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Strangers and Wayfarers; A Native Winby, and Otiier Tales; The Life of

Girls; of

Nancy; and the Country Firs.* She died June 24, lierwiok,




Jewett, Sherman Skinner, manufacturer, banker, was lK)rn Jan. 17, 1818, in .Moravia, N.V. He decided to confine his attention to the production o f stoves of every description, a line of tra«le then in its inThe business fancy. rapidly increased until in 18.>4 a branch

and warehouse were opened in Chi-


cago, branches in


Milwaukee, Denand San VranIweoming necessary in due course of




He voted in 1880 in the electoral time. college for .lames A. (tarlield for president of the L'nited States. He was one of the projectors of the elal>orate system of public parks in the city of liutfulo; and was president of the park commissioners from 1879. He diiHl Feb. 28, 1897, in Buffalo,

N.Y. Jewett, Sophie, was born June


educator, 1801,



Troubadour. Mrs. Susan W., jcmrnalist, author, p<M'(. In 1847 slie conducted a juvenile ujonthly magazine, called the Yo»it!»'s Visitor. She was the author of The Did Corner Cupboard, containing poems and prose sketches of everyday life. Jewett, Theodore Herman, physician, surg»»on, was born March 24. 1815. in South Herwick. Maine. He was professor of obJewett,

and «liseases of women and children ill the medical department of Ilowdoin; eonsiilting surgeon to the Maine general hospital; and surgeon of the first Maine district during the civil war. He dieil Sept. 20*, 1878, in Crawford Notch. N.ll. stetrics

Jewett, Thomas L., lawyer, jurist, railroad |iresi(leiit, was liorii alwiut 1810 in Maryland. He was at one time a judge of but became interested in the n stal«' court

met ion of and was chosen



^^^L^ ^^^V^ ^^^k


Pan Handle president.



died in

1S7.">. in New York Citv. Edwin C. eivil ^-ngineer, botanist, author, was born Nov. 22. 18(M». in Philadelphia. Pa. H»' is the niitbor of The Mer-

November, Jillett,

maid of the Past: Ferns of (Jermanttiwn Winter Flora of (Jermantown; and other works. Jewett, William Orrington Lunt, Boldi»r, lawyer, journalist. legislator, was lx>rn Dec.


served in the civil war in the thirty Illininth regiment nois infantry; and aiso in the Illinois artillerr. He ha.s been prosecuting attorney Shelby county, of Mo., for two terms:

and was




a representative the Missouri state legislature. For twenty years he has edited the Shelbino Democrat and is pn'si<lent of the board of visitors of the Missouri state university, Jillson, Clark, lawyer, author, was l>orn ill 1S2."» in Vermont. He was a practicing attorney of Worcester, Mass. He was the author of (Jrwn Leaves from Whittingham. Vt.. a town history. He died in 1894 in in

Worcester, Mass. Job, Herbert Keightley, nithologist, aiitiior.


clergyman, orNov. 29. 1864,


Boston, Mass. In 1891-98 he wa« congregational pastor of North Middleboro, Mass.; an«l since 1898 has been pastor at Kent, Conn. He is a successful nature photographer. He is the author of Among the Water in

Fowl: and Wild Wings.

Moravia, N.Y.

Since 1807 she has Ix-en ass«KMate professor of English literature at Wellesley college .She is the auth«)r <»f of Massachusetts. The Pilgrim and Other Poems; and (Jod's


1830, in Maine.

of the Pointcsl 1909, in Soutli

Jocelyn, George Beniers, college president,

was born Jan. 3, 1824, in New Haven, Conn. 18til he was elected president of the Iowa Wesleyan university; and was pasIn

tor of the university chapel. I^ter he waa pastor of Asbury chapel at Mt. Pleasant, l«iwa. whence he was called to the presidency of Albion college, which position he occupied until his death. He died Jan. 27, 1S77, in Albion college,

Jocelyn, Stephen Perr^, soldier,

was born

on .March

184.J, in Hrownington. Vt. 1, In he enlisted in the si.xth regiment Vermont volunteers; an<l in 18tt6 entered the regular army as lieutenant in the sixth infantry. In 190t5 he attained the rank of 1S<».'{

and in 1907 was retired. Johannsen, Albert, petrologist. geologist, was born T>«*c. 3, 1874. in Belle Plaine, Iowa. He was educated in the uni-




the rtah;

of Illinois; university of and at the Hopkins uni-

.lohns versity. He has received the degrees of B.S, and Ph.D. Since 1903 he has been assistant g«H»logist ; and since 1!>07 has been acting chief of the section of petrology of the l'nite<l States geological survey. In lOU'.t he gave a special course of lectures on petrology at the university of Chicago.



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