Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/319

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library of American biooraphy.

In 1815> ht- was appointed judgf the United StateH court for the western He died March 21), district of Virginia. 182."!, in Clarksburg, 'a. Jackson, John Henry, physician, state h-gislator, statesmnn, was born April 11), 1844, in Canada. Since ISfio l»e has been a successful physician of Barre, Vt.; and since 1882 professor of phywioh>gy in the university of Vermont. In 1S78-8U he was a member of the Vermont state legishiture; and in 181)6 was a democratic candidate for governor of Vermont. Jackson, John Jay, sohlier, lawyer, legislator, jurist. For twenty-tive years he was prosecuting attorney for Wood county, Va.; 11 nd for five years was a nieml>er of the state legislature. In 1800-01 he was a member of the Virginia convention but opposed the ordinance of sacession. He died in Vir-



was born .Aug. 5, 183."), in Newark, N.J. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers in 180.'». At the of his term of service he was appointed by the war department a comntissioner of the Unitetl In 1870 he was apStates naval creilits. pointed assistant district attorney for tlic southern district of New York. Jackson, Joseph W., state legislator, con-

gressman, was born a




Georgia. the city


Savannah; and was mayor


He served

He was council

of that city.


of yejirs in the state legislature. In 184»-i).3 he was a representative from (Jeorgia to the thirty-first and thirty-second congresses. He died Dec. 28.





Jackson, Lambert Lincoln, educator, au-


Jackson, John King, soldier, lawyer, was born Feb. 8, 1828, in Aupusta, (Ja. He practiced law till the beginning of the civil war. He tht-n raised the first (Jeorgia infantry and the Augusta volunteer battalion for the confederate army; was made colonel of the fifth (Jeorgia regiment in 1801; and He died subsequentiv briga<lier-general. Feb. 27, 1800, in Milledgeville, (ia. Jackson, John Jay, lawyer, legislator, jurist, was born Aug. 4, 1S24. in I'arkersburg. W.Va. In 184.'> he graduated from PrinceHe was ton college. prosecuting attorney the county of for Wirt, *a., during lS48-.")2; and held the same position in the



K In>.

was elected


t c h







sentative in the legislature of Virginia for


years; eleete<l

term of two and was rein



|Sr»l lie was appointed judge of the United Slat«'s district court for tlnr western district of N'lrginia, now the district of West Virginia. He died Sept. 2, 1SM)7, in .Atlantic



Political Situation of the United States. March n, 1810, in Boston. Mass. Jackson, Joseph Cooke, soldier, lawyer,



Jackson, John

Price, civil engineer, auirn Sept. 27, 1 808, in PliiladelSince IS!>;{ he liiis been prolessor of electrical engineering at tin- Pennsylvania state college, and its consulting engineer. Hi' is the author of .Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery. Jackson, Jonathan, rongn-nsman, author, was born .luiie 4, 174:J. in Boston, Mass. He was engageil in mercantile pursuits at Newburyport. .Mass.; and was president of the state bank. In 17S2 he was a deK'gate from .Massaeliusftts to the continental congress; United States marshal in I78!)-91; treasurer of Massachusetts in 1802-00; and was treasurer of Harvard ctdlege in 1S07-10. He was the autlior of Thouglits Upon the tiior,

was b



thor, was b<»rn April 14, 1870, in Bingham ton, N.V. In in(M»-00 he was professor of mathematics at tlu- state normal school of Brofkport. N.V.; and since IHOO has been

head of the educational department of D. Appleton and company. He is the author of Arithmetics for (Jrades.

Jackson, Lewis Evans, missionary, author,

was b«irn in 1822 in Staten Island, N.Y. He is a presbyterian layman and is prominent in city missionary work in New York City. He is the author of (Josjiel Work; and Christian Work in New Y«»rk City. Jackson, Mrs. Margaret Doyle, educator, author, was born Jan. 7, 1868, in the Bermudas. She has taught school in Manchester and Dublin. Great Britain. In 18881)4 she was engaged in nursing in Rochester. N.Y. She is the author of A Daughter of the The Horse Leech's Daughter; and Pit; When Love is King. Jackson, Mrs. Mary Anna, litterateur, author,

She thiin

was born is ,1.

in Mecklenburg county, N.C. Thomas JonaStonewall Jackson, deceased. She author of Memoirs of Stonewall

the wife of General

is the Jackson. Jackson, Mercy Bisbee, physician, reformer, was b«irn Sept. 17, 1802, in Ilajdwick, M;iss. .Slie was one of the pioneers in all the reforms of female education. She died Dec. 13, 1877, in Boston. Mass. Jackson, Michael, soldier, was born Dec. He was colon»l 18. 17IU, in Newton, Mass. of the eighth Massachusetts regiment of tlic continental line from 1777 until the close of the war. He died April 10, 1801, in Newton, Mass. Jackson, Mortimer Melville, lawyer, diplonmt. jurist, was born March .5, 1814, in Uenssclaerville. N.Y. In 1842 he was attorney-general of Wisconsin. On the admission of Wisconsin to the union, he was electe«l the lirst circuit judge for the fifth judicial circuit, serving also in the supreme court in lS.'i.3. In 1801 was appointed consul nt Halifax. Nova Scotia. While there lie caused the seizure from confederates of
