Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/318

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HERRtNUHIfAW'8 IJDRAKT OF AMERICAN UIOOllAFHT. Jabez, i-oiigr*'ssinati, was born In 1835-3'J he wa> a rfproscnto the twenty-fourth and tw«nty-fifth congrcMea. He died in Clai W> 111', (ill. Jaclcson, James, soldier, lawyer, governor. United State* senator, was bom Sept. 21, 1767, in EnglMid. lU cnt«Ted the revolutionary army as a captain; and in 1781 commanded the Georgia legionary forces.





trom Georgia i

He was a member


the convention which formed the first constitution ot deorgia; and in 1789-Ul lie was a ri'prcsentative


(ii'oigia to the lirst congress} and after the close of bis first term BuccesHfully con-

tested the seat of Anthony Wayne. In 1702-97 and 1801.07 he was United States senator. He was major-general of thi(•eorgia militia; and in 17Ub-18Ui was the lifth governor of Georgia. He died Marffh 16, 1806, in Wasliitigton, D.C.

JacEson, James, physician, educator, au-

was bom Oct. 3, 1777, in Newbury Mass. He m.I'^ tin- fir^t pliysician ot the Maaaachusettti general bobpital at Boston; and professor of medicine at Harrard iiniv.rsity in 1810 63. He was the author

and Benefits; American Womanhood; Training uf Children; Debilities Our Boys; Christ as a Physician; and Morning Watches. He died in Handy, On. Jadcson, James Monroe, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was horn Dec 3, 1825, in l*arkersburg, W.Va. He received an academic education; and in 1845 graduated from Princeton ooUege. In 1847 he was admitted to the practice of law; and in 1866(»4 was prosecuting attorney for '(iud county. In 187U-72 he was a member of the West Viiginia legisbtture. In 1872 bo was ing. Its Evils


cted a member of the con.stitutional conventiuu that framed the present constitution for the state. In 1872-88 he was judge file lifrli iu.ii.i;,! circuit. In 1889-90 he ..f va« a ri |>i< tentative iroin W est Virginia to the lifty-lirst congress as a democrat. He In krrsburg, W.Va. died Ke"b. 11, IMo] cit

Jackson, James Streshley, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was bora Sept. 27, 1823, in Kayette county, Ky. He st-rved in the Mexican war as a captain of volunteers. In 1861-83 lie was a representative from Kenlucky to the thirty-seventh congress. While the civil war was progressing he recruited a regiment of Kentucky cavalry; and was sub.teipiently appointed a briLMditT-f,'eneral.


Me wa^


I'd ry ville,

>t On tli<' tirunoDtan System i Medical £fitcts of Dentition; SyUabus of Leetnres; Text Boiik of Leetures; and Letters to a Voung IMiysieiaii. He died Aug. 27, llMi3, ni Ho8ton, Muhs. Jackson, Jacob B., lauy<'r, ^'ovcrnor, was iMirn April 6, 1829, in Taikt rsljurg, V a. He wiXf conimonwealth attorney for the county uf Pteasanta; and in 1871-77 held the same ttosition In the county of Wood. He was a iiientber of the house of delegates of West •

Virginia in 1875-76; and in I8HI-H5 the fifth gOTeriK>r of West ^ irginia. died Dec. 11, 1893, in Wood. W.Va.



Jackson, James, lawyer, jurist, congressman. Wiis born Oct. 18, 1819, in .b irer-Hou etninty, Ga. In 1837 he graduated from the university of Georgia; and in 1840 began the practice of hiw at Athens, Ga. In 1842 lie wan H«'eretary of the (leorj^ia state senate; and in 1845-49 he was a member of the state legislature. In 1840-48 and 1853he was judfje of the western circuit of tieorgia. In 1857-61 he was a representative from Georgia to the thirty-fifth and tliirty-sixtli congresses as a dcnioenit* He die«l .Fan. 13, 1887, in Atlanta, Ga.

Jackson, James Caleb, pltysician, author, was born in 1811 in Mnnlius, N.Y. He is the founder of a popular hydropathic institution at DanTille, N.Y. He t^as the antiior of TTitits on the Reproduct Higann; Consumption; Tobacco and Its Elfect; How to Treat tiie Side without Medicine; Danci


killed Uif. 8,







Jackson, James U., railroad president, was born June 24, 18A6, in Augusta, Ga. ilSince 1893 he has been president of the Augusta southern railroad of Georgia. Jackson, John Adams, sculptor, was bora 182r>, Nov. in Bath, Maine. His ideai productions are Eve and the Dead Abel; Autumn; Cupid Stringing hia Bow; Titania and Nick Bottom; The Culprit Fay; Dawn; Peace; Cupid on a Swan; and The Morning Olory. He died Aug. 30, 1870, in Tutcasy. .').

Jackson, John Brinckerhoff, naval officer, diplomat, was born Aug. 19, 1882, in Newark, IfJ. In 1879 be graduated from the I'nitcd State-i naval academy. He served as an oliioer in the United States steamer lianeaster; and resigned in 1886. In 1887 lie bfjjjan to practice law in New York City* In 1890 he was appointed second secreta^ of tiie United Stato legation at Berlin; and ill 1894 was promoted Mcretary of tha embassy of llerlin. JacIcaoB, John Davis, physieian, surgeon, author. Mas Ikhii ]h-r. 12, 1834, in Danville, Ky. He entered the confederate army as a suigeon; and at the close of the war be H'sumed practice at Danville, Ky. He was tile author of a biography of Dr. iiiphraim McDowell. He died Dee. 8, 1875, in Danville,


Jackson, John George, lawyer, jurist, conwas born in 1774 in Virginia. Ill 17i>3 he was appointed surveyor of public lands in Ohio. In 1795-87. 1700-1811

unl 1813-17 he was a representative from

to the fourth, the sixth, to the (•leventh and the thirteenth and fourteenth ^'lessman.

. Kj

