Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/27

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and the author of several legal works. Ilainesville, III., was named for him. He died April 25, 1889, in Waukcgan, 111. Haines, Elmer P., railroad builder, was born Aug. 25, 1860, in Medusa, N.Y. He is 111.;

a member of the Haines' railway systems of Kinderhook, N.Y. He was a democratic candidate for congress in 1896. He is president of the Cliamplain graphite mining company; and also president of several railroads.

Haines, Henry Stevens, railroad ollicial and author of Eastbourne, England, wa!< born Nov. 21, 1836. in Nantucket. Mass. In 1853 he entered railroad service with the NVil mington and Manchester railroad as rodman; and became locomotive engineer on the Northeastern railway. In 1866 80 he was general superintendent of (he Atlantic and Gulf railroad; and in 1880-95 was general manager and vice-president of the Plant system. In 1886 95 he was president of the American railway association. He later became vice-president of the Atlantic and Danville railway. He is the author of Amer-

Railway Management; Restrictive Railway Legislation; Railway CoriKirations as Public Servants; and Problems in Railway ican

Regulation. Haines, John M., business man and statesof Boise, Idaho, was born Jan. 1. 1863. in Jasper county, Iowa. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the real estate business; and has been mayor of his city. In 1912 he became governor of Idaho. Haines, Richard Townley, merchant, was born May 21. 1795, in Elizabeth. N.J, He was one of the founders of the American tract society. He was the first president of the board of trustees of the Union theological seminary in New York City. He died Aug. 21, 1870. in Elizaln'th, N.JI Haines, Thomas Harvey, educator, scientist, was born Nov. 4, 1871, in Moorestown, N.J. In 1898 he graduated from the Harvard university with the degree of A.M.; and in 1901 he received the degree of Ph.D. He is professor of psychology in the Ohio state university. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. Haines, Thomas Jefferson, soldier, mathematician, was born Oct. 28, 1827, in Portsmouth, N.H. He was assistant professor of mathematics in West Point; and major and brevet brigadier-general in the United States army in 1865. In 1875 he was made assistant to tlie commissary general in Washing Ion, D.C. He died Aug. 14, 1883, in Hart




Haines, Thomas Louis, soldier, publisher, author, was born Feb. 16, 1844, in Snyder county. Pa. He served during the civil war in the twelfth Michigan infantry. In 1874fs7 he was part owner of the Western jtub iishing house; and since 1887 has Im-cu part owner of the Central school supply house of Chicago, III. In 1903 he was prohibition

candidate for mayor of Chicago. He is the author of Royal Part of Life; and Work and Wealth. Haines, Walter Stanley, educator, autlior, was born Sept. 27, 1850, in Chicago, ill. Since 1901 he has been a professional lecturer on toxicology in the university of Chicago. Since 1876 he has been professor of cheniistr)', pharmacy and toxicology in the Rush medical college at Chicago, ill. He is the author of A Te.t-Book of Legal Med icine



Haines, William

T., lawyer, state senator, in .Maine. He was county attor 1882 86; and in 1888 92 was a mem iM'r of the Maine state senate. Since 1890 he lias been attorney-general of Maine. Rains, Peter Conover, soldier, was born .hiiy ti, 1840, in Pennsylvania. He served tliroughout the civil war; and was several tinu's brevctted. He served on liglithciUM duty and as secretary of the lighthouse boanl; had charge of the Potomac FlaU

was born

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harbor and river improvements and fortifications; was member of the board of engineers of New York; and is member of the board of ordnance and fortifications. In 1898 he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers; and served in the war agninsi Spain. Hains, Thornton Jenkins, master mariner, author, was oorn m November, 18G0, in Washington, D.C. He is a grandson of Admiral Thornton O. Jenkins, and a son ot General P. C. Haines. The subject of this .sketch has been inspector in charge of the United States works of New York City. He is a successful writer of sea stories. iK' is the author of Windjammer; Captain Gore; The Wreck of the Conemaugh and other works. Hairgrove, William N., lawyer and publir ollieial of Jacksonville, III., was born April 22, 1866, near W(X)dson, Morgsin county. III. In 1908-10 he was a member of the demo eratic state central committee; and in 191112 was city attorney of Jacksonville. He i* the appointee of the attorney-general in the inheritance tax matter for Morgan. Pike, Hrown, Seott and .Vdams counties. Haire, Norman Washington, lawyer, jur Feb. 24, 1H55. in Columbia. ist, was b;ini


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district schools; then until 1876 divid etl Ills time between leiiehiiig



sehoid ; and after u r y ears at tin* .Michigan university he urailuated in ISSit .-.^H uilh the degree of ^ A.IJ. In 1881-8;j he was su|>erintendeiit of the Rockland schools; and in 1885 graduate*! from the law department of the univer sity of Miehigau. For four years he srrye4l iiig


