Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/206

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HKRRIN<:SMAV S l.lliUAKV UK AMKUP AN MUM^HAPFfY. ula of Orion; Notes on tlic Bn>tii>n System of Fortififalioii; Aslronomiciil Hibliugra-

phy; Handbook of



tnd vicedcau


Mogul Kmp«rord of Hindustan; and many works on Astronomy. Holden, George Henry, nuturalit^t. author, was born in 1H4S in AIa98aehuH»>tt8. He it* Ih^ proprietor of a bird stor«' in Boston. Uo 19 the author of Canaries and Cage Birds. Holden, Liberty Emery, journalist, college president, was l*orn June 20, 18;J3, in Kayinond, Maine. He was professor of Knglish literature at Kalamazoo college; and in l.S(iI-62 was Kuperintendent of schools in Tiflin, Ohio. In 1862 he was admitted to the practice of law. He was one of the founders and for twelve years wai* president of the Salt Lake academy of Utah. ^ince 188o he has been proprietor and editor •f the Clevi'land Plain Dealer of Ohio. Holden, Louis Edward, educator, clergyman, college president, was born April 30, 1803, in Rome, N.Y. In 1885 he graduated from Detroit college; in 18!>l reeeivtd the degree of M.A. from that institution of learning; also studied in the theological seminary of Princeton, N.J.; and has also received the degrees of D.D. and LL.D. In 1891-99 he was pro feasor of oratory at Beloit college of Wisconsin. In 18 9 1 he «a> or«Iaiu«-d a pr«*sbyterian minister; and Is now u nicmlH-r of the presbytery of Woosfcr. <»h o. He is also president of the nnivtrsity of Wooster; and the author of alnalil.> ducat i<mal and religious cf>nlribu-

Raleigh Warner, manufacturer, was born July 7, 1878, in Honcoye Falls, N.Y. He was educated at the Genesee W'esleyan seminary; and graduated with the degree of A.B. from the Syracuse university. For several years he was cashier of the Bank of Honeoye Falls, N.Y. and ia now secretary and treasurer of the Rochester composite brick company of Rochester, N.Y. He is prominent in several fraternal and patriotic orders; and in 19U() was treasurer of the national ctinvention of the free and accepted ma^M^ns. He is greatly interested in genealogy; and has contributed valuable articles on that subject to current litHolden,



Holden, Oliver, composer, was born Sept. 1763, in Shirley, Mass. He will always remembered by his world-wide regal hymn, Coronation, lie was a carpenter, and in 1792 became a music teacher and publisher. He died in 1834 in Charlestown, Mass. Holden, Warren, educator poet, was born ISO he was an associate justice of the supn uM- court of Rhode Island. Holden, Warren, educator, poet, was born Feb. 1, 1817, in Newark, N.J. He taught scluKil in Pennsylvania, Virginia and New18,



Jersey, until called to

Girard college in 1852. After forty -five years






Holden, Luther Loud, author. He is the aurinT of Pi-r^is. a Tale of the White Mountains: «»ld


the department of agriculture at the Iowa state college; and is now superinten<lent of the agricultural extension departnwnt. In 1902 he organized and was manager of the Funk brothers seed company of Bloomington, HI. In 1904 he conducted the first railway train for carrying agricultural instruction to farmers. He is the author of Potato Culture in Michigan; Sugar Beet Culture in Illinois; Selecting and Preparing .Seed Corn and other Monographs. in


of service as professor


and A Summer Jaunt Through the




institution, he retired in 1890 with a yearly pension. He is the author of several volumes of poems, entitled Fourteen Sonnets; Song of



Holden, Perry Greeley, educator, author, was Imiiu Oct. 13, 1865, in Do«lge county. graduated from the Michigan agricultural c o 1 e ge with the degrees of B.S. and M.S.; and received the degree of B.Ph. from the Michi-






sciKwl of Ypsilanti. In

1889 93 he was instructor in the Michigan agricultural college; in 1895 was professor of science at

Benzonia college of Michigan; and wag superintendent of Benzonia county schools in 1895-96. In 1896-1900 he was professor of agronomy at the university of Illinois: since 1902 has been professor of agronomy

the Sea; pliy

ual lie

Kvoliition: 'lie.l




AutobiograLove; Spirit-

and Discovery of .America, in



Holden, William Hiram, lawyer, librarian, Ijorii June (J. 1S43. in Chicapi. III. In Sill he graduated from the We-t division high scli«Hd of Chicago, HI.; and in lMi •riaduated with the degree of LL.B. from the I'nion Cfdiege of law. For twenty-one years lie was treasurer of the Chicagti law institute; and is its librarian. For a time he was ;i trustee of the xiniversity of Chicago; president and director of the Bible institute coiportaifc association; and for thirty years was superintendent of the Sundaj' school

was I
