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Johnson, Jeromust congn^HHiiuin. wai^ born in Kings counter, K.Y. In 1825-27 li« waa a fvprM^ntative fnNB N«w York City to the niiu>ti-cnth congrew. He died Sept. T, 1846, in Uotilieu, N.Y. Johnaon, Jeaae, fatwyer, author, waa born Feb. 2(1. 1S42, in Bradford, Vt. In I^sm <>.? he wa« district attorney of the eastern iiit»trict of New York; and in 18V7-06 waa aas«H-iati> jiiHticf of thf »u|irrnic cniirt of Xi-w York. He ih tlif author ot Tt'»tiinony of the Sonnets uh to the Authorahip of the Shakespraria!! Plays and I'm-in-*. Jobnson, J. Lovell, inanni x tiiT. r :iii<l atate^inan .Tune




Fitdiburg, in







the board of aldermen of Fltehbiii .' and iiirmber of the Massacliuaetts »tate senate. He is vice-president of the Fitehburg Xational bank; a trustee of the Fitehburg SavingM bunk; and a direitor in various financial and industrial corpora-

been president



Jolnson, Jbhn


Johnson, John, agrieulturist, state senator, cuiigressman, was born in 18Ub in ireUind. In 1824 he waa engaged in aji^icul* liira! jMirsuits at Cosh<w tiiii. 'Mun. T(r -lerv* ed


u uieniber of the Ohio aenate; and

waa a member of the hat


rcnveiition of that state. In lM.">l-ri:i he was a repreitentative from Ohio to the thirtysecond congreaa. He died in Coahoeton. Ohio. Johnson, John, sohlier. elerjjyinan. author, was born Dee. 2.'>, 1821>, in C harh»t<>n. S.f. In 18111-05 he served as lieutenant, captain and major of engineers In the eoufeih-rate army in the C'aroUnas and (a'orgia. He was for fifteen montlis m^'ineer in cliarge of Fort f^umter daring the heavy and prolonged bombardmenta: and waa tiwce vvounded there. In 1S71-I!KH> he was rector of St. I'liilip's church of Charleston. He waa the author of The Defenae of Charleaton Harbor. 1H63-66. He died in 1907 in Charleston, S.C. Jofauoo, John Albert, pnbtiaher. atate senat<ir. jrnvernnr. was born July 'iS. IStll. in St. I'eter. Minn. He was educated in the public aehoola of his native town. For


a <irug store; and in lS8orn dan. !.'>, 1S12, in Livingston county, IXiil he entennl the confederate In Ky. was surgeon of the post army; .nul in Air. iward he was medical at Atlanta. Ca. director for (ien. Hardee's division, and HvrveU in all of (ieneral Uragg's engag.'nient.<«. lie was president of the .tlanta academy of metlicine in 1475; and in 1867-72 taught physiology nnd pathological anatomy in tlaiita medical college. He died May 18, IS8U. iu Atlanta, (ia.





Johnson, John Barent, clergyman, waa 3, 1760, in Brooklyn, X.Y. He was of tilt" faniily of Jansen. flii first settlers of Brooklyn. He was a nunister of the Dutch church at Albany in 1700-1800 and in Rrooklyn in 1S()2. lie was an aecomplitthed scholar, and a graceful and eloquent preacher. He died Aug. 20, 1805, in Brooklyn. N.Y, Johnson, John Butler, educator, civil engineer, author, waa bom June II, 1850, In

bom March



<>n<;M -.siiian.

clergyman, la'wyer, jur-





17SS. in

(•teat C ronsings, Ky. He began the pracHe waa tice of law at (teorgetown. Ky. judge »>f the court of app< :i!- of K< rif ncky

nnd in lH21-'2'> he was a representative from Kentucky to the sevent4>enth and eighteenth rongresst's.


died Dec. 17, 1858, in Lex-

inglon. .Mo.

Johnson, Joseph, physician, waa bora lune I.). I77t», in Charleston. S f He was (tresident of the I nit<-d States branch bank isis-2.'); and mayor of Charleston In Ml i82(i. For many yeara he wa<) commiasioner of the public schools; was president of the Apprentices' library association from its establishment in 1826; for more than aizty years a member of the South Carolina society; and for twenty years its pnsiding ollicer. He waa the author of Traditions II ltd Reminiscences of the Revolution. He '

died Oct.



in Charleston, S.C.

Johnson, Joseph, congressman, governor, 178.5, in Orange county, ilu i,ar of 1812 as cap-

wns bom Dec. 10. N'.'. He s«'rved in

lain of v<dunteei-s. Ik- moved to Virginia; in 1823-27, 1831-33, 1836-41 and 184547 lie was a representative frrni N'irginia lo the eightei-nth, nineteenth, twenty srcond,


twenty-fourth, twenty-flfth, twenty-sixth and Iwenty-ninlh congresse-;. lb- was the Iwcnly-sixth governor of Virginia in IH-j-i-oU. He died Feb. 27. |S77. in Bridgeport, W.Va. Jolinson, Joseph Ellis, pioneer, journalist, nierehant. wa.-* Intrn April 28, 1817. in ChaulaiKpia. N.^'. lie was a contemporary of the prophet Joseph .Smith; and waa exiled from Nauvoo in 1847. He wns one of the liist pioneers rif Council Rluirs. and there published the Westi-rn Boy. He gave the name to Omaha City, and puliliMlieti lis lir«-t |)ap<>r. entitled tli<' Omaha .Arrow. In IHiiO he moveil to I'tali, where he pubiishetl I he Famous Oracle. He became the first poiiiolojxi-;! rtah; and for many years in was a successful merchant. He died Nov.

17, 1882, in

Tenipe, Arts.