Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/354

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author, illustrator, 1800, in liiwtim. Mush.



was lM)rii April 5. She is thf author of What Ditl the lUack Cat Do 7; Tht- Prwi-ssion of thf Zodiac; uml A liuiK'h of Keys. Johnson, Martin Nelson, lawyer, state leffislatiir. eongrertsiiian, was horn March 'A. 18;i0.

Racine county,





two yearn

at the California military acadHe served a term in each of Oakland. branch of the Iowa legislature; and was a Hayes elector for the I)uhu«|ue district in He removed the electoral eollegi* of 1S7<». to Dakota in 1882. and t<K)k up jr«>v»'rnment He was disland, on which he still resides. trict attorney in 188r»-88; and in 1SS".» he was a member of the constitutional convention. In 1891-99 he was a repn»sentative from North Dakota to the fifty-second. Hftythird, fifty-fourth and fifty-tifth congresses ns a republican. Johnson, Mary Ann, matron, lecturer, was Ixirn Aug. 4, 1808. in Westmorelaml. Vt. She was matron in the female state prison at Sing Sing, X.Y. She died .June 8. 1872. in



York. Johnson,

was born

Mary Hannah,


1899 she

work: and has been librarian

of the Carnegie library of Nashville, Tenn. She has been a leader in the development of library work, especially in connwtion with public schocils.

Johnson, Mortimer Lawrence, naval



June 1, 1842. in Nahant. .Mass. the rank of lieutenant during the civil war. He was then placed on various duties and services; was promote<l to rear admiral of the Cnited States navy in 1901. He was retired in 1904. cer,


lie attained

governor. He had b«t'n in the Hritish arnjy, served as a in«'mber of parliament, and between 1<J8(J and ll»89 was governor of Treves. St. Christopher, .Montserrat, and Antigua. In 1703-09 ami lie was governor of South Carolina; during the French attack on that colony in 170(5 defeated the enemy, with the loss of their commander and three hundred m«'n. He introduced silk-culture into the province







said to

of that industry ther<>.

liav«' l»een tin- pic)n«*er

lie died in

1713 in

South Carolina. Johnson, Nathaniel, colonial governor. In 1703-09 he was colonial governor of South Carolina.

Jonnson, Noadiah, state legislator, congressman, was born in New York. He Im'gun the practice of law at Delhi. N.Y. He served in the state legislature of New York and in 1833-35 he was a n'presentativc (ft the twentv-third congress. He died April 4. 1839. in Alliany, N. Y.

Johnson, Oliver, journalist, lecturer, auwas born I)«'c. 27. IS(I9. in IN-acham.

thor, Vt.

presidential elector; was elected to the state senate in 1870; to the constitutional for

convention in 1871; and was one of the most prominent members in the constituof tional convention He was a memlx-r of the supreme 1872. court in 1877-89. and was president (»f the Since 189.') he c«»urt for nearly eight years. has l>een dean of the law college of the West Virginia university.

librarian, author,

Nashville. Tenn.


Ijegan library

He was an editor and hn-turer of New York City; and successively managing editor of The Independent, o<litor of the Week-


Tribune, an«l editor of the Christian I'nion. He was the author of William I.loyd (•arri.son and His Times. He died Dec. 10, 1889. in Hrooklyn, N.Y. Johnson, Okey, lawyer, legislator, jurist, was Intru .March 24, 1834, in Long Keacli. N'a. He practiced his profession at I'ark1S77, ersburg until when he took his seat on the supreme bench of West Virginia. He was twice a candidate ly


Johnson, Osgood, educator, was born Sept. 1803, in Andover, .Mass. In 1828-33 he

was assistant teacher at the Phillips academy; and in 1833 sii«'ceedc<| Dr. Adams as head of the institution.


died in Exeter,


C, chemist, author, was l>orn Sept. 1839. in Kishwaukee, III. 11. In 1889-1912 he was professor of applied chemistry in the university of Michigan. He was the autlior* of Qualitative Chemical .Analysis. He died June 6, 1912, in Ann ArJohnson,




Johnson, Ovid Frazer, lawyer, author, was born in I807 near Wilkeslwrre, Pa. In 1833-45 he was attf)rney-general of Pennsylvania. He attained distinction as a political writer; and was th»' author of the political satin's entitled the (Jovernor's Letters. He died in Februarv, 1854, in Washington, D.C. Johnson, Owen, journalist, author, was in New York City. He first editor of the Lawrancevillc Literary .Magazine. He is the author of Arrows of tin- Almighty; In the Name of Lil>erfy; and Ma.x Fargus.

Aug. 27. 1878. was the founder and


Johnson, Perley B., congressman, was born lie attended the common school at McConnelsville. Ohio. In 1843-45 he was a representative from Ohio to the twentytight h cf)ngress. He died in Ohio. Johnson, Philander Chase, journalist, auin Ohio.

thor, poet, was luirn Feb. (>. Hi]i], in Wheeling. W.Va. He is now editorial writer and <iramatic editor of the Washington Star. He is (he author of Sayings of I'nde Eben Ni)w-a Day Poems; and Senator Sorghum's


of Politics.

Johnson, Philip, lawyer, congressman, was Jan. 17. 1818. in Warren county. N.J. In 18.39 he went to Pennsvlvania; and at-
