Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/213

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gressuuuv waa bom Sept. H, 1822, in Verdstown, Ind. H« was a member of the convention to reviae the constitution of liuliin 1850; was a memb«r of the »tat« legiskture in 1851; and was a jinl^c of the court of common plfus in In 18a9-Ur>, and 188i-Ud ho was a representative from Indiana to the thirty-


im n


professor of surgery in the niediciil department of the university of lllinoia. He is the author of Eniergenciea. senior

Holmes, Charles H., lawyer, congressnuui, wutf boru Oct. 24, 1827, in Albion, N.V. llv a noted lawyer of Albion, K.Y.; au«l iit 1808-71 he was u representatix e to the


lorty-ilrst vongrens an

u republican to




thirty sfvcntli, tliirt -i-iglitli. llu> f«>rlorlv lir^t, furly-Hfoinl, forty third, tictli, forty-seventh, forty-fourt II, forly-cighth. forty iiiiil !i, tiflietli, lifty-fir-t. lifl s •^.conil

David, congre»8man, governor, «l L niled Slates senator, was Iwrn in 1" In l7"J7-18oy he was u eriek county, Va. representative from irginia to the liftli,


sexenlli. eighth, ninlli and tenth coiiin 1809-17 was governor of tin* territory of Missi»Hippi; was the lirst governor of that state in 1817 1819 and 1825 27; and in 1819 27 he was I iiited Slates aenator. He died Aug. 20, 1832, in Wiuriiinglon, Miss.


titly-tliird congresses died April 22, 1887,

iti preserved i»y his descendants iind pub

llshcd for the lirst time in Bulletin of Historieal Collections. He died in 1701 in Salem, N.J. Holme, Tliomas, civil engineer. va8 Immu in 1625 in Ireland. His map of the Province of Pennsylvania, together with lii-^ Portraiture of the t iiy m I'hiladi lphia,


published e.t(-nsively in Kurope in 1083-84. made hi- riaim familiar to tvery stu-


dent of Amernaii in




dieil in



Holmes, Abiel, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 24, 176.3, in WiKidstoek. I onii. Hf was a unitarian eierj»uiaM; pa>.iitr of the Jr'irst Church of Cambridge in 17M21832. He was the author of Life of Iv/.rn Stiles; History of ( "iinibridgf Aniirioin Annaltt; and Alemoir of the French Protectants. He died June 4, 1837, in Cambridge.

Mass. Holmes, Adoniram Judson, iiuldter. lawyer, eongresaman, waa bom March 2, 1842. in Wavne count v. Ohio. He serveil tlnoiiyli out the war: and Ueanie first li<ui<iiaiil lie was elected a representative in the luu.i stat«'






l.SS.J 8!)

he was u representative from Iowa to the forty-eij^th, Ibrty-ninth an«l tiftieth eon gresses as a republican. He died in 1U02 in Boone. Iowk.

Holmes, Alexander J., born ^'pL 29, 1845, civil war he


During the



in C^ixttackie. N.V. scrt'ed as n soldier

in III*' scoiid regiment of the New ^ ork volunteer cavalry. He received a connner-

cial education; studied law; and in 1872 enttiTfl the ministry of the niethodisf epis He has helped thnf missions i-opal eliureh. to a self supporting basis; and designed 'ind liuilt sIn ihurehs and three parsr>iia;^c^^

He now

a pastorate in .lgnnac, .Mieh. Holmes, Bayard Taylor, educator, surgeon, author, was born July 20, 1S."»2, in Norih ili'ro, t. In ISSU-tlj he was eililor of the North AmtMiean Practitioner; and in IS!)."! was a candidate for mayor of Chi cago on the socialist ticket, ilv is now lill.^


i i



Holmes, David, ihrgynmn, author, wan la 18i»tiburn in ItflO in Newburg, N.V. 73 he was in the ministry in tlie norllihe ve-,iern Indiana cotiferen,H»- edite Mirror of the Suul; and The Chrisliaii i*renelier; and was the author of Pure Gold in its Native Loveliness; and of a Diseu.ssion U|M)n the Atonement. I'ntversal Salvation, and Kndless Punishment. He died tii |H7:'> in I'aiiie (Jtoiind. Mieh. Holmes, Edmund Meek, clergyman, educator, college president, was born Dee. IS.'i'.f.* in Hardin county. t)lii«t. In 18S.'i 8;i .



he tilled the chair of (ir«>ek in the .Sinipsiiii in 1889 92 was iMesideilt Of tllill iuilitution; and in 1894-1900 was in chnr};e of Boone district. Dot Moines conference, .md pastor in the metliodist episcopal eolh'ge;


Holmet, BHat BeHowi, edueator, lawyer, eongre-snian. was Imiii M;iy 27, I8i»7. in I'letcher, Vt. In 1845-49 he was a reprrsentative from New Yoric to the twenty ninth ami thirteitli ooogrcssea. He diml in N'ew York.

Holmea, Kliaa Barton, lecturer. trnvchT. author, was l>orn Jan. 8. INTO, in rhteai,»ii. IKIKI he first leeliiMl in l liicagci; 111. li' and since tiieu has lectured in ni.-iny of tiit* principal American cities. He is the author «if The Burton Hidnn-s U-ctures, iu ten volJunes.

Holmea, Gabriel, lawyer, congressman, gnvcmor. was Imm in 1709 in Sainson comity. N.C. Ill' was in !<« North Caro i

lina Hlate. senate in 1807; the ffnirlcenllt governor of the state in 1821-24; and in IS2.') 29 he was a representative fnnn North Carolina to the nineteenth and twentieth mngrcHKCA. He died Sept. 28, 1821), nenr N.C. <

Holmes, George, educator, lawyer. e«dleg,' preMident. was born Aug. 21." 1820. in Ceorgetuuii. Bii1i-I) (hiijina. In 18:57 he was in instructcu- in the school of Virginia: .uul subsequently taught in Georgia and in South r'arolina. In ISl.l h,. practiced law in t harleston. S. C. In 1840 he was