Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/226

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HEKRINUSFIAWS LIUFIARY OF AMERICAN BIOQRAPHY. congressman, was born Oct. 16, 1734, in Walerbury, Conn. In 1776 99 he tauglit in Salem, Mass.; in 1775 was a memlxr of the Provincial congress; and in 1788 wa^ one of the council. He was pastor of the Tiiinl congregational church of t>alem in 17881814. A volume of bis work was published in 1854 with a memoir. He died LK>c. 14, 1814, in Salem, Mass.

Hopkins, Edward, statesman, was born in ItKK), in England. He was an eminent merchant of London; emigrated to Boston in Ui37; and soon fiftcrvvard removed to Hart ford, Conn. He was chosen magistrate in 1639; and governor of the colony every even year from 1640 till 1054, alternating nitli John Haynrs. He assisted in forming

union of the colonies of New Knghind He died in Marcb^ 1657, in Ix>nEngland. Hopkins, Edward Jerome, musician, composer, was born April 4, 1830. in Hurling ton, Vt. He originated the popular I^ture Concerts; and made many concert tours in the United States. He was iht- authe




Symphony; Easter Frstival Vespers; and other compositions. He die<l Nov. 4, 1898. in Athenia, N.J. thor of Child's

Hopkins, Edwin Mortimer, edu«>ator,


author, was bom Sept. 10, 180-2, in Kent, N.Y. He was educated at the New York state normal college; and at Prince ton university. In 1878-84 he taught in the New York public schools.. In 1889 92 lie was assistant professor, in l8!>2-!'3 as(sociate- professor, in and since 1893 has been professor of rhetoric and Knglish language at the university of Kansas. Sin»'i' 1902 he has been department head, and since 1903 has been acting director depart ment of journalism. Ho is a not«Ml lectun-r on American literature. He is the autlmr of Handbook on the Teaching of English; and other Monographs. Hopkins, Edward Washburn, educator, an thor. was born Sept. 8, 1857. in Northamp ton, Mass. He was a professor of Sanskrit in Yale university. He is the author of Mutual Relations of the Four Castes in turer,

Manu; Translation of Laws of Manu; .So eial and Military Position of the Kuling Caste in . cient India: The Religions of India; and India. Old an<l New. Hopkins, Ellen Dunlap, artist, philanthrowas born .Tan. 30. 1858. in New York In 1892 she founded the New York


He was

the author of


The Family a


ious Institution. He died Jan. 24, 1872, in .Northampton, Mass. Hopkins, Erastus, chemist, author, was born June 9, 1807, in Cirecntield, MasM. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the practice as a chemist; and in 1897-1900 was special examiner for the United States and ciiemist-in charge of the United States laboratories ot Boston, Mass. He is the uutlu.r of Oil Chemist's Handbook.

Hopkins, Frank A., lawyer, congressman.

bum May







1874 he has practiced law in Ky.; and in 1882 84 was coui nii>Moner uf common scliools. In 1903 07 he was a representative from Kentucky to the tifty eighth and fifty-ninth congresses as a democrat. Since

Pr< stonburg.

Hopkins, Frederick Vincent, educator, physician, surgeon, author, was born .May 1839, in Burlington, Vt. He was surgeon and profesHor of geolog)' in Louisiana state university; in charge of the geological .survey of that state in 1808-74; surgeon to the New Almaden and Sulphur Bank quicksilver mine in 1870-82; and since then has practiced medicine in San Francisco, lie has originated a method of killing the Uicilli of tulx>rculosis and leprosy by halfinch sparks from a Ruhmkortf coil. He has lo XduiOt)*) aip uo K)jod,4j jnoj u.»|ju. 23,


Hopkins, George Franklin, clergyman, author, was born March 25, 1858, in FarmingIon, Del. In 1888 he was sent as a mis .sionary to India; and since 1893 lias Uciii

pastor in Omaha and elsewhere. He is the author of Not How Much, But How Well; and To the Law and to the Testimony.

Hopkins, George H., soldie-, lawyer, leginanufuclurer, was born Nov. 7. in White Lake, Mich. He receive«l his education in the



public sclio<ds of his native state; graduated from the .Michi-






^^^^ 1 .





school in 1807: and in 1871 from the law department of the university of Miehigan. During the eivil war he served as a union soldier the



of applied design for women. Hopkins, Elvira Mains, educator, autlior. poet, was l>orn Nov. 13. 1835, in Alliens. Maine. She is the author of .Sunny Side

Michigan volunteer and in 1S.H9-90 was a<ljutant gt iiiral of the grand array of the republic. In 1879-84 he served as a memlier of the Michigan house of representatives; was speaker pro tcm in ISS.'J S4. and chairman



Hopkins, Erastus, clergyman, slat legiswas born April 7, 1810. in

author, Hadley, Mass.


He removed to Northamp1841, where he was for seven years president of the Connecticut river railroad conipany; and for many years rep resented that town in the state legislature. ton.





of the judiciary eonisnittee. Hi ISHS-IIO he was ehairmaii of the republican state cencommittee: and in 18iK»94 was collector of customs for the port of Detroit, lie died Marrh 0, lOtM!. in Detroit. Mich. Hopkins, George Gallagher, soldier, physitral