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in clan, surgeon, was born iliiiiu lU, He *er*v<l in the civil tvar an I'coria, HI. a captain; iinil was hrovrttptl miii'T ri)i(<>il in 18(i8 he b<iaiiK' u States volunU'«>r».

practicing phytleian and surgeon; in 188:{ was prf'siilent of the Kiii{,'s nninty iiniiioal society. In IDOl he was a Uiltjiatf lo the international iiiiili<al congress and Aiiu-ri i-aii itndical association at I'aria. lie dieti


VMS, in IhcHiklyn. N.Y. Hoplcins, George W., educator, lawyer, juriiit, congreaeman, was born hb. 2i, 1804, In 1833-34 he in Gochland county, Va. r.i.

SCI v»'d








m;i5-47 and 18o7-5y he wai^ a repreaenUtwenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, tw<'n<ytwfi y-scvi'iith dgiith, iwenty-ninth and thirty fifth congresses, serving during one session as speakIS 19 he went a st-cond time into Ill er. the house of delegates of V irginia and was elected speaker of the house. He was subswjuently elected a judge of the circuit court. He died March 2, 18t]|, in Virginia. Hopkins, Henry, clergyman, college pre? ident, author, was born iSov. 30, 1837, in Willianistown, Mass. In 1864-65 he was a chaplain in the lield with the one hiin «ired and twentietli New York volunteer:^; and took ambulance corps, under flag of nice, on the battlefields of ( hantilly and Several of his addrcsscii on Bull Run. municipal and educational subjects have In HtJfi-SO he preached in been published. and in 1880-1002 was a Westfield, Mass pastor of Kansas City, Mo. In 1902 08 he wa.s president of Williams college in Massacliusetts. He died in 1908 in Williamstown. Mass. tive to the twiiily-sixta,




Hopkins, Herbert MuUer, educator,;8chokir rlergvman, author, was bom in 1870 In Mo. In 1898-1901 he was instructor iu latin fornia; and in latin at Trinity In 1900 he was r«'ctor of


university of Caliwas professor of college <if Hartford, Conn. at



ordained priest; and is a City. He is the aulAor

New York

The Fighting





of teclinologA' when it in 1880. He has* filled pas ntethodi-t ehnrcli-'-^ in Miss»»uri; and is now pa.slor of .scliool

wan pntablished (i)raf>'>



Si. -Iniiii's «tf





ful Imuk urcHident, railroad pre^iideut and capitalist. He died Dee. 24, 1873, in Balti>

more, Md.

Hopkins, John Henry, lawyer. bislio|i, auwas born Jan. 30, 1792, in Ireland, lie the Jirst protestant episcopal bishop ot frmoiit. He was the author of History Confessional; Ttie Eud of the of Controversy Controverted; The I'rimitive t'liurch; Essay on Gothic Architecture; The Church of Home in Her Primitive Purity; •Scriptural View of Slavery, a defense of the institution; Law of Ritualism; I.iecTwelve Can'<»(uros on the Ki formation nets, words and music; and History of the Churdi. He died Jan. 9, 1868, in Rock thor,


Point, Vt.

Hopkins, John nalist,

methodist episcopal church south


Hopkins, James C, jiirist. was l)oni in X'tTinoiit. In ISTO he was appointed I'nitetl States district judge for the we.«stern district of Wisconsin, residing at Madison.


I'ittshurgli, Pa.

Henry, clergyman, jour-

was bom Oct. 28, 1820, in He was an episcopal eli i'_' -

man; and founded The Church Journal in Pittsbturgh, Pa. He was tl-.e author of Carols*, Hymns, and Songs; Poems by the Wayside; T.ife of Bishop Hopkins; Faith and Order f the Protestant Church in the United Slates; and a translation of Goethe's Autol.iography. He died Aug. 13, 1891, in Hudi

son. N.Y. Hopkins, Josiah, clergyman, autlior, wns born April 25, 1786, in Pittsford, Vt. Hf was a noted coii^'i cgational clergyman t> N'ew England. He was the author of The ,

Christian iMMik.

Hopkins, Isaac Stiles, educator, clergyman, college president, waa born .lune 20, He was educated at 1^41, in Augusta, Ca. ai ious academics. Emory college, and medical college of Georgia. In 1877 he entered llic faculty of Emor}* college as professor of latin; in 1882 was as-signed to the chair ui Knglisli ami in iss.') wa- lictnl pn si<liMit, and took the chair of mental and moral «trience. He originated and organized (ii.iiL'i.i. aihl wa- appoiiiti-.l yntsident tif ill

Hopkins, James Herron, lawyer, banker, congressman, was born Nov. 3, 1831, in U'ashington county, Pa. In 1S7'> 77 and 1S8;{ 8.) he was a represvntaiive from IVuu sylvania to the forty-fourth and fortyeighth cnii'_,'rt --^< s aa a democrat. Hopkins, Johns, banker, railroad j»re>*ilit. |iliilanthropi/*t, vas born .May 10, I7SK>, He was the in .Anne Arundel county, Md. founder of the .Johns Hopkins university, hospital and orpiian asylum of Baltimore, and presented the city oi Baltimore with a park. His gifts amounted in all to about twenty iiiilliiiii dullars, Ue was a success


Instructor, a theological textdied June 27, 1862, in Geneva.

X.Y. Hopkins, Lemuel, autlior. poet, wa.s born June 1!), 17.>l), in Waterbiuy. Conn. Hi- was a noted political writer: aiui author of siitires, poems, and a favorite 'rr-inn of Psalm cxxxii. With Barlow and otiiers he wrote the Anarchiad, a plea for an elBeient federal oiistitution. He died April 14, 1801, in Hartford, Conn. Hopkins, Mrs, Louisa, litterateur, author, was horn Feb. 24, 1S12. in Portland, Maine. She was the wife of Professor Albert Hopkins of Willianistown. Mass. She was the author of The Pastor's Daughter: T.c^souh on the Book '>f Proverbs; Henry Eaiigilon: Ihe tinidiiig Star: The Silent Comforter; mid Select Thoughts. She died Jan. 24, lS(i2. in Willianistown. Mass. Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa Parsons, educator, author, poet, was born April 19, 1834, in Newbur>-|M>rt, Mass. She waa for some <