Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/29

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tativc in the Massachusetts 9tat«* legislature for several years; and a state senator in 1H33-34. In IK.'*:} he was a nunilM-r of the an«l in state constitutional convention; lK4n-4*i he was a representative frimi Massachusetts to the twellty-nintii and tliirtieth In IH64 he was a presidential congresses. He died in Massachusetts. elector. Hale, Anne Gardner, founder, author, poet,

bishop coadjutor of Springfield. He is tk» author of The Mozarabic Liturgy; The It. vcrtal Episcopate; and Speeches and JL dresses. He di<'«i IH'C. 25, H»00, in Cairo. 1'.

was born Aug. 1, 1823, in Newburyport. She was educated in the private Mass. schools of Newbury-


port, Mass. Site has contributed poems on different subjects to maga/.ines American

and newspapers;


nearly one huiulred short stories. Slie was the originator and secretary of the Newburyport branch of the (Jirls* friendly society; and was the originator and for ten

years manager of the Mary I. V<»art scholnrsliip in the Saint Augustine s< hool for colored youth at Raleigh, N.C. She is the author of Folly's Hells, a CJernum legend; I'ncle

My W

Mark's Amaranths; .s«.»'«llings from (Jarden; a volume of poems; and


other works. Hale, Benjamin, dent, autlior. was

Newbury|M)rt. Mass.

educator, college pn-siborn Nov. 23, M'M, in In 1818 he gra«luated

fmin Howdoin


iiiid subse4|uently tilled the chair of mathematics and natural

(diilosophy in that in1827 he professor of

stitution.* In











was president


of (!en-

eva college in western New York. He was the author of Introduction to the Mechanical I'rinciftlrs of Carpentry; Scriptural Illustrations ot the Liturgy; Kdu«ation in Its Helatinns to a Free (^oMTnmi'rit and Mislorieal Nntici's of (JenevM ("olh'gf. ||«- dii'd .July l.>, 18U3, in New:

bury|M»rt. M:iss. Hale, Charles, journalist, legislator, diplomat, was burn lunt- 7. 1831. in Bosi«m. Mass. In lS."».'i-r»0 and 1874-78 he was a mmib) r nf the MHssacliusetts state legislature frtitn one of the Boston districts. He was I'nited .States consul to Kgypt in 180470; ami was assistant secretary of state in 1S7J 7 4. He di4'd March 1. 1SH2, in Boston,


Hale, Clarence, lawyer, legislator, juriR'

was born April 15, 1848, in Turner, Maiat He receive»l the rudiments of his cduciiti«« the public schools; attended Norway acin 1869 graduated from Bov college. Since 1871 he has practior-: law in Portland, Maine. In 1879-82 he wicity solicitor; and in 1883-86 he was a rtpresentative in the Maine state Icgislatup. He was counsel for the New England teW phone company; and a director and tru§t*» with the management of the largest ent<T pris«'s in Portland, Maine. For many ye*r^ he was a member of the Portland board ot trade: prominent on the school board o' that city: and active in its municipal gov ernment. Since 1902 he has been United Statt s district judge for the state of Main« Hale, David, journalist, philanthropist, wai x*rn April 2"), 1791, in Lisbon, Cone. He became joint proprietor with Gerald Hilin

ademy; and

lock of the

New York

Journal of Commcrct

largely to benevolent and enterprises: and for many ye»r^ supported several missionaries. He died .Ian 2"». 1849, in Fre<lericksburg. Va. Hale, Edward Everett, clergyman, author was born April 3, 1822. in Boston, Ma»j. Since ISoO he has been pastor of the South




congregational church of Boston. He was tin author of The Man VYithout a Country^ Ten Times One Is Ten; In His Name; Mi-rriam's Scholars; His Level Best; Ingliam Papers: Four and Five; Cru8< New York; Christmas Eve and Christi Day: Christnuis in Narragansett; in a Palace. Ixmger essays are. Margaret Percival in Americ Mr. Tangier's Yacations; Cps and T)o I'liilip N«dan's Friends; The Fortunes Other works of his are, Sket< Ka<-hel. -tdMl in Christian History; Kansas and Nebraska^ How to Vki It; What Career?; Gone to Texas; Seven S|)anish Cities; .Time to M*y. a collection of .-termons; Boys' Heroes; Tbr St<.ry of Massachusetts: Sybaris and Other Homes: Sundav School Stories on the Colden Texts of 1H89; For Fifty Years, a col lection of poems; A N«'W England BoybooJ. an .Tutobiographic work; Chautauqunn History of the ignited States; and If .Tesu!' Came to Boston. He died in June. 1009, in

Christmas fiction

Koxbury. Mass. Hale,


Everett, educator,

author Boston. 'Sltias.

was born Feb.



Edward Everett

a son of eminent divine is



ITale. thf


and author. Since 189.^ hi has iM-en prof«'ssor first of rhetoric and thfB of English in Cnion college of Schenectadv, N.Y. He is the author of Constructive Rhet-

Hale, Charles Reuben, ch-rgyman. bishop, author, was Imiri Maich 14, IS37. in Ix'wistown. Pa. In 1886 he was apjMtinted dean of Davenport. In lH!i-2 be was consecrated

and Dramatists of To-day. Hale. Edwin Moses, physician,author. w« Fib. 2, 1829, in Newport, N.H. For eigiiteen years he was professor in HnhiKori<

