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D 1. SA UERRINGSHLAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BRGRAPHY. In 1846 le went to F'olumbia, state; the expital of bis nnd quently was placed in charge of the freight department of the Co umbra ad treenville railroad. The Postel laing continual (23) Sen Ty was austerred to that place as agent. (n 1802 was electel shier of the bank Newberry; of three years later engaged in unrelialising and farming Since 18s le bas been the eretary of the State ngrientral and me chanical society of South Carolina and still fills that online in Pomaria. The was promi- ment in the affairs of the state grange, and was the secretary until that order was s perseded by the alliance, Holloway, William Robeson, journalist, diplomat, author, was baru De. 1836, in Richmoud, hid. In 1800 he was admitted to the practice of law; and in ENKI was private secretary to Governor Murton. 1861 he parehased the Indianapolis Journal; and was its editor for several years. F1 1889-st be was xxlmaster of Indianapolis. Ind. In 1880 80 he conducted the Indiana polis Times. In 1897-1994 he was emisul- general for the United States to Halifax. Nova Scotia, 1le is the author of Holla way's Indianapolis. Holls, George Frederick William, lawyer, autler, wax from June 1, 1857, in Pro sylvania. The was a prominent lawyer of New York City. He was the author of Franz Lieber, lis Life and Work; Napela Sophia and Troutzu; Compulsory Voting: The Peace Conference at the Hague. He died in 1903 in Youkers, N.Y. Holly, Charles F., lawyer. jurist. He was appointed a judge of the United States. court for the territory of Colorado. del in Colorado. Holly, Henry Hudson, architert, author, was born in 1849 in New York. He is an architect of New York City. He is the author of Country Seats Church Architec 1: and Modern Dwellings in Town and Country. He died in New York City. lolly, James Theodore, rrymau. mis wiary. bishop. was born tet, 3, 1829, in Washington, D.C. He was educatest in Washington, New York City, Bulalo and Detroit; and is received the degrees of D.D. l 1.1.D. 1851 I became a prod rstaut episcopal clergyman; in 1856 61 wa petor of St. Luke's church at New Haven, Conn; in 1861-71 WDS a missionary ne Haiti and in 1874 was ondained mission ary bishop of Ilaiti. I 1864-74 he was ensal of Lileris ut l'ort an Prince, Haiti, lu 1878 he was a delegate to the Lambeth wafference in England. Hollyer, Samuel, engraver, urlist, was an Erb. 24, 1826, in London, England, He has engraved portraits of Walt Whitman, President turiteld; also Vietor iluge; and also of Dickens, Tennyson, Bryant and Longtrikow i their studies and many others, including nineteen presidents of the iled stating Holm, Charles F., lawyer, organizer and ditertor of 35 Nassan st, New York City. was born March 5. 1862, in New York City. He was alted in the private schools and alliggs of New York City and Schwerenit Germany. He organized thus United Nation tank. Hudson Trust company, the onsumers Brewing company, the Exchange tiger ompag ud alere operate tranke exportions. He is senior member of Her wir of Holm, Witkok and Scarll; and is comised and director of the Hudson Trust perny. Intil El he was explain in the tonto the Holm, llerman Theodor, litauist, anthor. was born Feb. 3. Txat, in impenhagen, Den mark. In 19s he grabitated from the mui versity of Capenhagen, Hade to the wit States in 1888; and subsequently became a mataralized Ameri can citizen. bu 1881 taust and zoologist to the Danish north pole ex pedition; and in 1884 SG trayell in West tiendant us admist and zalogist for the government For plant right years he was botanist as sistant in the Smithsonian institution and the United States departurnt of agrient He is the author of nutraus Mono graphon Bany, Morphology and Anu omy. Holman, Jesse Lynch, lawyer, jurist, was born Ort. 21, 1781. in Danville, Ky, Abou the year 1836 he was appointed United States district Judge for the district al Indiana. He died March 28, 1812, in Auro ra, Irul. Holman, John H., soldier, was born in Maine. In 1861 43 he served in the visi! war: and in 1885 was brevettesl ligadier general of volunteers, He died June 26, 1883. Holman, Joseph George, actor, was borRE i 1761 in England. He rose to such dis linet on i juveuile tragerly and high s ely parts. Some of his last renderings were Hamlet. Elgat in King Lear. Hene diet. Lord Townley, Mr. v. an Duke Ariza, He had mure onse and finish th intensity wa a stadiurs erforther and a well-lied, scholarly man. Sis or even play came from his ey that were acted on a few musions, but never pablished, He died May 24, 181, in Rekawny, S.Y. Digedy Google