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  • -i«-<.'t<'^ II of JiitTrey is named for him. He died

in rortHinouth, NJl.




Aoguitus,, author, wa.-. horn .luiuVurk City. In 1875 lie


cler^roan, ls:!!>,





protcAtant episcopal bishop of southern Ohio; hut han sint-c retired. Ho in the author of The Ministry of IMiilliptt Brooke; Duty of the in Relation to Modern Skei tioi>-ni The .Miiii of tlic A^<* as well tm vuriou»» pastoruU and addrt't^scH ou gen*

CTtal subjects.

Thomas Augustus,

author, was in Penn.sylvania. He is a the government iservice. lit? is the author of The lAeoliths of the lilack







Hins. Jaggard, Edwin Ames, lawyer, h-cturer. jurist, author, was born June 21, 18i>i), in Altoona, Pa. In 1882 he was admitted to the bar; and !*in(f has been a member of the law faculty of the university of Minnesota. In 1898 he became judge of the distrii tdurt of the b( cond district of Miniithotu; aitd Muce lUU^ has been a jutitice of til)' state supreme court of Minnesota. t

He is the author "f T:i<;-^Mrd on Torts, in two volumes; Jugi^ard on axalion in Iowa; and Jaggard on Taxation in .Minnesotn.


Since IH1I8 he has In-en in the congregational ministry; and is now an editorial writer for the Baltimore Evening Herald. He is the author of The Colonization of New England: and History of the Women M«l.




James, Benjamin, lawyer, state senator,

was bom April 22, 1768, m Stafford county, 'a. He was eh'cteil to the Sdutli Carolina state :ienate. Ue was the author of Digest of the Statute and Gonunon Law of rar<dina. Tfe died NoV. IS, 1825, in Laurens District, 8.C.

James, Bnshiod Washington, oculist, cU< autln>r, was horn .up. 2n, 183U, i'iiiiadclphia. I'a. He vas the author Ameriean Kesorts and Climates; and

iM;it< lojrist, III


Ahttikana, or l^>gends of Alaska. lie died in 1003 in Philadelphia, Pa. James, Charles Fenton, educator, clergyman, college president, author, was born Nov. n, 1844, in Loudoun county, Va. He serve*! in the <'onfederate army in the civil war; and attained the rank of captain. In 1873-82 he was pastor at Budianan. Va.; and was pastor at t'uliM'per in ISS2-8!). In 1889-92 he was principal of the Alleghany imtitute of Roanoke, Va. In 18021002 he was president of Hoanoke female iMdIege of Danville, Va. He was the author of Documentary History of the Strugfile for Kidigioiis l-'riedoni in Virginia. He dieu Dec. .">, 1SK»2, in Danville, Va.

James, Charles ist,


was horn May

educator, lawyer, jurI81S. in Cincinnati,


education. In 1870 he began the litudy of medicine; and in 1873 graduated from the Old university of Louisville. Ky. In ISJ»0 he was elected a member of the constitutional convention from the county of Muh-

he was a professor in the law school of the Cincinnati college; and hecami* jud{;e »ii the su|>erior court of Cincinnati. Ohio. For four years he was professor of law at the Georgetown university of Wanhinrrton. D.C. He was a member of the coniniittee to revise the statutes of the Cniled States: and in 1878 became associate justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia. He died 0< t. 20, 1««)1,


and in 1 SIM 03 was eiecfrd fi> tlic legislature; and in 18U0 elected to the state senate. In 1807* 1001 he was appi>inted I'nited Staff-* niai•iml. In 1907-09 he was a n-presentutive from Kentucky to the sixtieth congress. James, Mrs. Alice Archer Sewall, arti^'t. author, was horn in 1870 in JJIcndalc, Ohio. H« r works of art have been exhibited in the IMiiladidphia academy and at the Pari-i She is the author of Tin- Hallad hulon. of the Prince; and .An Ode to Girlhood. JaniMt Anuuiah B., lawyer, jurist, con-


Kentucky htate

James, Charles Tillinghast, mechanic, inventor. United States senator, author, was l.nni in 1804 in West (Jreenwicli, R.I, He su[»erintended the construction of numerous mills; and became major-general of the Rhode Island militia. He wrote a s<Tie,s of papers on the culture and manufacture of cotton in the south. In 1851-67 he was I'nitiil States s.niitor. He sul)sef|iiently invented a rilled .aiMioii; and met his death from the explosion of a shell of his owp invention. He died Oct. 17, 1862, in Sag


James, Addison Davis,

legi.slator. rongr**!'?*-

man, wan born Feb. 27, 18;">0, near Morgantown, Ky. He r«(«ivtd a public hchool


grpeaman. was born July 1,' 1812. in steplicntown. N.Y. He began the practice of law at Ogdensburg, N.Y. In 1863 he was elected a Justice of the state supreme court; and iesi;,'ned in lS7(i. In 1877-81 he was a representative from New York to the fortyfffth and forty -sixth congresses as a repuhlir.ui. He died July 0, 1883, in Ogdensburg, N.Y. James, Bartlett BurMgh, clergyman, au* tbor, was bom Aug. 6, 1886, in Cecilton,






Harbor. X.Y. James, Darwin Rush, merelumt. banker, congressman, was born May 14. is.n. in Williamsburg, Mass. He was an' importt-r and pre-^ident of the Kast Hrooklyn savings bank. He was one of the founders of a diitfM>nsary ; one of the founders and treasurer <if tile Imreaii <,( eliaritie.s of Hrooklyu; and serv««l six years as park commissioner. He became a director in a Marine insurance company; and secretary of the New York