Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/357

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JohnsOQ, Thomas Gary, ilufator, cli-rgyman, author, was burn July li*, ls.~il). in Fiahhook Hill, Va. He is a pn-sbyterian clergyman, and proft-HHor of ((lrsiaHticul <


Union seminary since He the author of The History of the Southern Prcsbytorian Church A Tariff Skctcli

poiity in It

of the UnittHl Synod of the l'rviibytt.>rian in the United States of America.




Loftin, nianufaituriT.


ventor, congressman, wax born July 19, 1854, near Georgetovm, Ky. The Johnson girder rail, rnadi* and pat«>nte«i by hini. has come into extended use on street car lines



The J<duwon com*

in 1804 inoreased its plant by erect* ing ont' of the largest steel mills in the county in Loraine. Ohio, a suburb of Clevehind. In 18!(1 -!)."> he was a representative from Ohio to the fifty-seeoiul and liftytliird congresses as a demo .it. since 1001 he has been inay«>r of ('Ie eland, Oliio.



Wales, author, wus bom Dee. 28, 1848, in Brooklyn, N.Y. She has resided in Europe since 1875, and mainly in Italy. Slie is tiie author of The NepJohnson,


Her other works .losepli. The Jew; A Sack of (iold; Calderwood Necn-t; Two i)ld Cats; Miss Nancy's I'ilj^riniage; A Foreign Marrlape; An Englinli Dai-^y Miller; The House tune

'aKe. her fini »t effi rt.



of the Musician-. 'ruli[) Place; The Fainalls of Tipton; America's (Jodfather; Lily of the Hour; Genua the Superb; The Treasure Tower of Malta: The Royal Physician;


Cat-kill Fairies,

Johnson, W. IL, mechanic, inventor, was horn in 1834. He was the reputed inven* tor of the tidegraphic switchboard.



July 28, 1U02, in Louisville, Ky. . Johnson, W. W., lawyer, banker, was liorn Aug. 17. 1S'J<'>, in Muskingum county, Ohio, in 18.>3 he began the practice ot law in Ironton, Ohio. In 1858-00 he was judge of







Uliio; and in 1874 was nominated to the supreme bench.

judicial district of

JiAnson, Waldo Porter, soldier, hnv i. United states senator, was born Sept. He be* 16, 1817, in Harrison county, Va. came pro.secuting attorney and judpe of his judicial district in Missouri; and in 1861-63 he was United States senator. Johnson, Wallace, edmator, pliy-^ician. author, was born May 2. lH»»7, in .Midtlletown. Ohio. He uas adjunct profesT*or of pathfdogy and l>act. rioIo<,'y at the WashIn ington i>o?»t •:ra<luHte medical school. 18!l4-10<^ he practiced medicine in Washington, U.C.; and he now practices in K«»seberry. Idaho. He is part autlior of Surg-



Johnson, Walter Lathrop, banker and broker of 71 Broadway, New York City, 14. 1S74, in N. w York City. was bom 11. Since 1898 he has been engaged in business in Wall street; and is a partner in the firm of Shearson, Hammil and company. He is i-.

vice-president of the Onderbonk estate; treasurer of the Princeton club of





JohsMB, Walter Rogers, eliemist. autiior, was bom June 21, 17U4, in LeominsMass. In 1848 he became connected with the Smithsonian institute in Washington, D.C. and in IH.'il was sent to the World's fair in Ix>ndon. He was the author of Tile Use of Anthracite; Report on Coals; Coal Trade of Hritisli America; Natural Philosophy and Memoir of L. D. voB .s<liweinit/. He died April 26, 1852, in poet, ter,

Washington, D.C. Johnson, Warren S., engineer, inventor, was born Nov. 6, 1847. in Brandon. Vt,

Among the number of his inventions may be nuMitioned Johnson's system of heat regulation; and the impulsive railway by means of which mail uid esfness matter is forwarded on special cars. Johnson, William, law

reporter, author, 1770 in Middklow n. Conn. In served as reporter of the supreme court of New York; and in 1814-23 held the same relation to the New York court of chancery. He published New York

was born lH(M)-2.'{



Court Kcports; New York Chanand Digest of Cases in the N«'v York. He died in .Inly. i.S4S, in New York City. Johniion, William, lawyer, jurist, state legislator, author, was born Dec. 27, 1771, in Charleston, S.C. He as elected to the South Carolina state ie;:iH,iature in 1794; and was re-elected and made speaker. He was subsequently chosen a judge of the circuit court of the state; and in 1804-34 was an associate justice of the supreme court of the United 8tatea. Ue was the author of Life and Servicea of Matlmniel creetie. in two volumes. He died Aug. 11, 1.^34, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Johnson, WHUam, clergyman, author, was Supr«.riie ci





Court of

horn April 10, IHll, near Heaufuit. S.C. He was educated ut Beaufort college ; at* tended Trinity college of Hartford, Conn.; ni "studied at the theological seminary of Alexandria, Va. He was ordained in I8;t4; and was rector at St. John's of Montgomi

iiy. .Ala.-, rector at St. Stephens of Miiledyevillc. lia.; rector at Cliri.-t's cliurcli of TuM' Ala., and rector at the churches on St. Helena Isle and Kdisto Islands, S.C. He lilled pastoriates at Joseph, ha.; and for seventeen years At l..i-banon and IJolla, Mo., and St. .lames and Cuba. For lifty-seven years lie was an eminent priest oi (he |>rotestant episcopal church. He was tlic author of a 'Treatise on Infant Baptism; The Church's Argument for Christianity; A Review of Sn<nlgrass on Apostolical •Succession ; Review of bmy the on Confirmation; and was a prolific contributor to tiie rcliij;i«>us literatun- of liis times. He died Nov. 11, 181)2, in Kolia, Mo. His son, Kich-

oru Love Johnson, Rolls,


a noted physician of


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