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HERRINOSIIAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. he was elected hrigJidier-Keneral. In 1885 he Injeanie president of the J()hn .lewett nianufaeturini; eonipany; and is vice-presi-


of the ('ary nafc company of liufTah), N.Y. In I8t»4 lie was elected mavor of Buf-


N.V. Jowett, Daniel T., rnit<d states henator, lK)rn in 1S07. In 1870 " I he was a meniljer of the I'nited States senate from Missouri to lill a vaeancy. lie die<l Sept. 7, 1!MK5. in St. I^»uis, Mo.' falo,



Jewett, Edward Hurtt, elt rKyman. theoauthor, was l)orn in IH.'JO in Nottii);;ham. Kn^land. In IH.').) he ^radnate<| from llohart <'oIli';;i': and in 1S.*)7 l>eeanie pastor at Hoonsville, N.V. Sinee |HSl» I!M»'J he was professor «if pa.storal theolojfy at the


seminary of New Vork was the author of Cominunicm The Two Wine Tln'ories |)islie di«'d in HM»7 in New Vork City.







Jewett, Ezekiel, ^»H)lo>jist. was born Oct. hi, 17'Jl. in Uind;;e. N.II. At the o|H'iiiiij^ of the war of l.Sl'i he was eomn)i^sione<l a lieutenant in the eleventh I'niti'd Statt's intantry. and partieipated in all the important enjriijfements on the Niafjara frontier. II is extensive jji-olo^jical colh-elion is now in Cornell university. It is nmon^ the most complete in existence. He died in May, 1877. in Santa Ihirhnra. ( al. Jewett, Mrs. Frances Gulick, litterateur, author, was Iwrn Oet. I.'I, 1854. on Maeronesiiin Islands. She is the author of l.uther Ilalsfv (luliek. Missionary; ami four Ixjoks of the fJulick Hyjfiene Scries.



a n d


moved he


to Ohio, where practiced his pro-






Mcmorwil. He died Jan. 14, 1853, in Ket'ne, N.H. Jewett, Hugh J., lawyer, railroad president, congressnuin, was lK»rn about 1812 He Htudie he

was a

representative from Ohio to the forty-third congress; and soon n-signed to accept the i>osition of president of the Kric railroa«l company, which position he filled until his death. He died March 6, 1897, in

Ohio. Jjwett, John Howard, siddier, journaliht, author, was lM)rn .Ian. 19, 184.1, in lladlev. .Mass. He served through the civil war; and in I8»54 resign«'<l with the rank of as-

quartermaster and ordnance ofliccr. the author of The liunnv Stories; Mother .Stories; The Easter Story; anil <irandma (Joose Stories. Jewett, Joshua H., lawyer, congressman, was born Sept. 12, 1812, in Deer Creek, Md. In 18."».")-59 he was a representative from Iventucky to the thirfy-fourtli and thirtysistant







died in Elizabethtown,



clergyman, physician, Luther, Jewett, congressman, was born Dec. 24, 1772, in Canterbury. Conn. He was for fifteen years a



Jewett, Freeborn G., lawyer, jurist, conwas iMirn in 1700 in Skaneatelea, He was a memlnT of the New Vork state assemhiy in 1S20-27; was a representative fr«mi New Vork t<» the twenty-st-cond; and in 184n-.50 was a judp* of the supreme court «)f New Vork. He died Fel). 2:{. IS-IS. in Skaneatclcs. N.V.

Jewett, George Baker, eh-r^ynmn. educator, author, was Itorn Sept. 11. IHIS. in T/<-hanou. .Maine. In l.S.l.'i lie was ordained pastor iff a confrrepitional church at Nashua, N.H. lie was the author of Haptism Versus Immersion: and ('riti<|ue on the Creek Text of the New Testament. He dit^l dune n. inm. in Sal.'m. Ma<s. Jewett, George Franklin, educator, founder, was l>orn .March 19, 18.')0, in Pepperell, .tinsM. In 1S.S7-8S he was principal of the MarllKiro hijih selund of Massaeliu^cltx; and has lM>i>n |>rineipal of the irrammar school in New lirunswick. N..I.: ami principal of the high seluiol in Vminfr-town. Ohio. In IIM)]02 he was assistant principal of l..asell seminary. In 1002 he founded and has since l)e<>n principal of Mount Ida school for girla in Newton. Mass. J'iwett, Isaac Appleton, lawyer, author,

was lM»rn Ori. 17. ISdS. in ntirlin{r1nn. Vt. He was a successful lawyer of Cincinmiti, and later of New Orleans. He was the author of Passages in Travel; and The Ap-

of the Vermont legislature; and in 1815-17 he was a representative from Verto the fotjrt<*enth congress. In 182128 he was a pastor of Newbury, Vt. In 1828 "12 he published the Farmer's Herald and The Free Mason Friend at St. Johnsbury, Vt. U" died March 8, 1860, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Jewett, Milo Parker, educator, author, was born April 27. 1808. in St. Johnsbury, He was the first president of Vassar (ollcge. He was the author of Baptism; and The Relation of Boards of Health and lntem|)eran<'e. He died Juno 9, 1882, in Mil-



waukee. Wis. Jewett, Sarah H. H., actress, was born She iK'came a noted actress and in 1S47. starred in many plays in the principal cities of the Cnited" States. She died Feb. 27, 1809, in Boston. Mass. Jewett, Sarah Orne, litterateur, author, was Imrn Sept. .3. 1849. in South Berwick, Maine. She is the author of Old Friends

and New: Deepbaven


Country By-Ways

The Mate of the Daylight, and Friends .shor: A Country Doctor: A Marsli Island: .* White Heron, and Other Stories; The Story of the Normans, an lilsforical work; The King of Folly Island, and Other People; Betty Leicester, a Story for
