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He was

I^iurviH, S.C.








in vul-


a largi' plantsince he retired wa* the har. a ineiiilMT uf the state representttlioU!4e of lias bvfii



tives iif South Carolina in 188U81); and wa» Hpeaker in the latter year. In 1891waa I'nited he 1»7


am kick an



Ireland, John, eler<;ynian, bisluji, author, wa> liorn Sept. 11, 1838, in Ireland. He served as chaplain of the tifth Minnesota legiineiit during the civil war. Jle was afterward appointed rector of the cathedral of St. Paul, which position he held until his

consecration as coadjutor Since May, 1888, hf has been Roman catiiolic arclibisliop of St. Paul, Minn. He ha.s lounded a iHilony of Roman catholics in Minnesota; and tor many years has been president of liie state historical society of Minnesota. He is the author of Church and Modern Society.



Ireland, Joseph Norton, merchant, author,

died Dec. I), I'JUO, in I^urens, S.C. Irby, Richard, litterateur, autiior,


was born April 24, 1817, in New York City. He was the author of Records of New York


in 1825 in Virginia, lie was the auof History of the Nottaway (hays; iiistory of llaiidolph Macon College; and llird Notes and Other Sketches, lie died





in Virgitiia.

Iredell, James, lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 5, 1750, in England. In 1779 he waa I'ttorney-general. In 1790-99 he was associate justice of the supreme court of the I nited States. Iredell county was named






Edonton, N.C. Iredell, James,

died Oct. 20, 1799, in

lawyer, jurist, nited States senator, was born Nov. 2, 17S8. in Kdenton, N.C. He pursued classical studies: and in 180G graduated from Princeton college, lie studied law and was adsoldier,


initteointed lecturer in jMiIities in the

univer-*it- of Chicago. He is the author of Tropical Colonization; China antl the Powers; The Far Eastern Tropics; and The Province of Hurnia, in two vohiini s. Ireland, John, soldier, lawyer, jurist, governor, wax l>orn .Ian. I, 1827, in Hart county. Ky. In 18lt2 he entered the confederate army as a private soi<lier; an<i lieeann- lieutenant-colonel. In 180U lie was elected a (lelegjite to the j-tate constitutional convention: and the same year was elected judge «if the H«'cond juilicial district of Texas. In 1872 he was elet-ted a representative in the state legislature; in 187;{ was <-|f<'ted a state senator: and in lS7.i was ap|K)inted an HMHiK'iate judge of the state supreinc court. In 1883-87 he was the fourtwnth governor of Te.a.s. He died in IS'Mi in Texas.

.•stage fioiii IS50 to I8UU; .Memories ol Mrs. Protessiunal Life of Ihomas A. Coop1)1111 er; .Monographs of Actors and Actresses of (•reat Itntain and America; and Some Ac»ount of the Ireland Family. He died Dec. 1888, 111 Rridgeport, Conn. Ireland, Josias Alexander, pliysician, was iKjrn Sept. 1824, in Jellerson county, Ky. lie iM'came professor of obstetrics in the Kentucky sch(N)l of medicine in 1804; prolessor ol clinical medicine in the university of Louisville in I8(iti; and in 1807 returned to his former chair in the Kentucky school Ol medicine. In 1872 he was elected professor of the diseases of women and children in tlic lyouisville medical college; and was alterwani chosen dean of that institution. Ireland, Mary E., translator, author, was born in 18;;4 in Calvert, Md. She was educated at the l^idies seminary at Jamaica, L.I.. ..V. She IS the author of An Ob;

stiiiati> Maid; What I Told Dorcas; Driven Out; Christian Beck's (irandson; Adolph'a Victories; The Young Artists; The Rock House on the Shore; Leiiclien's Brother; Ke<l Carl; The Life of Pastor Harms; and

other works. Ireland, Oscar Brown, soldier, actuary, founder, was born Oct. 28. 1840. He was educated in the wllege of New York City. In 1803 he joined the army as lieutenant of the signal corps; and served thnmghout the civil war. In 1872 he was appointed actuary of the .Massachusetts mutual life inhiirance company. He was one of the founders of the Actuarial st)ciety; and was its lr»'asurer for six years. Irion, Alfred Briggs, lawyer, jurist, conwas iMirn Feb. 18, 1833, in Avoy-

grt ssiiian,

parish, La. In 1804 he was elected a representative in the state legislature; and in 1880-84 he was one of the judges of the «-iieuit court of appeal for the third district. In 1885-87 he was a representative from l/ouisiaiia to the forty-ninth congress as a deiiim-rat. Irish, Edwin M., s-iddier. lawyer, public (illieial, was l>oni .liine 11, 1848, in (iorham. .Maine. He attended the (iorham seminary; aii<l in 1872 graduated from the law department of the university of .Michigan. Since elles