Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/225

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and was a presidential elector iu 1884. In 1885-1903 he was a repreaentative from Illinois to the forty nintli, fiftieth, ftfty liity-third, lifty fourth, fifty second, lirst, Hfty-litlj, lifty-sixth and fifty-seventh congreHses as a republican. In 1903-OH he was a member






Anderton Hoyt, educator, liwas born March 19, 1861, in Dt lphi,

Hepkina, brarian,

liid. In 1884-80 lie taught school in In diaaa; and in 1887-UU was an assistant in structor in j)hysics at th«' Ann Arbor high In 1895-19(J:{ he wusi assistant lischool. brarian of the John Crerar library of Chicago. III.; in 1903-05 was librarian of the

public library; and einoe 1005 has been librarian of the Carnegie li* brary at Pittsburgh, Pa. Hopkins, Alphmiao Alva, educat«»r, jourlecturer, author, poet, was born nalist, March 27, 1843, in Burlington Flatus, N Y. In 1882 he waa candidate for governor of New York on the proliibition ticket, lie is the author of His Prison liars, a Teni perance Tale; Our .Sabbalh Evening; ^Sin ner and Saint, a Nov»'l; Life of (leneral Clinton B. i-ihk; .sltip iu the Sanctum, Louisville- free

Their Waifs and and Other Poems; Authors; Wealth and Waste; and Geralverse. in diuc, a novel Hopkins, Anoa Lawrence, soldier, railroad prt sidcnt, was born April 10, 1844, in In 1863 he entered Williamstown, .Mass. army as second lieutenant in the first Massachusetts cavalry; was promoted to captain and major; and was wounded In 1868 in the battle of the wilderness. and in 1896 lie entered railway service; became president of the New York Susquehanna and wcHtern railway company. the union

Hopkins, Andrew Delmar, educator, unscientist, was born Aug. 20, Jackson county, W.Va. H«- red i oi his education in hii« rudiments Uie ed native county; and in 1893 received the degree of Ph.D. from the West 'irginia university. In 1890-1902 he was entomologist of the West Virginia experiment station; lOO'i was vice-director of same. and in In 1896-19U2 he was professor of economic entomology at the West Virginia univ» tstiy: and since 1903 has he<'n in charge of lomologist, 18r>7, in




of entomology of




ions iiit<«l

the division States di'part


In 1901 he was presiUK'nt of agriculture. dent of the association of economic entomologists; and is a prominent meniln various affricullural and biographical cieties, principally

on forest tree





Hopkina, ArchilMld, soldier, lawyer, government official, author, was born Feb. 20, 1842, in Williamstown, Mass.; and U the son of the late .Mark 11. Hopkins. In IStii In he graduated from Williams college. 18G2-05 he served In the civil war as caplientcnant-cnlon.l major, brevet tain and and colonel in the thirty seventh Massachusetts r«|(iment; and was an ofHoer of

the government under the reeousi ruction 184SO. He studied law in the otlicc acts of David Dudley Field; graduated from








187;{ iu New ork City. He has He received the degrees of A.M. and 1X.B. lias been pn-siuent of the District of Columbia society sons oi the American revolution: president of the William's cuUeigo

law until

alumni asMxdation; and a member of


national gcograpliical Mot-irty, llic . iericau social science association and the Waslung8inee 187U be ton academy of sciences. lias been clerk in the Cnited States court ut claims of Washington, D.C.; and is now chief elerk. He is the author of The Apoatles' Creed; and other works.

Hopkins, Archibald Wilson, farmer, banker and statesman of Granvili^ III., was born IS4.1. in Granville, III. Since 1902 he .laii has been president of the Bank of Granville; and also president of the Putnam County Bank of Hennepin. He has been a J


of the thirty -seventh, thiriy-eigiitli forty-first seasions of the Illinois state legislature.


Hopkins, Arthur

F., jurist,




179« in Virginia. He moved to Alabama early in life; and became a prominent whig practiced law successively in politician; Ala. Huntsville, iusealooaa, and .Mobile, He died in February, 1860, iu .Mobile, Ala. Hopkins, Benjamin Franklin, businessman, congressman, was bom April 22, 182U, He was privin Washington county, N.Y. ate si'cietaiy lu the gosernor of Wisconsin tor one term; and was a member of botl». In 1867-71 he brancfies of the legislature. was a rej)resentative from isconsin to the congresses. He died fortietli and forty tirst I'^TO, in Madison, Wis. Hopkins, Caspar Thomas, journalist, auMay 18, 1826, in Allegheny


thor, was LK)ru H<City, Pa.

was ami usiablished the

a California journalist;

lirat insurance company on the Pacific coast. He waa the author of a Manual of .American Ideas. HopkinsT Charles Jerome, composer, was bom April 4, 1836, in Burlington, Vt. His compositions embrace operettas, juvenile cantatas; church music, and secular .songs

pieces for the piano. Among his worlcs First Book of Church Music; Class Hook for Notation Study; and Second Book of Church Musie. He died Nov. 4, 18M, in .Mhens. N.J.-

and are






ist, author, was born July 22, 1866, in ChatHe has been profes.sor of chemHeld, Minn. istry in Cornell university and at the South Dakota agricultural college; and since 19tlO

has been professor of agronomy at the uniHe is the author of versity of Illinois. Clieniistry of the Kernel Methods of Corn Breeding'; Alfalfa on Illinois Soil; and other works. HopldSi, Daaid, educator, clergTmau,