Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/28

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HKKKINUSHAWS LIBKARY OK AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. as prosecuting attorney of his county. In 1891 he was appointed circuit judge for the t)urty-8econil judicial circuit; the fol lowing year was elected to fill the balance of a term caused by a vacancy; and was


re elected


another term


years. As judge of the thirty-second circuit of Michijpin he has shown great erudition and learning; and has become prominently identified with the public affairs of Ironwoo«|, Mich. Haish, Jacob, merchant, inventor, was born March 9, 1326, in tiermany. lie has

»l>out thirty patents of various kinds, many

of them relating to fence wire. The llaish tnanufuctuiing company, of which he is eont rolling owner, is now an important industry of I)e Kalb. 111.


Halbert, Henry Sale, soldier, educator, author, was born tian. 14, 1837, in Pickens county, Ala. In 1800 61 he served in thf stale troops in campaigns against the Kiowa and Comanche Indians; and serve»l as a private in the confed«'rate army during; the civil war. In 1866 99 he taught in various schools and colleges; and in 1900 03 was colonization agent. He is the author of i'lie

Creek War.

Halbert, Homer Valmore, physician, educator, was born March 6, 1858, in Otsego, N.Y. In 1887 he graduated from the Haline mann medical college with the degrt-e of M.D. ; and since 1887 has been engaged in the gt'urral practice of his profession. In 1SS8 lie iM'came professor of anatomy; nn<l ISOO h" wa-i professor of the theory and II) praetiee of medieine in Chicago, 111.

Haldeman, Horace L., soldier, manufacluriT. was born Sept. 16, 1847, in Ijinciistef ••ounty. I'a. lie was educated in the public He

iiid private scIkhiIs of his native state.

is a sncvessfnl iron manufacturer; and vicepri'sidi'iit and treasurer of tin- Pulaski iron I'oinp.'inv of Virginia, with business offices Philadi-lphia. Pa. In 18»};M8G5 duriiif,' ill tin- civil war he was first lieutenant and raptain in the twentieth Pennsylvania cav:ilry: and acting assistant adjutaiit-geiienil on the staffs of Major-fieneral George Cadwalader. Major-rjoneral D. N. Couch and Hrig-adier Ceneral O. S. Perry. He has been post commander and aide-de-camp on staff of eoinmander-in cliicf gniiul army of the He is lieutenant general and asi«'piibIio. commissary general of subsistence sistant national guard; and rethe Pennsylvania of si«les in Marietta, Pa.

Haldeman, Jacob Samils, legislator, diplomat, was lM>rn Oet. 13, 1827. in Cuml)er In 1848 he graduated from .Tef lantl. Pa. ciillege. In 1851-53 he was a mem f< rson Pennsylvania state legislature. lier of the In I8t51 he was appointe<l I'liited States minister to Sweden and Xorway. He died 1889 in Harrisburg. Pa. ill

Haldeman, Richard J., journalist, congress man, was born May 19. 1831, in Harris


burg, Pa. In 18G9 73 he was a representa live to the forty-first and forty second con gresxes as a democrat. He died Oct. I, 1SH6. in Harrisburg, Pa.

Haldeman, Samuel Stehman,


author, was born Aug. 12. 1812, in Locust (J rove. Pa. lie was a professor of eoiiiparative philology in tinuniversity of Pennsylvania in' 1869 81. lie was the author of Zo ological C o n t r i butions; Analytical Ort liography o r d Building: Tours of a C h e 8 8 Knight Eleinentsof Latin Pronun






Outlines of Ktymolog}^; Affixes in Their Origin and Application; .lied


and Rhvmes



of the Po«>ts. Philadelphia, Pa.


Haldeman, William Birch, journalist and imbliKher of 517

West Ormsby



Ky. He has filled positions from police court reporter to general manager of the CourierJournal and the Louisville Times. He is now one of the owners of those two publications; and is also still editor of the Louisville Times.

Halderman, John Adams,

soldier, lawyer,

was born April successively judge of the probate court; mayor of the city of Leavenworth two terms; and member of the house of representatives and state senator. He was major of the first regiment of infantry, and major-m'ueral of the Kansas staU' forces in active si-rvice on the union side during the war of the rebellion; and attained the rank of brigadier-general. In 1880 he was appoint*'*! consul at Bangkok; and siilisefpiently pr*imoted to the post of consul-general by President Garfield. In 1882 he was further advanced to the station of minister resi<lent in Siam. Hale, Albert Barlow, surgeon, author, was born June 5, IHOO. in Jonesville. Mich. He W.1S nssociate clinical professor of <»phthaliiiology ill Rush ni*>dical college at Chicago. 111.: and since 1908 he has been on the stall of the Interiiatitmal bureau of the American n-piiblics at Wasliingtoii. D.C. lie is the author of Tin* South .Americans. Hale, Albert Cable, «'<lu(iitor, scientist, was born Sept. 2, 1S45. in Adams. N.Y. In IHSO-83 he was president of the state sdiool of mines in ("<»l*)rado. Since 1883 he has been h*':id teacher «>f the physical science department of tin- hoys' high school at Brooklyn. N.Y. He is councilor of the American association for the advancement of science. legislator, diplomat, jurist,



He was

Hale, Artemas, maniifaetnrer. state sena-

congressman, was Winchendnn. Mass.









