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by a vote of 19 to

stitiitinn requiring


95, the oonvoto of two-tliirds to

Pri-siil«iit .r<ilnisun and Sfrretairy Stanton 1(11,1 rn-lcil (uer reconstruction quesl^'iT. tin* president retions, and on A»i;r.




liini to resign, whi«-}> the sft'retary refused to do. He pave way. under protest^ Aug;. 12, to General U. S. Grant, as secretary of war ad interim. The senate reinstated Secretary Stanton Jan. 13, 1868. On Feb. 21, 1868, General Lorenzo Thomas was appointed aecretMry of war ad interim, but Secretary Stanton still refused to vacate. Johnson's impeachment followed, and on his acquittal Stavtmi resijimed. On the 4th of Mareb, 1860, he retired from the pn-sidency to his borne in Granville, Tenn. in 1870 he was a candidate before the Tennessee legisl.Mtiim for T'nited States senator, but waa Ueleuted hv two votes. In 1872 he was a candidate for representative in congress, a»id was defeate<l. In 187") he was eleete(l to the Ignite*! States senate, and took his seat March 4, and died July 31, 1875. Jobnson held office for thirty-six years. He was

probably worth $.'»0,0OO. Johnson, Alfred Sidney, educator, jonrnalist, was biom Dec. Id, 1800, in Canada. In 1886-87 he was instructor in Cornell university of Ithaea.N.Y.; and in 1SH7-!K) principal of Denmark academy of Iowa. In 1890* 1901 he edited Current History in Boston, md in 1004-07 he was managing ed» tor ni The Technical World Magazine. Johnson, Andrew Wallace, naval officer,

is horn Feb. 24. 182t>. it' Wishington, Ti.

C. He was appointed midsliipman in 1841; was made lieutenant-commander in 1802; and was captain in 1874. He died June 14, 18.S7. in Washington. D.C. Johnson, Anna, educator, author, was liorii July 11. 1S(»0, in llradford county, Pa. Slie taught for several years in the district sclinnU of Michigan. Under the pen name ui Hope Daring she is the author of lintcrin;; liit») lIis Own; An Abundant Harvest: The .ppointed Way; and Madeline


the Island Girl. Johnson, Artemus Nixon, publisher, author, was Ixirn June 22. 1H17, in Middlebury, V't. His publications include Thorough Base Tnstnietion-Book ; Choir Chorus

Hook; n;iiidcl Collection of (Imrch Music: American Choir; Mtdodeon, Organ and Haralso Alleghany Collection of Church Music, The 'i'rue Sinj:ing-Sclio(d TextBook; The Standard Glee Itook; New Harmony Book; Parlor Organ Instruction; and Natural Art of Sinc^tn^r. Johnson, Barton W., c. locator, clergyman,


author, was born in is.'{.{ in Illinois. He was a Campbellite minister and educator of Iowa. He was the atitlior i>I Tiie Vision of the Ages; Commentary on lolin; The

New Testanii'nt iiimI N onng Folks Hible Lands, lie died in lS!tt. Johnson, Ben, banker, lawyer, congressman, was born May 20, 1858, in lJardst(»wn, Ky. He was educated at St. Mary's college I'eople's



in Kentucky; and in 1882 received the degree of IJi.B. from the Louisville law university. In 1882-91 he practiced law. In lss.".-80 h»- waa a member of the Kentucky legislature; and in 1887 was speaker of the house of re[»rc.sentatives. For several years he was collector of internal revenue for the fifth Kentucky district. In 1U05-06 be was a member of the Kentucky state senate. In l!>Of»-l.^» he was a representative from Kentucky to the sixty-first, sixty -second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat. Since 181t7




cn president of the People's

bank of Bardstown, Ky. JohntOB, Benjamin, lawyer, jurist, was born Jan. 22, 17S4. in Scoft toiinty. Ky. In 1808-14 he was associate justice uf the supreme court of Rhode Island. He was an early emigrant to the territory of Arkansas; and in 1821 -3G was United States jiidge for that territory. In 1836-49 he was judge of the rnited States court for the district of Aikan^as. He di. .1 in 1849 in Little Roek, Ark. Johnson, Benjamin Franklin, legislator, bishop, iMtrn July 2S. 1818, in Fredonia, X.Y. In IH^n he became acquaint«-d with the Prophet' Joseph Smith, and was closely aNHoetated with him; and through the last years of his



his private sicretary,

hiti legal agent, and his companion. In 1840 he was driven from Nauvoo and moved to Utah with the ^loriiion pioneers; and served fourteen termtt in the Ltah legislative assembly. He served the people as bishop and other public callings; and became u patriarcli in the church of lutterday saints. He died Nov. 16. 1006, in Tempe, Ariz. Johnson, Benjamin Franklin, publisher,

iuthor, was born April 3, 18iirt, in Fauquier

county, Va. At the age of fiftt-en yenrs lie iMgan his career as a book agent. His lirst enter|>ri.-e in publication was an entire new scries of school books. He is the

iuthor of rhysical Culture.

Johnson, Benjamin Pierce, .m'lior.

was born Nov.






was president

of the State Agricultural society in 1845; and its correspondinj,' secretary from 1817-09. He was the author of The Transactions of the New York Agricultural f^iety and Journal of the New York Alm iiltnral Society. He died April 12, lHti9, in Albany, S.Y. Johnson, Bradley Tyler, soldier, lawyer, state senator, author, was bom *~^'fif. 29, 1829. in Fre«lerick. Md. He served from captain to briga<lier-general in the confederate army through tin' <iil w:ir. In ISfi-T-TO he practiced law in Hiclimond, 'a.; and practical in Baltimore in 1870-00. He was a member of the national democratic convention in Sr2, and a memlK-r of the Virginia stit'ie Tiiate in 1873-79. Hi' was the author of Chase's Heeisions; The Foundation of Maryland; Memoir of Josejdi K. Johnson; Life of Oeneral Washington; and The C^nfederate History of Maryland. He died in >i.V.


1903 at Amelia Court House, Va.

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