Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/307

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member of the Knights of labor of Scdalia, .io. As chairman of the executive board of the district assembly he sought to adjust grievances against a railroa<i company and failing in that, ordered u strike whicii spread to all the railroad employes of the southwest. He died in 1900 in Scdalia, Mo.

Inis prat'ticetl law in Kalauiuzoo, 1872 Mich.; in 1875-80 was prosecuting allornfy fur Kalannizuo county; and has bwn city attorney and a niemlxr of tlit- Kalamazoo counnon council, lie served tw*'lvc years in various graded in the Michigan national guard; was colonel of infantry for six years; and in 1897-08 was adjutant-general for the 8tate of Michigan. He served in the Span111'

Irvin, Alexander,

Irvin, iSavid, lawyer, jurist. He was appointed a judge of the Lnited States for the

with his regiment in 1899. He is still actively engaged in the practice of law in Kaiania/.oo, Mich. Irish, Frank V., educator, lecturer. aut!i<n-,

territory of Wisconsin in 18.'i7, and al though the records show that David Krwin had previously been a judge for the terri-


lK»rii Nov, 7, 1848, in I'otsdam. N.Y. professor of rhetoric and literature the Ohio normal university of Ada. He now lives in Columbus, Ohio, lie is the author of American and llritish Autluirs; Treasured Thoughts; also Orthography and

Ituy of .Micliig-aii, it is presumctl the two names represent the same man. Irvin, James, congressm.ui, was born Feb.

He was


IS, 1800, in Centre county. Pa. In 1841he was a representative from Pennsylvania t(» the twenty-seventh and twentyeighth i-tingresses. He died Nov. 28, 1802, in Centre countv, Pa. Irvin, John, naval oihcer, was bom in Pennsylvania. In 18o.") he was c«immissioiie<l lieutenant; and during the civil war was at (lie capture oi forts at Ilatteras Inlet; anti uas at the bombardment and capture of Fort I'ulaski. In 1880 he was promoted to c*>uinodoie; in 1891 was commissioned rear4.>

Orthoepy; and (•ramnuir and Analysis by niii<:r:ims.


was Wis.

Henry Clay,




orticulturist. botanist, in Itock county,



He was educated

in the public sclu»ols

Wisconsin a ii d Dakota. In graduated he from the Iowa state




South IS9I

cullege of agriculture





98 was a

at Cornell university. In 189419(»-i he was a hortie n


assistant; culiiiral since has I !»()."{ b «• e n superintendent of the Missouri boIn tanical garden. 1901-02 he was secn-tary of the Kngeltiiaiin iKitanical club; and in 1900-7 was president III' the Si. I.tiuis llorisls' club. Irish, Jonn Powell, journalist. Icgisbitor, was liorn .Ian. 1, 184;{. in Iowa City. Iowa. In I8r»8 72 he was a moinber of the Iowa 1894 was appointed legislature: ami in naval ollicer of customs at San Francisco, Cal. He has been a candidate for congress and for the governorship of Iowa. He has made a special .-^tudy of means for making For eightthe blind adults self-supporting. e»»n years he has been president of the blind boine directory in Oakland. Cal. Irland, Frank W., railroad ollicial of St. Louis. NIo.. was born (k-t, 2ti. 1801, in Lenawee county. .Mich. He was first s«'crelary to the land and mining commissioner of l-ike Superior ship canal, and since tlien has been s«Tretary to the superintendent of the I'lillmaii <'onipany and secretary to «)ther high ollicials. .Sinc»« 1901- he has Ih-cu assistant secretary <»f the .Missouri Pacific railway and St. Louis. Iron Mountain and southern railway, and secretary of their


auxiliary lines. Irons, Martin, labor agitator, was born He became a Oct. 7, 18:52, in Scotland.

congressmun, was born

Pennsylvania. In 1847-49 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirtieth congress. He died in Clearfield, Pa. in

American war;

became colonel of th«* Inirty-fiftli regiment Michigan I'nitiil States volunteer infantry; and was mustered out isii

and was retired


in 1894.

William, physician, mamifactur-i was born Nov. 15, 1805, in Centrt county. Pa. He became a partner of his bi-ntlicr in the iron business at .Milesburg, Pa., about I8:{:J. In 18112 04 he held a clerkship in the treasury department at Washington. D.C.. when he was apptiinted consul He <lied Sept. 9. 1885, in China. al . niy. Irvin,



William V., lawyer, jurist, state congressman, was born in 1778


Aliieriuarle county. 'a. He was a member of the state legislature of Ohio; judge of the supreme court of the state; and in ill

|S29-:{:J he was a representative from Ohio to the twentv-lirst and twentv-secoml congrcsM's. He di«'<l April 19, 1842. in Lancasler, tlhio.

Irvine, .Armstrong, soldier, was born in Pennsylvania. He served during the war <;reat llritain on the Niagsira frontier


On the red' clioii of the army after IS 12. ill Hie lieaty ot peace in 1815, he was retained as captain of light artillery, and was aide lo (icneial Kipley in 1810. He died Jan. 15. 1S17. in Fort Warren. Mass. In Irvine, Christopher, soldier, pioneer. ISO he led a company of men. under the command of Colonel Ken Logan, against the Indians in northern Ohio; an«l was killetl by a savage whom he was pursuing; and who, in turn, was killed by Irvine's men. He died in 1780 in Ohio. I

Irvine, Frank, etlucator, lawyer, dean, was* Sept. 15. 1858. in Sharon, Pa. In ISSO-91 he practieeil law in Omaha, Neb.; and ill lH9:{-99 was coinmissi<mer of the Ne-
