Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/31

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A Modest Inquiry Into autlior lie died May of Witchcraft,




1700, in .Massaelilisetts.

Hale, John Blackwell, soldier, lawyer, conwas horn Feb. 27, 1831, in Haneoek county, V. a. He was a representative in the Missouri legislature in 1860-58;

AMliKICAN BIOaRAPHY. Hale, Louise Closser, actress, author, mj? horn Uct. 13, 1872, in Chicago, 111. She wa.educated in public and private schools o

Indianapolis, ln<l. Her lirst a|ipearanc«? on tl^





antl was a presitleiitial elector in 18t>0. He wa.- colonel of the sixty -liftli regiment Missouri militia and of the fourth provisional reginient of Missouri militia, in the United

^<tat«s 188.">-87

has toured

pointed by Tresident Vail Huren. lu 18434."» he was a representative to the twenty and ciglith congress; IHIO was again in elected to the state h'gislattire, and chosen 1847-65 speaker. In senator. In 1852 he States was I'nited he was the free-soil candidate for vice-president of the United States; and in 1805 was appointed minister to Spain. He died Nov. IS. 1S73. in Dover. N.II. Hale, Ledyard Park, lawyer, jurist, was born May 17. 1S,'>4, in Canton, N.Y. In 1870 he graduated from the St. Lawrence university with the tlegree of B.S.; and in 1878 graduated with the degree of LL.B. from the law department of the university In 18S2-87 he was assistant of Wisconsin. district attorn«'y of St. Lawrence county: and in 11>02 was appointed county judge. In in 1U021S!>4-1»'.> he was district attorney; 08 was county judge; and since 1908 has bi'en couns»>| to the public service commission at .Albany. N.Y. Hale, Lucretia Peabody, author, was born Sept. 2, 1820, in Hoston, Mass. She was the author of The Peterkin Papers; The Last of the Peterkins. Ibr other works eomprise The Lord's Supper and Its Observance; The Service of Sorrow; SundaySchooT Stories for Little Children; Fagots for the Fireside, a collection of games; The Struggle for Life, a Story of Home; Art Needle Work: .An Unclosetod Skeleton; The New Harry and Lucy; Tiic Wolf at the Door: and Seven Stormy Suntlays. She died .lune 12, 1000. in Prookline, Mass. Hale, Mary Whitwell, educator, author, wan born in 1810 in Massachusetts. She was an «'ducator and hymn writer of Massachus«'tts. She was the author of a volume


of Poems. She died


pal cities of




States anr my country. He died .S<'pt. 22. 1770.



Hale, Nathan, lawyer, j«)urnalist. fouihVr Ijorii Aug. 10. 1784. in Westhaniptoc He conducted for many years tl* lloston Daily Adviser, the pioneer daily o' New Kngland, and was one of the foundtrlie iM of the North American Review,



Feb. !». 1803. in Hrookline. Mass. Hale, Nathan, journalist, was born Nov From 1841 tili 12. I8I8, in Boston, Mass. 1853 he was associated with his father it the Hu#t<' of the etlitorial numagenient Daily Advertiser: and in 1842 ailso uii'l*-? Miswl lioston of the took the editorship

lany of Literature. He died dan. U. 1871. in Boston. Mass, Hale, Nathan Wesley, business presidcDt state senator. <(ingrcNsman, was born Ftl" n. 1800, in Scott county. Va, He was «lii cated in the publif s« hools of the Soutl':




acaresident is of Ui' Kiioxville n u r ciiiiipany: president « the nursery compas.' ot Winche.ster, Tenn: is a director in t' h'ast

Tennessee and

tional bank a direetor in




other corporations. H' president of the AnuTiean associ;and president of tk nur.serymen Southern nurserymen's ass«»ciation. In l!^' !I2 he was a representativi' in the Tennci"*' state legislature; in 1S02-04 he was a W'K her of the state senate; and in 1902 wa*' candidate for congress. In l!)05-09 he w»>' representative from Tennessee to the fill) lias biM




in 1802.