Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/351

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Johnson, Herschell Vespasian, lawyer, jurUnited States senator, governor, waa born Sept. 18. 1812, in Kurke county, Ga. ist.


He was tial


a elector





in 1844; 847-451 lie



senator to fill a vavancy. In 1849 he was elected a judge of the superior court. In 18."i.S-">7 he was the twenty-third gov«-rnor of (Georgia. He subsequently served in the confederate sen~ ate; was a delegate to the IMiiladclphia national union convenAfter the civil war he be* tion of I8U({. came a judge of the supreme court of (ieorgia.


died Aug.





son county, (Ja. Johnson, Horace Chauncey, painter, artist, WHS born Feb. 1. 1S2(». in Oxford, Conn. He attained prominence as a portrait and landscape painter of Connecticut. Among his works are. Roman Mother; Roman Feasants on the Campagna; and Italian tiirls at the Fountain. Johnson, Hosmer Allen, educator, physician, was born (Jet. 22, 1822, in Wales, N.Y. In 18."»2 he re<'eived his medical degree at the Rush college; and bi'gan to practice medicine in Cliicago. 111. In 18.').'»-.'il) he was professor in the Rush nie<lical college of .Michigan; and Ix'came professor of the Rush medical college at Chicago, III. He was president of the American public health. He die<l in 18!M in Chicago. HI. Johnson, Isaac, cohmist, was born in England, He was the ricln'st man in the colony, and was noted for his goodness and wi.sdom. In his wife's honor, the name of Tin* Kagle, Wintlirop's ship, was clianged to Phe Arabella. He died Sept. 30, 1630, in Boston, Mass. Johnson, Isaac, governor, was bom in Kn;.'laiid. He was the twelfth governor of Louisiana in 184.*»-o(». He died March 15, 18.').'{. in New Orleans, La. Johnson, Jacob, congressman, was born Xuv. 1. 1847. in Denmark. He has been I'nittnl Stati's land commissioner; and for nine years was ju<lge of the seventh judicial district of the .state of Utah. In HI13'i he was a representative from Utah to the sixty-ttiird <"<>iigres8.

Johnson, James, state legislator, congressman, was born in Virginia. In 1813-21 he was a representative from Virginia to the thirteenth, fourtii-nth. lifteeiith and sixcongn'sses. H«' also served in the state legislature; and was customs collector He died Dec. 7. 182."», in of Norfolk. t«"entli

Norfolk. Va. Johnson, James, soldier, congressman, wa- born .Ian. 1, 1774, in Orange county, Va.



served as lieutenant-colunel at the battle of the Thames; and in l8l!)-20 was a large contract«»r for supplying tnwps on In rivers. the Mississippi and Missouri lS2.'>-2(i he was a representative fnrni Kentucky to the nineteenth congress. He died Aug. 14, 1826, in (Jreat Crossings, Ky.

Johnson, James, lawyer, jurist, congrcssgoveriitir, was born in 1811 in Kobcounty, N.C. In 1851-53 he was representative' to the thirty-second congress. iiiaii,


In 1865 he was ap[>ointed provisional j?overnor of (Jeorgia; and in 1866-6U was col-

He was lector of customs at Savannah. ^ubse<|uently iiiaiii' a judge of the circuit court of (ieorgia. Johnson, James A., musician, was born in 182(1 ill Kiiglaiul. He was favorably kni>w n as a tenor solo-singer in oratorio iiiusic. He compiled a Tune Hook: and a volume of Offertory .Sj-ntences. He died in 1883 in Orange,


Johnson, James A., state legislator, congressinaii, was born May 16, 182U, in Spartanburg. S.C. He was elected to the state legislature in 18.)!»; and in 18(57-71 he was a representative from California to the fortieth and forty-lirst congresses as a democrat.

Johnson, James Clarence, educator, physiautlior, was Iwrii April 11, 18(»5, in (ia. Since 181>8 he has b«'en professor of physiology at the Atlanta college of physicians and surgeons. He is the author of Pathology of Fever.


Troup county,

Johnson, James Gould, soldier, was born .Xrkansas. In IHi'ui he was colon<>l in the regiment Arkansas infantry; and in l8tJ5 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He was honorably mustered out in in



Johnson, James H., state senator, congressman, was born in New Hampshire. He >as a state senator in 1830; was a state counselor in 1842-43; and in 1845-40 he was a rei>reseiitative to the twenty-ninth and tliirlietli congn' He died in Hath, N.H. Johnson, James L., congressmtin, was born in Kentucky. In 1840-51 he was a representative from Kentucky to the thirty-first congress. boro. Ky.


died Feb. 12, 1877, in


Johnson, James Neely, governor of California, was b«irn about 1828 in Indiana. In I8.i6-.58 he was the fourth governor of California. He became an ahsmMate justice of the supreme court of Nevada. He died in Augi.>t. 1872, ill Salt Li<ke City. Utah.

Johnson, Jeremiah Augustus, lawyer, diplomat, was born -lune 3, 1836. in Boston. In l858-«»7 he was United States coiiHiil; and in 1867-70 was consul-general at Beirut. Syria. He has practiced law in New York City for many years. In 1870 he disco'. cred the famous Hamath stones in Syria with Hittite inscriptions. He is a director of the legal aid swiety; and sevral railroad companies.




