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U£RRINGSIIAW*8 LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOORAPHT. Johaaen, Gilbert Marquis La Fayette, sol-

was bom in Ohio. Id 1861 lie was captain in the second IntHana cavalry; and in

dier, ISrt.l


unteers. in 1865.


vetted brigadii-r goiu'ral of vol-

He was honorably He died Jan. 8, 1871.

mustered out

Johttsra, Grove Lawrence, lau>r, conprpssinan. was born March 27. IHII, in, N.Y. Hi' wan a incndxT of tho California a.srtt fnbly in 187H-7!>; and of the Callfornia state senate in 1880-82. lie was chairman of the eominitt«f on phitform in the republican state eonvcntioMs of Califomia in 1888, 1802, and 181^; and in 180597 be waa a representative to the fifty*

fourth congress aa a rt>pub)ican.

Johnson, Gustavus, pianist, coinpofcr. wn-i born Nov. 2, l8oG, in i-^ngland. ll>- is u pianiMt and teacher of Minni-apuliM, Minn.; and ranks among the foremost in the northwest. He is till' author of numeroun pieces for the piano; of antbcnis and chanilx-r niusic; and a «'oiu»'rto for piano and oi rlicstra.


Johnson, Henry C, lawyer, state legislat.ii, was born March 20i 1826, in Pittsburgli. I'a. He was attorney-general of New Mexico; and district and prosecutinjj attorney for Crawford county, Pa. He was a representative in the state legislature for several terms, during one of which he was H|H-ak€r of the hoube. Ho was appointed coTrtTniftnioner of customs in the treasury dep.i 1 tiicnt at Washington, in w hich ulTice he served until 1885. He died in Crawlord county. Pa. Johnson, Henry Clark, elurafnr. lawyer, author, was born June 11, I8.'il, in Homer, X.Y. In IS7:{ he graduated with the dej»ree of A. 11. from ("ornell university; and 187.) received the degree of LI^.U. fr«im ii» the law department of Hamilton college. Is7."»-!i4 be was engaged in educational Ill work; and in l888-m was |>re«ident of the Cent nil high school of Philadelphia, Pa., 1

profc>Hsor of constitutional and international law in that institution. He was president of the national ni juiration agi tiey president ut the iuti'matiunal steel car company; and also president of other cor* ]iiiratioiis. He was the author of several idueatiunal text books and legal monographs. He died in 1004 in New York City. Johnson, Henry Theodore, educator, founder, author, was born Oct. 10, 1857, in (;eorgetown, S.C. He founded Sinter college in Tennessee and was made president iif the institution. He is the author of a volume- I'lititled Divine Logos. Johnson, Henry Underwood, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born on Oct. 28, l8.">u. in ('ambri<lge City, Ind. Ho was a student at the Centerville collegiate institute and at Earlham college. He was proseiifing attorn-y for Wayne eotinty in 1870Ho was state senator in 1887-8U. In lM)l-80 he was a representative from In*

and alhu







Hale, 21.





1S47, in Montgomery county, be In-pin the prjutiee of his

profession at Newton. 111. In 18!M{ he was nominated for viee- president with .lo^lma I.A*V(?ring of Maryland for president, bv the msjority of narrow ^'.lu^'i' section of the jiroliitiitiun partv at the ctix ntion li«»!d in I'ittsburgh, I'a.' He died Oct. 4, 1002, in i




Johnson, Harvey H., <')n<;ri'SHnjan. was boin in Vcrniout. In l8o3-od he was a representative from Ohio to the thirty-third («ii);.M*ss an a democrat. He died in Ashland, Ohio. Johnson, Mrs. Helen Kendricli; jfoumaliet. editor, author, was )iorn in lS4:i in Ilainil She has edited Our Familiar t<Hi. N.V. .Songs: Tears for the IJttle Ones; The Nutshell Series, and other works; and is the autiior of Hah'i^di °et»t};ate, ur Kpinienides ii. Roddy in Maine; .Tnd tile Uepuhlif. l

Books; and


Johnson, Henry, lawyer, congietisman, United States senator, was bom Sept. 14, 1783, in Tennessee. He received an academic fKlilcation; and practiced law in Mringiers, La. In 18011 he was clerk of the territorial court; and ish

cotnt. Stat



was jmlge i>t the par1812 he was a delegate to


constitutional convention. In 1818 24 anil l'^44-49 he was a memb<T of the Unite<l Miites senate from Louisiana. In 1833-31> he was a representative from Lousiana to the twenty- third, twentyfourth and twenty-fifth confrr^'sst'"- In 1842 be was a candidate for governor of lx>uisiana. He died Sept. 4, 18^, in Point Coupee, th.'

Im. Johrson, Henry, oduc:itor, librarian, author, poet, was bum June 25, 18r)5, in Gardiner, Maine. In 1880-83 he was librarian and since 1804 lias been of Bowdoin cnlli l'curator of the Buwdoin art collection, lie is the nuthor of Where Beauty U. .



to the fifty-Second, fifty-third, flfty-

fuurtb and fifty-fifth congresses aa a republican.



Merrills, educatnr, ch r-

college president, author, was boru Nov. 26, 1815, in Butternuts, N.Y. In 1850he was professor of pliilosnphy and Eng-



literature in Ou-kinsou college; and in was president. He died April 6,


in Carlisle, Pa. John&on, Herrick, educator, clergyman, author, was born Sept. 22, 1832, in Haugh* newaga. N.V. He is a presbyterian clergyman of Chicago, jirofessor in McCormick theological seminary fr<tm ISSO. He is the author of Christianity's Challenge: Plain Talks about Theaters: Forms for Special Oti.i'lotis: ami Revivals. Johnson, Hezekiah S., lawyer, jurist, journalist, state legislator, waa bom Sept. 12, IS2S. in Pittsburgh. Pa. In 1840 he move<l to New Mexico; held the ofliccs of district attorney, clerk of court, and treasurer of the tcnitorv". anil in 1S03 was elected to the territorial legislature, in 1869 be was appointed associate justice of the supreme ls»;«<,

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