Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/32

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JIfc:KKINUSnAV S hlllUAHY niiitli


sixtictli oongri-MUrs



cun. Hale, Philip, musician, eomposi-r, was born March 5, 1854, in Norwich, Vt. Since 18l>7 iu* has been editor ol the Boston Musioui Record. He has given lectures on musical subjects at Columbia university of New Vork City and in various other citien. Hale, Philip Henry, editor and publislu r ot 3.m0 isti ave., St. Louis, Mo., was Iwrn in ISriO in London, Englai^d. In 188U-l)0 he was editor ol the Texas Live Stock Journal, in IS'HMUOO was editor and publisher of the Daily National Live Stock Reporter, and since IIHW haa been editor of the National Farmer and Stock (jlrower of St. Louis. He is editor and manager of the Hale Publishin{,' company of St. Louis; in 1010 he publi.Hhe<l the .-Vgricultural Blue Book, and in 1!M2 published Book of Live Stock Champions. Hale, Philip Thomas, educator, author, was born Aufi. 18, lHo7, in Madison county, Ala. In 11>04 07 he was president of the Southwestern baptist university at Jackson, Tenn. lie is the author of Letters on an European Tour; and Letters on a Tour Through Creece. Turkey, Kgypt an<l the Holy Land. Hale, Richard Walden, lavs yer. author, was born June 30, 1871, in Milton, Mass, He is a successful lawyer of Boston, Mass.; and has been United States commissioner. He is the author of The Dreyfus Story. Hale, Robert, soldier, physician, state legislator, was born Fel». 12." 1703, in Beverly, .Mass. He practiced as a physician in his ii.itive town. He commanded a regiment inidi-r .Sir William PepjKrell at the capture ol Louisburg in 174.*); and was for thirteen years a member of the .Massachusetts h'gislature. He died March 20, 1707, in Ksaex

eouiity, Mass.



lK)ard of commissioners under the treaty ol (ihent. He was the author of History of the

United States; and Annals of Keene. He died Nov; 19, 186fl, in Somerville, Mass. Hale, Samuel, lawyer, jurist. He waa judge t»f the supreme court of Georgia. He died Aug. 25, 1887, in Fresh Ponds, Ca. Hale, Samuel W., governor. He was govrnor of New Hampshire in 1883-85. He died Oct. Ifi. 1891. •

Hale, Mrs. Sarah born Oct. 24, 1788,



Newport, N.H.


Josepha, in

was editor of The Lady's Book years. She

forty was the


author of Woman's KeconI, a large biographical and critical work; The CJenius of Oblivion, ar.J O t li r t P«»em8: Northwoou, ti n o Ve Sketches ol I


Traits Lift-:

^^^^^ ^^Kk Jm^^^^ 's:



to Live

U'ell; a Tragedy; Manners, or


Happy Honi



Character; of

Floral's Inti-rpre-





uith 'other Poems;

The White Veil; The drama; Three Hours, or the Vigil Harry Cray, a Sea Story; and Alice Ray, a Romance in Rhyme, lilie di»

•hnlge, a of Lovf;

1879, in Philadelphia,

.pril 30,


Hale Susan, author, was born Dec. 5, 1838, in Boston, .Mass. She was co-author with her brother, of the Family Flight series of travels for young people. She is also the autiior of The Life and Letters of Thomas (iold Appleton and Fancy Flight. Hale, William, cong essnuin, was born in 1764. He was one of the most influential men in New Hampshire. In 1809-11 and

Hale, Robert Beverly, litterateur, author, was liorn in ISJW in Massachusetts. He was the author of Elsie and Other Poems; and Six Stories and .S»)ine Verses. He died in

1813-17 he was a representative to the eleventh, thirteenth and fourteenth congresses. He died Nov. 8, 1848, in Dover,

Hale, Robert Safford, lawyer, jurist, conpressman, was born S«'pt. 24, 1H22, in Clielsea. Vt. In lSr>G-«4 he was judge of Essex eounty. N.Y.; in 1851) was api>ointed a regent of the university of N«'W York; and in

Hale, William, lawyer, state legislator, governor, was born Nov. 18, 18.39, in Iowa, lie settled at Olenwood. Iowa, and was a representative in the state legislature in 1863-60. He was u pr<>sidential elector in 1868; and in 1882-85 was governor of Wy-




a presidential elector.



and 1873-75 he was a representative froni New York to thf thirty-ninth and fortythird congresses as a republican. He was

iitning territory.

a ilelegate to the national union convt'ntion at Philadelphia in 18G0. He died Dec. 14, I.S8I. in Elizabethtown. N..I.


Hale, Salma, journalist, lawyer, jurist, rongressman, author, was born March 7. 17S7, in Alstead, N.H. From 1812 to 1834 with the exception of a few years, he was cU-rk of the supreme court of Cheshire, N.H. In 1817-19 he was a representative to the fifteenth congress; and afterward practiced at the bar. He was a member of the legislature in 1823-25; and secretary of the

William, physician, author, poet, .Ian. IS. 1856. in Dover, NJI. He noted physician of Gloucester, Mass. He is the autlior of Shore Life in Song; A Fearless Fisherman; and A Dauntless Hale,

was born a



Hale, critic, IS('»9.

church Mass.

socialist, in



Richmond, of




was born April

art 6,

He founded the

Our Savior is

of Middlcborough, the author of The New Obe-

dience, a most notable socialistic document; Phillips Brooks, ri Memorial; The Eternal Ti-acher; The Making of the American Con-