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Holsey, Lucius Henry, cU'rgyinnn, bishop, nullior, was Ikh'h in 1843 near Columbus, fla. In 1872 he attt'iidcd the Baptist college at Augiista. Ga.; the colored methodisi

and has received from degree the MorriH Brown and the Paine collegoti. In 18(ii) he was ordained to the African met hodidt opiscopal ministry; an<l filled several pastorales in CJeorgia. lie founded the I'aine Augusta, college in (Ja.; and in 1873 was consecrated bishop of episcopal church in

America. JTe is the auth(»r of Church Manual; Church Hymnal; Little (leiiis; A Book of Sermons; Autoluography. Sermons, Addresses and Essays; and Racial Problems. Hoist, Edward, musiciiin, composer, was lie was in born in 1S43 in Copenhagen, turn an actor, stage-dancer, dancing-master He was a diligent composer of songs and pianoforte pieces of a light description, pieces for military band, a comic opera entitled Our Flats. He difd

and playwright.

Feb. 4. 185)!», in New York City. Hoist, Hermann Eduard Von, educator.h'cIn 1892 turcr. author, wa-i lM)rn in 1841. he became professor of history at the university of Chicago. He is the author «»f The Constitutional and Political History of the I'niled States; Life of (jilhoiin; Life of .lohn Brown: and Const itiitiiuial l^w «»f tinI'nited States.

Holston, George, i)aiiit«T. artist, was born Marcli 10, 183.'i. in L(in<lon, Kngland. In I8»i7 he moved to New York City, and has attained prominence as a portrait painter and successfnl art leaehcr. lie lias txhib ited occasionally in the Aiiurican watercolor society, and other institutions of art. Holt, Adoniram Judson, <-lergyniaii, autlmr, was lM)rn Dec. 1. 1847. in Somerset. He is state secretary of missions in Ky. Xasbville. Tenn. He is the author of Miriam llitli and Parthcnia. Holt, Erastus Eugene, (uulist aurist. founder, was Imrn .June 1. 1840. in Peru. Maine. He was the founder of the Maine rye and ••ar infirmary; and was the rounder of the Maine a«'ademy of medicine and science. He was also the founder and editor of the .lour na! of Medicine and Science of Portland. Maine. He is the author of scores of valu •nble medical papers. Holt. George Chandler, lawver. jurist, was Ix.rn Dec. 31. 1843, in Mexic.l. X.Y. In m he graduate<l from Yale university; and in

from Columbia law sehool. In 18(1!» !»8 hi' practice<l law in Xew t>Tk City; and in 18!»S-1!)03 was referee in bankruptcy. Since |1H>3 he has been judge of the I'liited States district court for the southern district of Xew York. I8»;n

Holt, Hamilton, journalist, author, was barn Aug. 18, 1872, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1897 he has been managing editor of the Independent in New York City. He has lectured extensively on International Peace. He is the author of Undistinguished Americans. Holt, Henry, publisher, author, was horn Jan. 3, 1840. in Baltimore. .Md. He is now president of Henry Holt and company, piih lishers of New York City. He is the author of Calmire. Man and Nature; Talks on Civ ics; Sturmsee. .Man and Man; and On the Civic Helations. Holt, Hines, lawyer, congressman, was born in (Jeorgia. He was engtiged in the practice of law. In 1841 he was a repre sentative from Georgia to the twenty sixlli v'ongress to fill a vacancy. Holt, Homer A., lawyer, legislator, jurist, was Ijorn .pril 27, 1831, in Parkersburg. W.Va. He received his education at the Hector college, and at the university of Vir ginia. In 1872 he was a member of the const it luional convention of Wost Virginia. In 1871 he became circuit judge of the (Jreenbrier circuit, which position he filled with <listinction for sixtwn years. In 1890 he iK'came president judge of the supreme court of appeals of West Virginia, his term end ing .Ian. 1. 1897. Holt, John, journalist, publisher. found<*r. was born in 1721 in Williamsburg. Va. He stablished The Gazette and Post Boy. In 1770 he foun«led the New York Journal. II «• died Jan. .30. 1784. in New York City. Holt, John H., lawyer, jurist, statesman, •

was born Aug. 10. 18(10, in Sutton, Va. was educated in the Randolph -Macon

He col-

and studied law in the university of Virginia and the (Jeorgetown university; ami look a post giadualc course in the law lepartnii nt of Yale college. For two years he practiced law at Little Rock. Ark.; in 1884-89 practiced in Wheeling; and in I88!» moved to Huntington, W.Va. In 1890 he was nominaled Ifi the West 'irgiiiia state supreme c«»urt of appeals; and in 1900 wan noininnled gr)veinor of West Virginia. Holt, John Saunders, soldier, lawyer. »utlwir. was born Dec. .1, |82«?. in Mobile. Ala. H«' served throughout the civil war a« lien lege;

tenant in the confederate arniy. He wa« the author of Life of .Mirahaiii Page, a Novel;





(Juines. Xatehe/.. Miss.


.About Ben Eccles; an«l Feb. 27. 1880. in


Holt, Joseph, sohlier. lawyer, jurist, cabwas l)orn Jan. G. 1807, in Brockcounty. Ky. For two months he inet nllieer. enridg«' was attorney for the commonwealth at Louisville. Ky. In 18.i9 01 he was postmnn ler-general: and in 1801 he was secretnrv of war. He was brevetted major-general in the Cnited Slat«'s army in 18ifl.5 for dis tinguished services in the Imreau of military justice during the civil war. He died Aug. 1. 1894. in Washington. D.C.