Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/347

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HERRINOSHAWS LIBRARY OK AMERICAN Johnson, Burgess, jourimlist, author, was born Nov. 9, 1877, in Rutland, Vt. In 18»y he was a rt^porter for the Now York Post;

and in 1000-07 was assistant editor of Kwrybody's Ma^a/ino; and in 15)07-08 was managing editor of the Outing Magazine. is the author of Rhymes of Little Boys; Pleasant Tragedies of Childhood; and also Beastly Rhymes. Johnson, Bushrod Rust, soldier, educator, was born Oct. 7, 1817, in Belmont county, Ohio. He b«fanie professor and subse(juently superintendent of the Western Military


institute of Kentucky at Georgetown. He and in 1861 was commissioned brigadier-general. After the war he became superintendent of the

entered the confederate service

military college in the university of NashHe died Sept. 11, 188«», in Brighton,




Cave, lawyer, jurist, banker, cabinet oflicf-r, was Ixjrn Jan.

coiigr«'.Hsinan. 11.



Robertson c<»unty. Tenn. He was a circuit judge for several






he was a representative from Tennessee to the twenty-lirst, twenty-second, twenty-third, t w e n ty fourth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth congresses, lie also held for many years the position of president of the bank of Tennessee, which he resigned in 18.59. He died Nov. 23, 1806, in Clnrks-

T^nn. Johnson, Chapman, soldier, lawyer, orator, senator, was born March 12, 1799, in Ix>uisa county. Va. During the war of 1812 he was captain of a vohmtecr company; and he afterward served as aide to General .James Bn-ckinridge. In 1815-31 he served in the stat** senate; and was a memImt of the N'irginia convention of 1820-.30 as champion of the white basis party. He di« d July 12. 1840. in Richmond, Va.* ville,


Johnson, Charles, legislator, congressman, in Chowan county, N.C. He received an acadi'mic education. In 1781-84, 1788 and 1700-1>2 he was a member of the North Carolina state senate. In 1801-02 he was n representativi- from North Caro-

WHS born

He died in to the seventli congress. 1802 in Nortlj Carolina. Johnson, Charles F., I'nited States senator, wax born in Viii.-i|ov, Mainr. Feb. 14, He was the democratic candidate for I8."»0. governor of Maine in 1802 and 1804; wa« a member of the state legislatun* in 100.")

n<l 10O7; and a delegate to tiie democratic

national convention in 1004. Since 1011 he has iHH'n I'nited States senator from Maine. Johnson, Charles Frederick, eihicator. aulina

thor, poet, was born May 8, IH.'JO. in New York. In 180J>-70 he was assistant professor


of mathematics in the United States naval academy; and in 1883-1007 was a professor of English literature in Trinity college. He is the author of English Words, an Elementary Study of Derivations; Three Americans and Three Englishmen, lectures; Elenients of Literary Criticism; What Can I Do for Brady, a volume of Poems; Outline History of English and American Literature; and Forms of English PtM'try. Johnson, Charles Nelson, dentist, author, poet, was born March 1, 1860. in Canada. He practices dentistry in Chicago, III.; and is professor of operative dentistry at the Cliieago college of dental surgery. He ia the author of The Permit of the Nonquon; Poems of the Farm; Success in I)ental Practice; and Principles and Practice of Filling Teeth. Johnson, Charles Philip, lawyer, legislator, lieutenant gov«'rnor, was born Jan. 18, 1836. in Lebanon. III. In 18.50 he was elected city attt»rney of St. Louis; in 1866 was a member of the state legislature; in 1866 was appointed circuit attorney for the city and county of St. Ix>uis; in 1872 was elected lieutenant-governor; and in 1802 accepted the professorship of criminal law in the law department in the university of St. Louis. Johnson, Charles Sumner, lawyer, legislator, jurist, was born in 18.54 in ty. Iowa. He was a member of ka legislature in 1883-84; and States dij'trict judge for the

Jones counthe Nebraswas United of



Johnson, Clarke Howard, lawyer, jurist, was born Nov. 18. 18.51, in Foster. R.I. In 1870-80 and 1800-1002 he was a representative in the Rho<le Island state legislature; in 1886-10(13 was district judge. He is ass«HMate-justice of the state supreme court of Rho«le Island. Johnson, Clifton, illustrator, author, was


born Jan.


180.5. in

Hadley, Mass.



best known by his photographic illustrations to White's Selljorne and other books. He is the author of What They Say in New England; A Book of Country Clouds and

Sunshine; The Country School in New England: The Farmer's Boy: The New England Country. He has illustrated White's Natural History of Selborne; Dicken's Child's Ilist<»ry of England; Barrie's Window in Thrums; Maclaren's Bonnie Briar Bush; Burrou};hs' Year in the Fields; and Warner's Being a Boy. Johnson, D. B., lawyer, jurist, was born Nrw York. He was appointed an assoill I'iate Jiistiei' of the United States for the territory of N«>w Mrxico. residing at Santa Fe. lit- died in Santa Fe. N.M. Johnson, David, lawyer, jurist. In 18.51 -.57 he was judge of the supreme court of Michigan. Johnson, David, lawyer, jurist, state legislator, governor, was born Oct. 3, 1782, in Louisa county, Va. He was a member of the South Carolina legislature in 1812. He

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