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HBRRINOSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHT. county, N.Y. In 1852 he moved to Oregon N.Y.; w.i-- :ip|>oiiit«tl ii>soiiatt" juslici- uf the supreme court ut' Watiliiiitftuii tiTiitury In 1870-78 ho in 1669, and settled there. was chief justice of tho trrritory. In IKT"!7U he wan a territorial delegate to the forty-fourth and forty-fifth congresees as a rppnbliran.

b*T uf pO(


Jacohson, John Christian, clergyman, bish-

was bom







(•(liuatt'd in ftic rulh-ge and tlwoseminary ul the Moravian church uf liermany. In 1810-34 he filled various pas-



toniti's in thf Tjiilcd StHt«'s. In 18.">4-(57 he was biuhup of the Moravian church. Jle died Nov. 24, 1S7<). in Hctheh-in, Pa. Jacobus, David Schenck, riil ii<.'iii<-cr .uid expi-rt, was burn Jjmi. 20. KStS2. in Kiilg« li»'lil, N.J. In 18!i4 lu- graduated from Stcvcnn int

stitute of tcclinohigy and reerivcd tin- dcgrci- of Dr. Kng. in "l!M)B. Since 1!UK» lie has been special lecturer in expiriimntal nigineering at iifcvvenH institute of technology. In 1906-07 he was president of the American society of Kefrigeraling engineering; and is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. He is an

authority in ht»'ani en^'inrct ino; an<l iias written many papers on that and kindred


Jacobus, Mdancthon Williams, e>Jurat<ir. clergyman, author, was burn Sept. lit, 181(1, in Newark, XJ. He was a presbyterian clerjryman of Brooklyn aixi !*itts])nri.' and

profc!<sor of Oriental literature in the then logical seminary at Allegheny City in 18.)17t>.

He was the author

of Letters on


Public School t^uchtion; Notes on tlic New Testament, a vi iy popular work; ami Notes on Uenesis. He "died Oct. 28, 187 U, in Allegheny City, Pa. jacobus, Melancthon Williams, educator, theologian, author, was born I>< e. I.~>, 185o, in Allegheny, Pa. In 1877 h«' graduated from Print cton (.Il. g.-; in issi graduated from Princeton theological t»emiuary; has studied at the universities of Oottingen and Berlin; aful has n-erived tfie degree of D.D. (

In 184U-yi he was |)astor of the presbyterian church of Oxford, Pa.; and in 1899 was acting-pastor <>i the ei-ntral congregational ehurch of ilartUird. ( onn. In l!Hil-<»2 he uas It tiller un new t<-stainent at Mount Uolyoke college. Since I8!tl he ha^ been professor of new testament literatm.' and exegesis at the Hartford theological seminary; and in 1902-03 was acting president of that institution. Hp is the author of A Problem in New Testament Criticism: Stone Lectures for 1897 -US; and was contributing editor^iu'charge of the New Testament De(





Jacoby, Haiold, educator, astronomer, author, City.

4, 1866, in New York Since 1894 he has been professor uf

was bom Mardi

astronomy at Columbian university of New York City. He is director of the Columbian ibservatory. He is the author of Practical I'alks by an Astrououier. Jaeoby, Henry Syirester, educator, civU engineer, author, was born April 8, 18.17, •

Jacobs, Sarah Sprague, author, yovt, hum born March 17. IHl.'t, in Cranston, K.l. She She ih the is a writer of Ciunbridge, Ma88. autlior of Nonuntuui und Nutiek, a juvi-nih; giving un account of the labors of John KUot amonj "Jie New England Indians, and White Oak and Its Neighburn; and a num-


partment of the

.Springtown. Pa. In 1879-8.J he was chief in the United (states engineers" In 1886-90 Iw at Memphis, Tenn. was instructor in civil engineering in Le* high university of South Hethlehem, Pa.; antl since 1890 has been professor of bridge enirineering at Gomell university of Ithaca. NVN'. He is the author of Notes ami Problems in Descriptive Geometry; A Text-Book on Plain Lettering; and i> joint author of . Text-Book on Boofa and Bridges* in four volumes. in



Jacoby, Ludwfg Sigismund, clergyman, auwas born Oct. 21, 181.1, in Germany. He was general foreign agent of the meth-


odist church; and resided at Hrenu'U in He was the author of (.Jesoliichte |84}>-75J. des Methndismus; Letzte Stunden; Kurzer liilM'yriir der chrU thelien (Jl ul nlehre; and liiblische Uand-Concordanz. He died June 21. 1874, in St. Louis, Mo. Jacoway, Henderson Madison, congressman, was born in Uardanelle, Yell county, Nov. 7, 1870. He was elected a member of the sit— eroiitl ami sixty third congreases from the lifth district of Arkansas. Jacques, Daniel Ranlson, physidan, an* i


flior. wa« born about 182.T. He was a southern physician: and edited The Rural He was the author of Hints about Phvsical Perfection; The Carden;


The harm; '1 he Harnyard; The House; Florida as a Permanent Home; How to (Jruw Handsome; The Temperaments; How to Heliae; and How to Talk. He died Aug. 28. 1877, near Fernandiiia, Fla. Jadwin, Cornelius Comegys, civil enginei>r, druggist, congressman, was born March 27, I8;i.'.. in Carbomlale, Pa. He taught school for four years. He was a civil engineer in !«»7«61. He served for nine years as metiiber of the district board of educjitiu.i; three years as president of the board; and was a delate to the republican nati<»nal convention of 1880. In I'^Sl vri was a representative from Pennsylvania to the forty-seventh congress as a republiI

ea n

Jaeger, Abraham, clergyman, author, was born in Is.'it) in Austria. In 1872 be was a lewish rabbi; and is now an episcopal clergyman. He is the author of Mind and Heart in Religion; and Infant Baptism versus Convirted Memlvership. Jaegers, Albert, s, ulptor, artist, was born March 28. 18(58. in Cermany. Since I81I0 he has been professionally engaged as a sculptor. He haa dcaigned statuary for the

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