Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/30

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UERRINGSHAW'S LIimARY OF AMERICAN BIOORAPHr. uanu medical lie author of 'ractice;

college of Oiicago. lie was I'tK-ket Manual of Uoiiiestic




.Veatnient of Diseases of Women; Treatise n (Jerebro-Spinal Meningitis; Tiie I'ractice f Medicine; and Diseases of Old Age. He ied Jan. 15, 181H>, in Chicago, 111. Hale, Ellen Day, painter, artist, was born 'eb. 11, ISoo, in Worcester, Mass. JSiio has raveled in Spain and Italy; and has resided a Paris and in London. Her [iresent home a in Boston, where she has attained sucin art.


Hale, Eugene, lawyer, coiigres.sman, L"nitStates senator, was born June 1>, 1836, II Turner, Maine. He received the degree f LL-D. from Bates college; and also reeived the same degree from Colby univer«1

and from Bowdoin uiiiversity. He bean the practice of law at the age of tweiiyears; and for nine years was county aty orney of Hancock county. Maine. In 'l8«78 and 1880 he was a member o( the state •gislature of Maine. He has declined the ppointnicnts of postinaster-general and hvc-


Hale, George Silsbee, lawyer, author, liorn Sept. 24, 1825, in

Hale, Harris Grafton, clergyman, author,


b<»rn July 2«, 18t}5, in Salem, .Mass. In 1891 he was ordained to the ministry; and since 1890 has preached in the congregational church at Brookline, Mass. He is the author of Who Then Is This?

Hale, Irving, sohlier, scientist, was born 28. 18«il, in North Bloomtield, N.Y. 1884 he was made second lieutenant of engineers; was stead-

Aug. In


works of Newton, Mass.; an<l is also the director of the corporation of Saco and machine works, ill: machine slio;.s at Saco. .Maine, and Iso at Newton Cp|M'r Falls. Mass. In sS8-89 lie was a memb<>r «)f tlu- common •uncif of Newton, Mass.; in I8!)0-I}MX) was I'etli-

niemb«-r of the Newton school board. He is menilxT of the national association of »tt<jn



manufacturers; and


a director of

I^wrence cotton mills and a score of manufacturing and financial corpora-



Hale, Franklin D., lawyer, state senator, was born March 7. 1854. in BarVt. He was state's attorney for Es•x county in 1883-01. with the exception one term. He was a memlier of the •use of representatives in 1884, and of the nat« in 188«. Ho was auilitor of Vermont 1892-98. Since 1892 he has been United -atea consul; now at Charlottetown, P.E.J. ploinat,


promoted; and be-

came brigadier-generthe UnitedStates volunteers in 1898. In 1898-99 he was en-

al of

Hale, Frank Judson, manufacturer, was orn Aug. 14. 18(52. in Xewtou I pper Falls, lass. WIS educated in tlie public lie schools; and in 1880 graduated from the high school of Newton, .Mass. For many years he was engaged as a machinist; and since l!H»7 has been a director and agent of the cotton machine


Keene, N.H. He was

the editor of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eigliteentli volumes of the United States Digest. He was the autlior of Memoirs of Joel Barker; Digest of the United States (.'ommon Law Decisions; and other works. He died .luly 27, 1897, in Bar Harbor, Maine.


etary of the iiavv. In l8(i!i-i!t lie was a fpresentative from Maine to the forty-tirst, iirty-sect)nd, forty-third, forty fourth and orty-fiftb congresses as a republican. In H81l!»ll he was a member of the United tates senate.


Hale, George Ellery, astronomer, scientist, .as l>..iii June 2U, I8U8, in Chicago, III. In I8!»5-I90.'» he was director of the Yerkes observatory; and is now director of the sular observatory of the Cairiiegie institution of W ashington at Mt. ilaon, Cal. He iiiventetl the sjiectroheliograph. Since 1895 he has been editor of the .Astrophys Jour-




against the Filipino insurgents; and was

recommended for maby brevet and meri-

jor-gi-neral for gallant

torious 8 e r v ic e 8 throughout the camresigned in 1899; and is now munager of the Rocky Mountain district general electric company at Denver, Col. Hale, Horatio, lawyer, ethnologist, author, I)aign.




He was ology;

Language; Tribes. Rites.





Newport. N.H.

the author of Ethnology and PhilIndian Migrations as Evidenced by

He He

and Report on the Blackfeet has edited the Iroquois Book of died Dec. 28. 189«i. in Clinton,

Canada. Hale, James T., lawyer, jurist, congressman. wjiH born Oct. 14, 1810, in Bradford county. Pa. In 18.'»4 he was appointed president judge of the twentieth judicial district of Pennsylvania. In l8.')9-({5 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh "and the thirtyeigiifh congresses. He died April 7, 1865, ill (?< llefiiiite. Pa. Hale, John, clergyman, author, was born June iri.'it;, in Cliarlestown. Mass. During the Salem witchcraft trials in 1692 he atteniled the examinations of the accused persons; and approved of the judicial murders resulting from the charges. He was .*{.