Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/205

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Amasa, manufacturer, scieriHtate senator, was born June 18, 1787,

Holcombe, ti»t,

Cranby, Conn.


He had no


in ihe manufacturing of the reilecling telescope for twenty years; and he constructed the first instrument and took the first Dagucrrean portrait in this county. He was Justice of the peace for thirty-two years; and was elected a state senator from Massachusetts in 1840. He died Feb. 27, 1873,

Mass. Holcombe, Chester, diplomat, author, was Oct. 16, 1847, in Winlieid, N.Y. In 1880 he was a member of the commission for the negotiation of new treaty with China

in Southwick, bori!

in 1882 assisted in negotiating a treaty with Corea; and since 1885 has been concerned in e.xtensive commercial and iinuneiul questions in China. He is the author of The Keai

Chinaman; The Real Chinese



other works.

Holcombe, Henry, clergyman, autlior was born Sept. 22. 17U2, in Virginia. In 1812-26 he was* pastor of the First baptist church of Pliihidelpnia, Pu. He was the author of Leeturi'H on Primitive Theology; and First Fruits. He died phia, Pa.


22, 1826,' in Philadel-


Poems; The Sexes Here and HereIn Both Worlds; The End of the World; The New Tenant; Letters on Spiritual Subjects; and Condensed Thoughts About Christian Science. He died Nov. 28, path;


1893, in New Orleans, La. Holden, Albert J., musician, organist, coinposer, was born in 1841 in Boston, Mass. For thirty-five years he has been organist at the Cliurch of the divine paternity and at the church of the puritans of New Y'ork City. He has composed three hundred un thems. hymns and other church music.

Holden, Alexander Martin, mrreliant. railroad ilireetor. banker, was born Oct. 11.1848. in Miiulon, N.Y. He was prepared for colifge at the Rochester high scIkm)!. He has iM-en extensively engaged in the mercantile and banking business; and in 1870 established a bank at Honeoyc Falls, N.V., of which he has since been proprietor. He was one of the original proprietors of the Rochester southern railroad, a part of the Lehigh Valley system, of which he has been n director for fifteen years. He is a stockholder

and director

Holcombe, Hosea, clergyman, author, was lH>rn July 20. 1780, in I'nion district, S.C. He was the author of CoMection of Sacred Hymn^*; Anti-.Mission Principles E.xposed; an<l

oiccs, a volume of verse; Scientific Basis of Homu'opatliy; How I became a Honiujo-

lUntory of Alabama Baptists. Jelfersoii eounty. .Ma. ill




Holcombe, James Philemon, lawyer, educator, author, was born S -pi. 25, 1820, in Lynchburg, 'a. He was professor of law the university of Virginia in 1852-60; of the confederate congress in 1861-63. He was the author of Law of Debtor and Creditor; Literature and I>;tters; Introduction to Equity Jurisprudence; in





many Union


local enterprises.




educational matters. He has been trustee and treasurer of the Genesee Wesleyan seminary at Lima since 1887; and in 1896 was a lay delegate to the general conference of the methodist episcopal church. He is a member of the llochester historical society; and a member Falls;

of several

is interested in


and patriotic


Holden, Edgar, physician, surgeon, author,

and a member

was bom Nov. 3, 1838. in Hingham, Mass. During the civil war he was a naval surgeon; and after 1864 was commissioned a

Leading Cases upon Commercial I^w; Di-

a successful physician of

gest of United States Supreme Court Decisions; and Merchants' Book of Reference. He died Aug. 26, 1873, in Capon Springs,


Holcombe, Melvin Allen, educator, lawyer, author, was born April 16, 1870, in Mauldcn,


He haa




houses; and is now profes-*or of mathematics in the Berea college. He is author 6f The History of Jackson County. Holcombe, William Frederic, phvKieian. genealogist, was born in 1827 in Sterling. Mass. He was a physician in New York City; and professor of eye and ear disi-astw. He was the author of History of the Holcoml)es in America; and Family Records, Their Importance and Value. He died in 1004 in Xew York City.

Holcombe, William Henry, physician, author, poet, was born May 2't, 1825. in Lynchburg. Va. He was a homu'opathic physician of New Orleans; and was well known as a Swedenborgian writer. He was the author of Our Children in IT«>avcn: Lost Truths of Christianity; The Other Life; Southern

surgeon in the United Slates army. He is Newark. N.J.; and since 1870 has been president of the medical board of the Mutual benefit life insurance company. He is the author of The

Waif From Minot's Ledge; and Health and Mortality of Newark for Twenty Years. Holden, Edward Singleton, educator, as(roiiomer. author, was born Nov. 5, 1846, in St. Louis.

Mo. In 1866 he graduated with the




from Washington uniand in 1870 graduated from the United States miliversity;

tary ar-adeiny. He waa president of the iiniversitv of California in 1885 88; and director «»f the Lick observatory in 1888-97. Since 1901 he has been lil)rarian of the I'nited States miliUiry

Me is the author of Astronomy for Stu.hniN; Lite of .Sir William Herschel; .Mnimgraph of the Central Parts of the Neb-

iicadi iny.