: and was then enffasH in farminir. Tn 1849-ffO lie wa*? a memhfT of fbf Vermont state senate: and in 1801-6.1 wan f^vemor of Vermont. In 1850-58 he was president of the Vermont «itate afrriciiJtural society.

Holbrook. Florence, edncntor. author. w<i<< bom In Peru. Til. Tn 1888-88 «he was prin final of Oriklaiid

aclnHd: anrl ^i.. )ssO haa been nrincipal of ForrcRtville school of Chicaco. HI. She is the author of Element arv neoeraidiv. T?..iirid the Year in "NTvfli and Sonff: T]tp Hiawatha Primer; The Hawthorn Reader: The Book of Nature Myths; and V .itiil.ind Heroes. ,

Holbrook. Tamei. inuraalist. author, wns In 1812. Prom 1845 he wns a special









was the author of Ten Years Amonic the Mailbaffs. Ijn,



died April 28. 1864. in



Holbrook, John Edwards, physician, naturalist, author, was bom Dec, 30, 1794, in Beaufort, B.C. He was professor of anatomy at the medi al cidlc^ iti Charleston for more than thirty ^ears. Ue was the author of American Herpetology; and lehthvology of South Carolina. He died Sept. 8, 1871, in Norfolk, Mass. Helbroek, Martla Luther, physician, edi* tor. author, was Imm Fch. 3. 1S:H. in Mantua, Ohio, lie was a physician of New York City; professor of hyj^iene in the New York medical college and hospital for women; and iditor of ITie Herald of Health and .lournal of Hypiene. lie was the author of Parturition Without Pain: Kating for Strcn^fth: Hyjfiene of Brain and Nerves; Marriagi- and Parentage: How to Strengthrn the Memoi y .

Hyjnenic Treatment of Consumption; and Home-Culture, or Race Improvement. He died Aut:




New York


Holbrook, Mellen Taft, soldier, was born in Massachusetts. In 1802 he was captain of the one hundre<l and seventy third regi-

ment New York infantry; and

in 1865 was brevettcd hrigadier-pfenemi of volunteers. He participated in the bptth's of Pleasant Hill, La.; and also at Cane Kiver CrossingLa. He was honorably mustered out in 186.1.

Holbrook. Reginald Heber, educator, auwas horn April 10. 1845. in Rerea. He was the president of the Normal univensitv of Lebanon. Oliio. He is the author of The New Method; First Principles of Science of Education; and Outlinea of

thor, Ohio.

I'nited States History.

Holbrook. Richard Thayer, educator, auwas bora Dec. 13, 1870, in Windsor Conn. He was an instructor of rolanguaces at Yale collepe in 18061001 and at Columbia university in 190208: and since 1908 has heen head of the de> partnienf of Tfaliaii and old French pliilolo(fv at Bryn Mawr college. He is the author thor,

Tjoeks. tnaiire

of Boys and Men: Dante and Animal Klna^ dom and the tran^^Iator and editor of The Farce of Master Pierre Patelin. Holbrook. Silas Plncknev. lawyer, author, was l>orn Tune 1. ITHfl. in Rranfnrt. S C. He was the .•i!itlu)r of Sketches by a Traveller. He died May 20. in Piiieyllle, R.C. Holcomb. George, lawyer, comrres.sman, was born in 17S6 in Lanibertsville. N.J. He wa« a meniher of the state leffislature in 1815: and in 1821-20 he was n rcpresontafire from New .Jersey to the seventeenth, eitrhteenth. nineteenth and twentieth eonsres-ses. He died Jan. 14, 1828, in Allen;




Holcomb, Silas Alexander, lawver. iiirist. ffovemor. was born on Aug. 25, 1858. near Princeton. Ind. He attained sneeess In the practice of law: anrl in IROl 01 u;is iudtre of the twelfth judicial district court of Nebraska. Tn 1804-08 he served two terms as governor of;ivka: nnj in lOOO-O.'J was judge of the state supreme court of Nebraska.